Resolution 537 - Assessment - SID 148IM R R S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO. 537 A '17SOLUTION LEVYING AN AS,9:FSS',,V9T1T- ON TTDP PROPip,'R7Y IN SPPCIAL IMPROV370PITT DISTRICT NO, 148 OF TIT23 CITY OF KALTUBU, MONTANA, SCR THr' OF )?,PRAYIYG 'PT -TT! COST OF A I211 SANITARY S7M77R IN 7111 A7,L71 PETIMIMIN SF,,'OVD ATTD THIRD A%rF- NU73'S RAST 110TITH FROK M=ANA STR77RT TO "IA911TINGTON STIR.17�T AND SERVING BLOCKS 18 and 3 IN SAID 13P" IT '9730T,1774M BY TITT', CITY COTJTPCIL OF "I'VE CITY OF KATIP'Fina, VON'0A: 7M"MAS, the City Council, of the City of Kalispell, Hontana, has heretofore passed a resolution by the t(,rr:-,s of which the construction of a lateral f3ewer in Flocks 3 rind 18 VaB author- ized and provision made thorein for the payment of the cost of said server by levying against the property within said istrict, the cost of said improvement being the sum of $ BV, Vl FURTW"M 772-01","'ED that a levy bc, made against all the property within the said Special Improven4ent District 110. 148 as follows-, FLOCK 18 Lot Ass of t In9t.'r, t 0 wn 0 r 1 43.09 14.36 Piph.el' -jr'arlk H. 2 43.09 14.36 Pishel, Frank H. 3 43.09 14.36 1100. Oliver ,I. 4 43.09 14.36 Swindell, :'Airy S 43.09 14.36 Johnson, Minnie S. 6 4,i. 0 9 14.36 Xalispell Athletic Azsn,(WJT.Griffin 7 43.09 14.36 Kalispell_ AtAlatic kzen,(W.11.Glriffin� a 43.09 14.36 Davis, James 9 43.10 14.36 Davis, James Ic 43.10 14.36 lfalisPeli Co. 117h�l. T.Oglo) ii 43.11 14.37 Hawkins, Wn, T � 43,11 14.37 JaIden, 7athias J. BLOCK 3 43.11 14.37 Trickey, J. -fi. 2 43.11 14.37 King, Chester 3 43.11 14.37 Bales, 7,-,na A, 4 43,11 14.37 Turner, Stephen A, N 5 21.55 7.18 Turner, Stc-ohen A, SY .5 21.56 7.18 !Aodesitt, rarqh L, 6 43,11 14.37 Modesitt, Sarah L, 7 43.11 14.37 Anderson, L, B. R, 8 43.11 14.37 Herrick, ilat.rtan L. 9 43.11 14.37 Stoop, Frank 1), 10 43.11 14.37 Steinbaupr, Anna 14. 11 43.11 14.37 Frolicher, John J, 12 43.11 14,37 lialden, Mathii,F, J. The -aforesail swing !-o be paid in three oqual annual ins tall- mento at the r-ite of 14. " for Vach and every, fifty foot lot with interest on deferred payments at the rate of six per cent ner anntLm, said payments to be made on or before the 3Ct�i day or Yo,m-*er of each and every year; Vie fir,,It of which payments, 91inl-I ?je male in the yeo.r 1914. Passed and approved this 16th day f � nitary, 1914. ATT-,,ST: _City r- I e- rR . STAT7 OF MONTANA, ( (70UYTY OIF -'P7LA',7JT7A-,), i S(S. CITY 07 XALISPI"LL. J. 'McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, idontnna, do hereby certify that on the 16th day Of Januj.ry, 1914, 1 caused the foregoing Resolution to be posted for a period of five days as required in Ordinance No. 174 end that sqid rf.solution rely afined posted for a per- iod of five days and that taere have been no changes or alter- --LtiO'0 Mide thVr'-!" since the passage and a pproval 'thereof by the City Council nor in the, recording thereof, Recorded herein and this certificate Y this 29th day Of January, 1914, City Clerk.