Resolution 546 - Transfers FundsR 7, S 0 L IJ T 1 0 IT NO. 546 A -,"7,F')0LTT'r'ION T'RAT`7rc-777T?RIY(, ('TMTAl7 71M"DS IN 71711 CITY TRT",ASfJ-RY. R,74� IT BY 71- CITY COUNCIL OF 7177, CITY OF KALI ST_rUl , That the sure of Three hundred Seventy-eirjit and 18/1CC Dollars be trangferred from the Contingent Fund to the Water and Lij ,ht Fund for the purpooe of' tukino up and - and Lig4it Fund, paying Warrant #16595 off the eater Passed and approved thi,-,, 'Ith day of ApZil, 1914. ATT7S'f' CITY CLIPM.K.