Resolution 541 - SID 151551 R ?, S 0 L 13 T 1 0 N EG. 541. A RjSOLUTION DESIGNATING TH7 1JUW31M 01' A SPINCIAL IMpR(v.,4�DISTRICT, DESC-RIBINC T17BOUNDARI_P0 "i' 73:OF, STATING TH?, CITARACT-IM OF THM, II' IROV711TIENTS VVIUCH AT rm, TO BE, 14ADE, AND TT11'1 A"PrROXIM%TR, EPS)TIMAT741, OF '2117, COST TNRR70P, AND THE UM, V,771'4 TH7 COUNCIL WILT, HEAR OFJl?jCTIONS TO ITS MAL ADOPTION. BE IT OTIDA177,T) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISP7LL, MONTANA: Section 1, That it is deemed necessary to create and there is hereby created, a special JmDrovernent district, the boundaries of -which are hereinafter set forth, Section 2. That the number of said Special Improve- ment District is hereby designated as No. 151. Section 3. That the 'boundaries of said Special Im- provement District are hereby declared to be as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 110, and thence running in a southerly line along, the east bo!'Indary of Fourth Avenue West to the center of Rlev�-nth Street and from thence running in a westerly direction thru the center of Eleventh Street to the point of intersection with the east boundary of fifth Avenue 'lest and from thence running in a norther!Zr direction along the 'Fast boundary of Fifth Avenue I Nest to the northwest corner of Block 110 and, from thence to the place of 'beginning, including therein Blocks 110 and 111 of the Original Townsite of the City of Kalispelland Block* 9, and 15 of Fisher's Addition to the City of Kalispell. Section 4. That the cYinracter of improvements to be made in said Special Improvement District is hereby declared to be as follows: The installation of a sanitary sewer in the alley contained in the district as described above. Said sewer to be eigh t inches in diameter at its north end and ten inches in diameter at its south end. Section 5. That the approximate cost of construct- ing said improvement is $1,322,51. That the alproximate cof)t of the engineering, inspec- tion and all other expenses incurred in creating and com.)leting said improvement is $98.00. Section 6. That the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be paid by the said improverrient district and assessed against the property therein contained. 7,ach and every parcel of land within said district shall be assessed for and pay that proportion of the entire cost of said improvement that its area. bears to the area of all the property included within said improvement district. erection 7. That said assessment shall be paid for in five equal annual installments and are hereby extended over a period of five years. Said assessment shall constitute a fund to be known as Special Improvement District Fund No. 151, Section 8, That said improvements shall be paid for in Special Improvement District Warrants i­,sued against said district in the sum,of $100.00 each. Section 9. That on the 2nd day of March, 1914, at the Council chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., the City Council will hear objections to the final and official adoption of this resolu- tion, at which time any person or persons who are owners or agents of owners of any lot or parcel of land within said im- provement district, who shall, within fifteen days after the first publication of the notice of the passage of this reso- lution have delivered to the Clerk of the City Council, a protest in writing against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the district to be aseesged or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting in person or by counsel and show cause, if any there be, why the improve- ments herein mentioned should not be made. Section 10., That the following notice of the adoption of this resolution shall be published in the Daily Inter Lake, a, daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell, for a period of five d9yo, to -wit: NOTICP, IS IIPR,*TBy GIV',PN, that on the 10th day of Februu-cy, 1914, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, adopted P certain resolution of intention to create a special improvement district for the purpose of making the following improvements in said district, namely; For the purpose of installing a, sanitary sewer in the alley between Fourth and Fifth Avenues West running from Seventh Street to RieventlIq Street. The estimated cost of which is the sin of $1420.31, which cost is to be assessed as a special assessment against tl".r, aroperty embraced in said district. That the said reso- lution of intention is No. 541 and is on file ir the office of the Clerk of the City of Kalispell, to which resolution for a description of the 'boundaries of said district, reference is hereby made. Thet the property to be effected by the creation of said Special Improvement District and the assess- ments thereunder is described as follows, to -wit: Blocks IlC and 111 of the original townsite of the City of Kalispell, and Blocks 5, 9 and 15 of Fisher's Addition to the, City of Kalispell. That the City Council of the City of Kalispell will be in session on the 2nd day of March, 1914, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at which time and place, the said Council will hear objections to the final and official adoption of said resolu- tion and at which time any person or person who are owners or Dgents of owners of 'any lot or parcel of land within said proposed district, who shall, within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice, have delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, a protest in writing against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of said proposed improvement district, or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting, in person or by votinnel and show cause, if any there,b�e why the improvement proposed to be made, should not be made, or why such improvement district should not be creeted. By order of the City Council of the City of Kalispoll, Yontana. Dated, February 14th, 1914. Date of first publication '!'cbnuary 14th, 1.914. C. J. NICAllister, City Clerk Of said City of Kalispell, 553 The Clerk of sai�t City is hereby directed to mail a copy of thP foregoing notice to every person, firm or corpora_ Lion, or the anent of such person, firm or corporation having property within the proposed district, at hie last knowD ad- dress, upon the day of the direst publication of this notice. The foregoing resolution passed this 10th day of February, 1914, /W Approved by the 14ayor thi3 t-O'th d,, -3, y of 1914. MR AYO, ATT-OST: CITY CL7qX. STATE OF MONTAVA, ( COUNTY OF FLATHF,,�,n, SS. CITY OF ?TALI SPML. I, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, ',,Iontana, do hereby certify that on the fourteenth day of February, 1914, 1 caused the foregoing Resolution to be posted for a period of five days as required in Ordinance No. 174 and that said Resolution remained posted for a period of five days and that there hz4vebeen no changes or altera- tions nnade therein since the passage and approval, thereof by the City Council nor in the recording,, thereof. Recorded herein and this certif'.icate made this 25t!a day of February, 1914. CI TY CLERK.