Ordinance 241 - Form of SID 106 Bonds--BDl11TA:'1GB ITO, 241. THE 1+('K1,1 r <<J MA112IER OF OF ISUMME or IMP'�0VNI'71,T -D1,STRICT B011IDS, 1.13SUF1,l) AGAIN,1111, F-,P:P,Cj,Pil4 I1J.11R(,'15_LTf,,NT DISTRICT NO, 106, CITY 0-TI YAIT:-ISPELI­ BrS JT !':,Y T 'B CI!111Y C()1=12. UP THE C11111 ()P Se ction 1, All special improven�ent District ondu autAmwized to be issued and delivered in payment of the costs and expenses incurr- ed in znaking the ij.1 proveraents described in -4eeL)_'1_uLiDn 1110. 390, (xpp- roved May 10th, 1911, creatifig Specin,l Improvement District NO. 106 of the City of Kalispell, s7a.rl1 be dzIt(.d July lst. 1911, shall he Of the denominattion of t500.00 eacIll (except auc'n b)nd m,-a,y lue necessary for any fractional part of $500,00 to a,,-)nijj1ete nny final payment under the contract for inaking evil improvement) and shall ben.r inter- est at the rate of 6% per annym, interest pr3yable on the first day OC .­nuary in each, year, said shall be 6se and payable on or before the first day of January, 1921, aasfd shall be re�jstered as, of date of, ilay let, 190, in the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Kv_fispeil, Fach of the said bonds Ftto.clied tnereto ten intere2t coup- ons, The said bonds shall be signed Q� the Diayor and ts2e City Clerk AmIl Wvn he (torporat< ser:l of tkie City C'I'ixed t1qe-reto, Lind t"ne interest coiApons attached to ench of said bonds shall beer the engra%red Fac Bille signatures uf Ue Wyor rand the City Cl.e,-k, Each bond be registered V 10w Office of the Cita, Treas-urer, shall sig,21 his 'lam , t, of bonds. e on the re�"iq -cation of eac"11 I'Wt.1 on 2. be The bonds small in fo.rm and ,e as follows: UYITED I'll T f� 111E0,v pa'um SPI]CIfJ, I3M1P1R()V3`,L'"F1,T T 1, T"11 3 )i D. of the City of Ka -, ispell, :;fate of ­,onbana. 9pe"al Ingrove.nent 7;istrict iio, 106, Issued by the City of Y,alispelj, tionta,rink, to jay for and a. portion of 'Win Street, in r_:eir.l City, and lu,,yinfcurbs, sidewalks and crosswalks thereon, in aemvdance with a �esolutio-,% of the City Counci", prised and a_)proved -,,,,ay l0th, 2�11, creatltig !'Pec.ial Improver,aerit �Dimtrkt 14 . 10 6 , ;md the Ord ii.­__,�ncz, e)f City. -------------------------- 'he City of Kalispell, L`unioipal Corporation f the states of hereby promilses to pay to or bcarer, $,1500.00, lawful money of ja 07777777TWO 770770rent theremi °'rc�axv and ,After the 1st. dray of july, 1911, q..t the rate of 6, per annuni, pa y,-_bie annu:-Illy, [)rincipal and inter set 1)nyable out of District 111o. lo6 provided for by Ordinance no. of said City rtnd riot oL,,-ierv1.se, at tm.,,ie office of the City Treazuvev of id City. T-Iliiq bona mi,payable on or before the Last. day ol" Jvnuacy, 1921, and is pubject to call by the City Treasurer of' said City whenever there shrs.11 be sufficient money in o,ri.id "und to -,,,-,ry tj-.e 9:ame, togeot'ner with a1l. urn :id bondf� of the saine r-,eried of r,,nich this bond , one, 'j?hieh ,:are ,rior tr) this bond i-n nuTrtc­­icP_1 ;rder, over :nd above sai- ficient funds for the payment of interest on all. unp. id bonris of said serie& A coupon iq ,,,ereto rattpc}-iend fQr eaMch of inL.erest to accrue hyreon, and said intnret 1 be _paid only on pre,;,entation and ourTender nf much COUP&M: to the City Treasurer, but in on,se &is bond is called for payment before itIF slaattarity, e.,jejj s)Drj eyery roulian representing interest not accrued at the time this bond is 1)<xyable under such call, 9hall be void. The call for payment of this hond or or any none: of tyre series of 'c'hich this is one, sh"'11 be made ?�,y the City Treasurer by publishiric.. the B�Ie in t1ne afficial newspaper of sF: id City, niundnr-! a date upon ;rhicI guch bond is �,,jaya.ble, and w.,�en �.-,uch c.,,11 j,r, tje - � e, . L � sy ,, of "is bond, intment thereon oholl cez-se on the dey desicru�ted in such notice. This bond in one of a series -Ig jrL all, apipro,,,.irlately, the principal suri of sixteen Vaousalld($16,000.00) dollars, isIued in ynent fo-r i�n writ Special Improve�,.,wL T)istrict Eo. 106, all of which bonds are subjected to the, snore terms anti con:?itions -3.9 -1 ng horein expressed, and are payable in numerical order, beginning 'with t-,,ie lowoot number. It is hereby certified ,.,und re citefj all acts nd thj.ngs re- quired to Le done procedent of the ,.,sue of this �ond nave been pro- perly done, happened nod penormed in txie ,miner prescribed by tie of trje Cta_jte of 7,lontann and the resoluti.ons .^nd ordii-,nncen of the City of Kalis2_ell re3n.tia to the isownee thereof. IN YIITIF,77, YnTERROF, the City of -L -alicpoll iiae cnuged -6heze presents to bo signed by Ws Mayor and attested by Ws City Clerk and sea ed with it's, cory"ate seal, and the coupons nereto tattached to beer t--,ie fae-simile sigmiturep of sai,,j Mayor card City Clerk, this day of july, A.D., 1911. CITY 1LI, W, nx Attest: City Clerk. ,lid bond shall be endorsed an follows: UECIAI 11;111ROVT,' _D17'!7ICT IR-111). istrict ,to. 106 of tirie City of Kaiisoell, of Iftontazla. Dated jUly 1st. 1911, Interest at 6f;, per annum, PAYABLE AYIFUIETY, at the office of the CTTY TREASURIER, in tl',ie City ofKai- ispell. 11eFistered let. day of July, 1911. City Treasurer. Section 3. That said bonds shall kiave ­,ttached thereto ten(10) interest coupons, Evhich s�id coupon-, shall be of The following ','arm except Coupons No. 1, which sijall. be for fifteen ($15.00) dollars: F!1yT`Cl,U, I�UTROV,?!,T!+ITT 'DISTRICT 1,7() . 106 ,,u I T 1) 1117E'F',T COIJPOE; 110. On the first 6a,y of J_muwrly, l()_, The City of Kalispell, Idontana, Promises to P"ly to t""e, be,,�'rex, at the f-frice of tide city T'rea,,zurer, Dollars. bein;_r one irate ro�s-, d1je,77777=,y ­oN of the bonds of Special Improvement Distr[ct Uo, 106, of KF797)711, out of Improvwnt District No 106 -Fund, and np orwise; provided LhaL this coupon b suj.,ect to tne terms 1 6,i, ion : cont,,;in- el in t.-',-,.e bond to which it is �'nnoxod. Attest: City Clerk. Section 4. None of th- bonds ad except upon the written orIer Panned imd approved 1,1-iiq ?4tn, Attest- !_h.KFET)A1L, City Clerk S We of Mon Uma, County of Flathead, SS. City of i-alispell. provided for herin shn-2i be deliver- f trie City Council, day of july, 1911. C . vl-ri I P P -) , Unyor. I JI.A,Kendall, City Clerk of trig ',f halispoll, ontana, do hereby certify th°t on t1he C d of lull. regoi,ar Ordinance ired in Or - I cause,,J the fo to b 174 and that q,-�id Ordinance remnined diaance 1,.To. p srt d'' for a period of f i v,a d , ;y 9, rind that U are Have been no. c 11 ea rig e S or Z,, I ter ion,, made therein nince the a A r�pprov�rl thereof by the City Council, nor in the recordiajg thereof. Recacded herein Vln� rtific,-�, naa,de thisl�� Ky of 1911. . ... .... .. City Clerk.