Resolution 543 - SID 153R 7 S O L IT T I 0 11 NO, 543. A T7SO dUTION n7ISIGYATING -117 NUW?''R OF A S117CI, IV,PROVrR.`'TNT I STPICT, D*TSCRIBIN1,, TH7 BOITTTMIRIES TTIRRPOl+, STATING TI CtT.AT?rLCT? R OP TH"S I'1_P71,()V7TPrT1TS TTIICTT ATIP TO BI, MA-r , ANTS TT7 APP'ROXIVATT" 'TSTITiATT+ Off' THT,, COST T17711TT07, ARM TITr TIM-T WHIPM 7117 COUNCIL WILL H7kR, OBJr7CTIO1W"; TO ITS FIN,, T, Ur flrOI3. BV, IT TTT'SOLYPT) THY TFF CITY COUNCIL OF THIR CITY OF KAI,I SYT,j,L, MONTANA : Section 1. That it is deemed necessary to create and there is hereby created, a spLcia,l irtrprovement district, the bcund�,ries of are hereinafter set forth. Section 2. That the number of said Special. Improvement District is hereby desiT nested as TTo. 1.53. Section 3. That the boundaries of :said Special Improvement District are .hereby declared to be as f`ollowS: Beginning at a point in the center o4f the alley in Block 23 and at a point on the North boundary line of Great Northern Ry. Co. right of way and from thence running in a northerly direction through the center of said alley to a, point in the center of Nevada, Street and fronj thence running in a. straight line to a point in the center of Sec- ond Avenue TPa.st and fr.orr thence running in a northerly di- rection_through the center of said Avenue to the south boundary of Wyoming Street and from,, thence follotxing said south boundary of Wyoming Street to a point in the center of the alley in Block 226 and from thence running; through the center of the alley in a southerly direction to the north boundary of the right of way of Great Northern Ry. and from thence to place of t)eginninf;. Section 4. That the character of improvements to be made in said Special Improvement District is hereby de- clared to be as follows: Constructing x.-ouleva.rds and grj€ss plots twelve feet in width on each side of Second .Avenue Bast in said District, sowing g:raQ, seed and planting trues therein and constructing wooden curbs. IM Section b. That tile opproximate cost of constructinr, saint improvement is $1,295.69. That the approximate cost of the ongineer- iriE_ inspection and all. other expenses incurred in creating and completing said improvement is $70.00. Section G. That the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be paid by the said improvement district and assessed against the property therein contairied, each and every parcel of said property to pay that proportion of the vfhole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district excll).aive of streets, alleys and public places. . Section 7. That said aqsessiaont shall be paid for in three equal annual installments and are hereby extended over a period of three years. Said asoersmcnt shall consti- tute a, fund to be known as 6pocial Improvement -District Fund ITO . 153. Section B. That said improvenento, shall k_-e paid for in Special Improvement District Warrants issued againet said district in the s=j of $100j,,0 each, Section 9. That an the lCth day of April, 1914, at the Council chambers in the City Hall of the City of Yaliv_ pell, 7.,'Ontana, at 7:3C o'clock p, m., the City Council will hear oijections to the final and official adoption of' this resolution, at whicll time any person or persons who are owners or a-genta of ownero of any lot or parcel of land within said improvement di-9trict, who shall, within fifteen days after the first puLlication of tae notice of the passage of this resolution and intention, have delivered to the Cleric Of the City Council, a protest in viritiri�?, a, airast the proposed work or a�,,ainst t',,ie extent or creation of the district b . arse �-,sed t to 0 or both, shall have the right to appear at said mvetin£ in per- son or by counsel and show cause, if any there 'he, why the, improvements herein mentioned should not 1.,e Ynade, Section 10, That the following, notice of the adop- tion of this resolution shall be publjqhed in the Daily Inter Lake, a daily nevispaper published in the City of Kalispell, for a period of five days, to -wit, VOTIC7 IS IIPR-PTY GIV't4IN, that on the 23rd day of March, 1914, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, ljontana, adopted a certain resolution of intention to create a special improvement district for the purpo(, of making the following inPrOvft'rn,-iit,s in said district, namely: ConstructinF, boulevards and grass plots t,,,jclve feet in width on each side of Second Avenue Nast in said district, sowing grass, seed and plantinf, trees therein and constructing wooden curbs . The estimated cost of which is the sum of which cost is to be assessed as a special assessment against the -property enritraced in said district. That the said reso- lution of intention is No. 54;5 and is on file in tile office Of the Clerk Of tile City Of KCaliSpelj, to wiYJiGjj resolution for a description of the (,oundaries of said district, reference is hereby Y.-kade. That the property to be effected by tile creation of said Special Improvement District and the assessments there- under is described as follows, to_,,At: West half of Flocks 23, 18, 3, 221, 222 and 224; 'Fast half of Blockt-, 226, 229, 230, 233, 4, 17 and 24 in the City of Kall,3pell. That the City Council of the City of Kalispell will be in session on the 10th day of April, 1914, at 7:30 otclock P. r.q. in the Council chambers in the City Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at -which time and place, the said Council will hear objection5 to the final and official adoption of said resolution and at which time any person or persons who are owners or agents of owners of any lot or parcel of land within said proposed district, who shall within fifteen clays after the first publication of this notice, have delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, a protest in writing against the proposed work or. ap �,aiI rist the extent or creation of said proposed iniprovernent district, or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting in person or 1',y counsel and show cause, if any there be, why the improvement pro- posed to te made, should, not be made or why such improvement districL should not be created. By order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Mlontaria. Dated March 25th, 1914. Date of first pul.,lication, March 25th, 1914. C. J. MicAllieter, City Clerk of said City of Kali9T)(--11. The Clerk of said City is hereby directed, to mail a copy of the fom:,oing notice ice to every person, firm or cor- poration, or the agent of such person, firm or corporation, h,aveing, property within the proposed district, at his last known address, upon the day of the first public;jtion of this notice. The foregoing resolution passed this 23rd day of March, 1914. Approved by the lllayor this 2.1Ma d-a� of MAVeh, 1914. MAYOR. City Clerx. STATF, OF TZONTANA, COUNTY OF FLATHRA), SS. CITY OF XALISIPELL. 1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Tiontana, do hereby certify that on the 25th day of '.,larch, 1914, 1 caused the foreL;oing Resolution to be posted for a period of, five days as required in Ordinance 31o. 174 and that said Resolution remainpd posted for a. period of five :gays and that there have been no changes or altera- tions made t1herein since the pass -age and approval thereof by by the City Council nor ill the recording?thereof. 'Recorded herein and this certificate made this 4th day -of June, 1914. City Clerk.