Ordinance 236 - Special Improvement District 104ORDIITAIICE 110. 2 6.- Ah 7%IRE1;MJ7 A'IM DECIARM MAT All Tl�-,Q COSTS Al,,I) ,EX - Po ES OF I -AXING ITLMOVI'l', 11TE IN Plq?CIAJ ]DISTRICT 1,10. 7.04, cr is'n,;I'l, MOMMA, S1'.h13, BE fiSSEc,23ED AGAINEST El.-M PAID BY TO BE AS1S)1PSS!PD FOR TEA1Z PART 0� TELF W11,01,T1, COIST ITIS A'Rfl,A BT]IdIS TO '21.7,F TIQMR!�, DISTRICT, 1,�-,KCLUSIVE OF STR!i]ETS, PUBLIC PlAC-RIS, ]\:,D 1-1110VIDING MAT SAID SnECIA1, ,.`AY BN ,'AID Ili TEE 07TUPL KP MOVIDINn F07, TTIT! ]SMi-ANCRI V 1 PECI'1 IL,IPROVE.!,TIET 1`01,'PS Ill PAY11.101,TT (? ' ',UCH COt T�-! AND BE IT OTIDAII!!a,'-D BY T?T!;,' CITY COUNCII, M�' T11111 Cl_."Y OF KAJ.ICPRILL, IK'011T, Section 1. That the enhire cont and expense of makinfT the improve- ments prnvided ['or in Resolution W. 404, provisinnt-illy -ndopted and approved on the 22nd. dv;y of Lay, 1911, �,md fin -ally -adopted and appro- ved on ti.-ae 5-th. day of June, 1911, erecting Speci,,,,l Improvement Pis- trict 110 104 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the purpose of grading and pavirp Mat Ave . H., in suid City, and constructing swW", sideweiko ,end cronow0ke in naid district, �Rll in accord,mce with the specificotions an file in tLe City Engineerls Office and with the Ordinances of tkie City of Kalilpell, and providing thirst the cost,, of constructir,E, ,,u(,h improvernents, includirC2: costs, ol' street a7-nd alley intersections, M11 be borne cmd mid by the ir,perty wiLhin 9<,I,id Improvement District, shall be paid by ti;e entire -district described in the Had Resolution creatinF staid Special Improvenent District Ho, 10n and thet eaK lot or parcel of land within said district shvA be smspssud. For that ;part of t"t-Le whole cost expense which it'n areabanxs to the cxea of the entirc, District, exclusive of streets, alleys ayid put)lic places. Section 2. 2hat e'.11 tne cost,:, and e:Kpenoe,; inciirred in aaki,nfy, ov,,id improvemento 8!L,­;_]3_ be paid by SpecisF]. Improvement '.District Bonds, Such bonds Djjatja, be of the (jenomina.tion of $500.00, be -ring, interest Lit the rate of 6% per annum, and shall be in fixed by an ordinance of s< id City Council. "ectiur, 3. 'i"hat the svid "pecivl Assessments Yiaay be < id in ten equ,,]. annual instzaI_Iments, bep_,-inninfwith the year 1912. ''ection 4. That all Ordinances and parts of ordinance: in con- flict with this Ordinances be vmd the sane are hereby re,)etlled. Z_pprovedl Ll�is of July, A.D., 2.911. TC.Whipps, iIttest: JI.A.MI'MAl1, M-yor. City Clerk. State of 1ontana, County of F1'a,thead, SS. City of Kalispell. I H.A,Kondill, City Cl dray of the City of Kalispell, n llcnta,n, do hereby certify that on the,:L �y of 1911. 1 caused %li the foreCoing Wmanceltu e jmcr qt,(� r, equired Ordinance 17o. 174 and that sqid Ordinance postaHor`_a period of five dfyv,, r-nd t Wat thAre have: been no chmaiger or alterstionq riade therein since t1w passaEe amd approval thereof by the City Council, nor in the recQrdiraf;, trercof. ,ecorded _'cierein '_6 tl-Js Cer -,,if i,ctit 1 t,,- i day of 4Ljr 1.911. City Clekk