Resolution 547 - SID 156R F S 0 L U T 1 0 IT NO, 547. A MMOLUTIOR DESIGNATING TM7 NUIMPIR OF A SPECIAL IMPROVIPl'Y&T DISTRICT, -21ITP LIOUN7)ARIES TinoMmOF, STATING THE CHARACTIM OF THE, IMIROV"MMENTS tVFIICB APY, TO BF, MAJ)'X, AMD THIS APPROXIMATE FSTIMATT OF THE COST THERROF AND TH'T TIMN MIETIF THR COUIXIL WILL HrAR OBJRCTIONS TO ITS FINAL ADOPTION. BY, IT ORDAIN71) PY T117 CITY COUNCIL OF THIP CITY OF KALISPML, MOYTAITA: Section 1. That it is deemed necessary to create and there is hereby created, a special irnrrov,,,�ncnt district, fr.e boundaries of which are hereinafter set for'th. Section ;?, That the number of saAd Special Improv(,- ment District is hereby designated 9.s ro. 156. Section 3. That the boundaries of said Special Improlro,ment District are hereby declared to be as follows: Beginning at a point where a line drawn through the center of T�Paelfth Street would irite,rf5ect &, line drawn throughthe center of the alley runningY through Block 215 and from thence running in a southerly direction through the center of the a.11ey in Block 215 to a point where a line so drawn would intemect a line drawn through the center of "hirteentii Street and :from thence running in an easterly direc',don along the center line of Thirteenth Street to a point 711,ore a line so drav�fl would intersect a line drawn tdlvoulc-n Lie center of the alley in Block 214 and froin thence running in a northerly direction along u line dravin throug ri the center of the JL-Ley in Block 214 to a point where a line so drawn i�;ould intersect a, line drawn through the center of Twelfth Street and from thence to place of beginning. Section 4. That the character of the iin-o-ovements to he rnade in said Special Improvement District is hereby declared to I-,(- as follows: For the purpose of laying a water main in First Avenue Fast running from the present terminus of the water main in First Avenue 'Past at or about the point of inter- section with Twelfth Street and extending, the said water main through First Avenue Bast to Thirteenth Street and for the purpose of a, hydrint on said sater main for fire protection purposes at or near Thirteenth Street. Said water main being also eitabli=,,hed for the purpooe of supplying; -,"lat-r for dorilpFtic user, to property adjacent thevetQ Section 5. That the uj)proxinqate cost of construct- ing, said imp-roverient is $462.42. That the ,,.,proximatp cost of the engineering, in- spection and all other expenses incurred in creating, and completing said irri-prove,,,,ienL is Section 6. That the entire cost and expense of said improve.i.,ient snail i>e paid *by the said improvement dis- trict and assef-,,ued aeainit Lne pro)ertzjiherein Contained. Each and every D)ip,ce olr pLtrcej of land included within said Special Impruvenlent District s_ilall pay that r)o.r- tion of the entire cost js its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of str(,,ets, alleys and public places. Section 7. That said za.ss essraen t shall be Paid for in five equal anniial installments and are. hereby extended over a period of' five years. Said ucsessnlent shall consti- tute a fund to be known as Speci�.0 Improvement District Fund j1o. 156. M S(,,ction 8. Th,,,3.', s,,iid iM)rOv(IMent,-; 'rc 01�id f'or in Special Improve merit District 'vvarrz--tnts issued againet said district in the sxn of , lco,oc each. Section 9. 'Chat on the 27th day of j`Pril, 1914, at tiie Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, 'Llontana, at 7:.5C o1clock p. the City Council will near objections to the final and official adoption of this resolution, at whic-?l time. any re —on or persons who are owncrq or agents oaf' 0,,,vylerc, of any lot or Parcel of land with- in said improve-:fient district, -,rho shall, rn=ithin fifteen d�tys after 1,1 , P ij�- first pul�iication of the notice of the as`— a-e of this resolution and, intention, have delivered to the Clerk of t'ne City Council , a -protert in writing, against the, proposed work or against the extent or creation of the dis- trict to be assessed or both, rhall Ilave the right to ,appear at said riectin- in person or ty courl-,cl and show cause, if any teie-oe be, ovhy' the in�provemente kierein :neritioned should not be r.iade. Section 10. That tile folia"Ving n��tice of the adoys- tion of this resolution shall t,e published in the Daily In-or Lake, a daily newspaper rublis�ied in the City of Kalispell, for -a period of five days, to—vit: NOTICIP 19 TITTIM7PY GIV711, that on the, seventh (lay of April, IU14, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, ?,Tontaria, ad doptea certain resolution of intention to creata= a special i m� - u �� n-- o -,1. 0 v e ,meyit jistr 0 0 .1 -1 11 ict for tl e purl) ��e f - kin tI, following improvements in said district, namely: For the purpose of laying a Nvater gain in 17irst Avenue 7ast running; from the present terminue of the water main in First Avenue 'ast at or about the point of intersec- tion vjjf`'°j Twelfth Street and extending the Said water main through First Avenue lllast to Thirtc=eiith Street and for the, T)jjrj)ol-,e of �otablishing a hydrant on said watF�r. Train for fire protection purposes ,vt or near Thirteenth Street. Said water main being also established for the purposO Of sUpPlYir'L? water for j0,,qejIic uses to nronerty adjacent thereto. ,rilp estimated cost of ,-,,hic-h is the ,,ttm of $47'1.42, which cost is to be assessed as a special asses.mrient again,-,t the propprbyernl,,raced in said district. 7�'i .t the Said resolu- tion of intention is 1,10. 547 and is on file in the office of the Cler-,c Of the City of Kalispell, to which resolution for a description of the �,Qund�j-rier, Of said district, reference is hereby nade . That the property to be effected -Ly the creation of said Special lmprovexrtent District and the assessluents there- under is described as follows, to-lvit: Tile vvest half of j3locEK 214 and the east half cf Elock 2115 of J�,,3,lispojl Townsitp Addition 7Wrniccr 2 to the City of jculisF according to the official -plat thereof on -file in the office of the County ClerX and Recorder Of Flatnead County, Yontanza, That the City Council of the City Of. Kalispell will be in se,s,sion on the 27ti'l day of April, 1914, at 7:3(' o'clock r. za, in the Council chambers in the City 14,%I1 in Kalispell, 'Aontana, at vdiich time and place, the -add Council will hear objections to the final and official adoption Of said resolu- tion and at which tine any person or persons who are owners or ,agents Of oviners of any lot or parcel of land -,,iithin said pro- -posed district, who shall, within fifteen days after Vle first nu'blic-ation of this notice, have delivered to the City Clerk of tine City of Xjlispell, a Protest in %vritincl? u,-,oinSt the -r)-nt)oqed work or a,,ainclt the extent or creation of said proposed imnrovar;Ient district -,, , or Loth, shall "nave t)je right to anpoar a,t said meeting in 'person or by counsel and show cauoe, if any th(—i-d be, Why the iraprovement pro- posed to I-,,e nade, should not be- made, or why such improve- mP-nt district should not I,e created. ny order of the City Councii of, tine city of X,z,ilispell, Uontunt)-- -Dated April 13th, 1914. Date of first ruH-ic=�tjoa, April 13th, 1911, C . J. IMICAIIISter, city clerk of said City of Xalispell. The Clerk of said City is hereby directed to -nail a copy of Vie foregoin notice to every person, firm or car- por-tion, or the agent of such person, firm or corporation, having property within the, proposed diqtrir-t, at his, last known address, upon day of the first pubIiczition of this notice. The forei�oin,x, resolution passed tTiis�serejjtjI lay of April, 19.14. 1914. Approved by the seventh day of April, MAYOR. A'7_"''"'SIT 4- city Clerk. STATTP OF MONTAVA(I COUNTY DIP FLATHRMD, SIS. C' . TY OF KkI,7S,1?T3,LL. 1, C. J. TICAlli—Stev, City Clerk of Uie City of Kalispell, Montti,na, do hereby certify that on the thirteenth day of April., 1914, 1 caused the foregoing Resolution to be posted for a period of fiire days as required in Ordinance No, 174 and thot said. Resolation r,�-�rqndned posted for a period of five days and that there have been no changes or altera- tions made ther4in since the passage and approval thereof by the City Council nor in the recording thereof. Recorded herein and this certificate made this 4th day of June, 1914. CITY CLITRK,