Ordinance 306 - Rules and Regulations - Water Dept0 R D I N A N 0 7 NO. 306.
WITrIMP11AS it is the desire of the '.'Dater 'corks Depart-
ment of the City of 'Kalispell to furnish an abundant supply
of pure and cold water for every lep
gitimate purpose to every
citizen at the lowest possible cost,
Section 1. 'lie following rules are a part of the
contract entered into by every consumer of city water and the
failure to know the said rules will not excuse any one from
the -penalty for their infringerv-nt.
Application for City any purpose shall
'be made at the Water Department Office upon the printed form
supplied by the Water Department, which form must be signed
by the owner or duly authorized agent of the owner of the
property, on which the water is to be used. All orders for
turning water off must be made in writing to the Ifflatcr Depart-
ent and must be signed by the owner or duly authorized agent
of the owner of the property from which the water is ordered
shut off. When the water is ordered shut off from any pre-
mises all charges for water supplied to such premises shall
be immediately due and payable to the ',later Dey,)*trtmnnt.
SPi�OTION 3. WAT'T'R- RATMS _'P0 B711'11 WHTIM: Water rentals
at the' established -rate wf-11 be charged against the property
froni the date on which the water is turned on until the date
on which the property owner or agent orders the water turned
off, but no charge will be made nor water furnished for less
than half the monthly rate. No abatement for water rental
shall be allowed by reason of removal from the premises, dis-
use or diminished use of water, frozen -pipes, or vacancy of
premises, unless notice be given a," the time of such removal,
or disuse, to the Water Department,
S-O'CTIGN 4. PAYMENT OF WAT7R Rom' TAL: All, "bills for
water, whether by flat rate or met-r, are due and payable at
the office of the Water Department the first day of each month
for all water used the preceding month, and will become de-
linquent on the 10th day of the month, and if still delinquent
on the 20th day of the month, the water will be shut off, and
shall not be turned an until all bills are paid, including an
additional charge of one dollar ($1.0c) for turning on. Own-
ers of property served will be. held liable for all -'water and
service charges. 'Payments will be accented
oted from tenants, but
that will not relieve the owner if tenant becomes delinquent.
S1?,1CTICr, 5. After the rater his been turned off at
the curb cook as provided in Section 3, it shall not be turned
on by any person except an employee of the Water Department,
and if so turned on at the curb cock by any person other than
an employee of the water department, the Superintendent shall
have the water turned off at the main and shall charge against
the property owner a penalty of five dollars ($5.CC) which
must 'be Paid before the water shall again be turned on and in
addition thereto the party turning on said water in violation
of the provisions of this section may be punished for the viola-
tion of this section aq hereinafter nrovided.
SECTION 6, No person, company, or rorporation shall
knowingly take or use or allow to be used water without having
previously contracted for the same.
SECTION 7: It shall be unlawful for any owner,
agent or tenant to supply or permit to be supplied any water
to two or more buildings through one and the same connec-
tion except on special contract with the water department.
S7CTIOIT 8: if undue wastc is permitted, or water
is by-paseed to other consumers, or in cases of deception,
misrepresentation or abuse of the privilege of connecting
with the water system, the supply of water will be turned
off without notice, and a penalty of one dollar ($1.00)
shall be paid to the water department before the water is
turned on, and in addition thereto the offending persons
may be. punished ao hereinafter prescribed.
SROTION 9: The service pipe within and without
the premises and through its entire length to the, tap in
the City water main, together with curb cock and box, must
be laid, kept in repair and protected from freezin7 at the
expense of the owner, who shall hi responsible for all dam-
ages resulting from leaks and breaks, and no claim Ph311- be
made against the City of Kalispell on account of the break-
ing of any service pipe or apparatus, or for the failure in
supply of water. then there is ..% leak in the street and it
is doubtfal. whether the water is from a 'break in the city main,
or from a private service pipe, employees of the water de-
partment will make an excavation to determine which it is
from. If the leak is found to 1�e from the main, the water
department will make all repairs, but if it is from the, ser-
vice pipe, the owner of t'ri#7 property, or agent, will be noti-
fied and must imr.,lediately take charge of the excavation, re-
pair the leak, replace the street, and be responsible for
all dartmges which may result. In case the owner or
a agent
does not make repairs at once, the water department will
proceed, and 9.11 bAlls for labor and material will become,
a charge against said property, and shall be collected of the
owner or agent and -at the end of the month in case the, kill
is not paid, the enforcement of payment thereof grill be per-
formed in tqe same manner as for the payment of tills for
water rentals.
S7CTION IC: Contractors, builders or others
desiring water for building purposes must make a.pplination
to the water J,=T).artment prior to using same and the amount
to bp paid shall be 'based upon rateg.fixed therefor.
" R"CTION 11: The water delnartmpnt reserve,; the
right at any time without notice to shut, W11 o ef 1 1, t'q mains for
the purpose of making repairs or extensions or for any other
purpose, ,and no claim shall be made against the City of
Kalispell by re.), -,on of the brea.171agp of any service pipe or
from any other damage that may result from shutting off 9_aid
S74,10TION 12: The Water Department shall have access
at all reasonable times and hours to all parts of any building
or premises in wklich, water is being delivered from the water
maine, for the purpose of inspecting the conditions of the
pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used
and shall also have the right to remove the metera3 from
premises for examination and test when necessary.
I-` SNICTION 13: Hereaftor the service pipes mizgt be
so arranged that the supply for each Rppa.r.ate house or premises
may be controlled by a separate stop -cock placed at a -point
designated by the water department and the owner or agent of
said property will be hold responsible for all bills for water
used through said service for his or their use, or for the use
of others to whom it may be accessible.
S7=10N 14: There water is now supplied through one
service to several houses, families or persons, the Superin-
tendent of the water department may at his discretion either
decline to furnish water until separate services are provided
or may continue the supply on condition that one person shall
pay for all on same service.
SRCTIQN 15: None but licensed plumbers shall be
allowed to do, any work in connection with the service pipes
when water may be drawn from the City mains, and all plumbers
must make return to the Superintendent of water department
a true and correct account of the work done within twenty-four
hours after completion.
SECTION 16: It shall be unlawful for any person
to open, close, tarn or interfere with, or to attach to or
connect with any fire hydrant, curb co4R, or valves, without
permission from the water department, or to distrub or darn -age
any pipe, machinery, tools or other property of the water de-
partment, or to throw any substance " into any reservoir or wae tr
main or to bathe in any reservoir, or to deface or irJure any
buildings belongire, to or connected with said water system.
S7CTION 17: Conniimirs supplied 'by meter shall
ta*? e every reasonable precaution to 'Protect same from injury
or dange by frost or otherwise and shall be liable for all
injury to iretere. If from any cause the4 r fails to
register correctly, the clrixge to the consumer shall be at
the -ate used for the corr-s-pon(ling period of the month crev-
ious, or if for any reason the rate for the corresponding
period of the previous month cannot be justly applied, the
rate shall be equitably adjusted by the Superintendent of the
Water Department. For the testing of each meter at the re-
quest of the property owner, or lessee, if the meter is found
defective, no charge will be made, but if found in good order
or registering in favor Of the consurnter, a charge of 01,00
will be made.
SECTION 18: AVery person who, wit'n intent to
injure or shall.
A. Break or deface the sea,] on any meter; or
b. Obstruct, alter, injure or prevent the action
of any meter or other instrument used to measure or register
the olzantity of water supplied to a consumer thereof, or
c. Yake any connection by means of a pipe, or other-
wise, with any main or pipe used for delivery of water to n,
consumer thereof, in such manner as to take water from said
main or pipe without its passage through the meter, or other
instrument provided for registering the amount or quantity con-
sumed, or use any water so Obtained; or
d. Make any connection or reconnection with such
mW�An Or pine, or turn Off or on, or in any manner interfere
with any valve, stop -cock or other erpliance connected there-
with; or
C. Prevent by the erection of ,,,iny Icvj c%e or con-
StrUction, or by any Other mcn,ns, free access to any meter
,or other instrum,�n t for registering or measuring the amount
or water consumed, 0interfere A,;ith, obstruct 'o-r prevent
by a,n,y rnrans, the rea,ding or inspection of sucli meter or
instrument by any of employees of the water department
of the City Of Kalispell, shall be deemed gu4 1 ty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not
less than $5.f01 or more than $50.0C or may be punished by
imprison.merit for not to excece, thirty days or both such
fine and imprisonment.
MT,TION 19: The lawn season shall extend over a
'Period Of five months beginning ',ay let and ending September
3C th. Lawn rents shall. be due and nal, 7able in advance, and
no a for vacancy will. be made for less than half
the lawNseason.
S 7,7 T 10 11 2 0 : Ila 'person shs.11 use or hermit to be
used a street wosher, lawn or garden sprinkler -except upon
his 013-1 p rP-,Ij s o s f a r 7u1,iich he has made application and
paying rental.
S�CTIOTI 21. Yo hose larger than one inch in
dia,.neter, shall be used from any service Pi-,)O Vlt',rIcLlt special
permission froyr, the water department
Section No srrinkIinqr shall be (lone by con-
sumprq of water on a flat rate -without a nozzle attached to
the hose having an Opening not larger than one quarterof
an inch in diameter,
S74TTION 23. It shall be unlawful for consumers
of water by flat rate to use tY water for irrigation,
hosinF2 or sprinklirvp purposes at any time except beitween
tne hours of 6. A. 1L, to 10. A. M. and from 6. P. M. to
10 P, M,
SUCTION 24: No person shall dray,,, !any water from
tile city rn;ain during a, fire, except far the extinguishment of
a fire.
SPICTIOU 25: For any violation of the rule-, or
ordinances pertaining to the use at the same may be,
turned c—C without notice a,nd will not be turned on until
the ruiec and regulations are complied with and all bills
-ire paid together with an adclitional gum of 4)2.CC and the
offending person or -persons may also be prosecuted in addi-
tion thereto.
S7PCTION 26: Any person, company or corporation
violating any of the rules and regulations hereinbefore
expressed or viola, inC any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance, may upon conviction be punished by a find all not less
than five dollars ($5.ro) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.0,C)
or by imprisonment for a term of not to exceed thirty days
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
STITTTOTT 27- All or4inances or parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby
Pv,soed by Qie City Council this P5th day of April,
Approved by Mayor this 25th day of Aril 1914.