Ordinance 235 - Special AssessmentsORIDANACE 1,10. 235,
131;1 IT OHDA�,=710 EY WE WNW ("P T121 CITI PT F0,15ppaj:
Section 1, All Wcinl assessments nereintoforn ieviecn or which
may hereafter be levied by the council of the city of KaJispell, to
pay the cost of mneademizing, paving or curbinp, tny street in said City
or the cost of cons truc dism,retlks, sevrers, or £i.ny ot'ner iiinprove-
t"enU', vl: iQ.h "seen or ohiwb nal heTea:A't-i'ue� t)'Y the
Council. ; be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Kalispell,.
Section 2, On the First HonAV in December of each Year a,t six
o'clock P,M,, all unpaid special assessments v,,hich naive been levied
at leavt thirty days prior to said tiny, are deliwuen, end thereafter
t,e City Treasurer must collect for the me of tiIe City ,,;n
tan per cent, and interest at the rate -,,,f one i.)er cent per month must
be collected an such delinquent assessments, fro�-n. the tixro, teiey were
first delinquent until paid.
Eaction 5, The City Treasurer hris the some pov,,er to noli.ecL "11
Said specinj Psseow-entr mentioned in thin ordironce rs the county
Treasurer ham to collect county and `mate TFx0fl, W01 hns the some rir_'rjt
to give notices, nn6 sie,,,7e and Sell Caroper%,, for delinqiAent
nosessments, to give deeds to Purch,3sers mad to do zanyth-Jnf_�• that n
c0urltY tre--rel' m6F�,'ht do in the premises, provided yin Part Ill_
Title X, Chapter VIII of the political COdO Of the State of Montana,
except that Y.,te mvot inake settlement with the City Council.
Section 4, All Ordinances and perts of Ordinc.nces i-n. conflict
here i,vi r�re nernby re,e,Ieo.
Passed and npproved tl-�ir, 17th, of Jitly 1911.
Attest: wayor
City Clerk.