01-22-90 Development Comm MinutesCity Development Committee January 22, 1990 5.00 PM City Hall/Conference Room Attending: Chairman Noel Furlong; Committee members Jim Atkinson, Duane Larson and Barbara Moses; Susan Moyer and Ross Plambeck of CDD; Mayor Hopkins, Fire Chief Ted Waggener; Gary Whitman of 2nd Ave. W. Professional Building. Second Avenue West Professional Building Request Chairman Furlong opened the meeting and asked Susan to give the background and update those present on this request, after which Mr. Whitman would have a chance to discuss what the partnership had in mind and answer questions from the committee. Susan gave the history of the original loan, $67,000 at 5% interest for 5 years and remaining 10 years at current annual T Bill rate. She explained the partnership was asking for two things; 1) ATIF loan in the amount of $130,000 to $140,000 to purchase property adjoining their present property to eliminate blight and possibly use for parking, and 2) the city to 'roll-over' their original loan at the present 5% for the remaining 10 years. Mr. Whitman explained that the partnership has invested $1.7 to $1.8 million in their property, which is 100% leased for long term, and want very much to protect their investment. The property they are interested in has been advertised for sale before and they want to make sure the blight is cleaned up. They have no long range plans for the property at this time, have considered possibly some commercial development in the future, and if someone offered them a good price for the property in the future they would want to sell. They want TIF funding to help them in land assemblage, which would eliminate the blighted conditions. He stated that any assistance the city could give in keeping the cost down on their current loan so they could clean up the proposed area would be appreciated. C. Furlong explained the process of committees this request must go through and invited Mr. Whitman to stay if he would like while the committee discussed the request. He also stated to those present that the request for a loan of TIF funds to remove blight is certainly within the intent of 71F funding, however, since there is no long range plan for this property and it could very well be resold in future, it would come under the heading of speculation, which the city cannot get involved in at all. Mr. Whitman left at at 5:20 PM. After much discussion by committee, Jim Atkinson moved to have the CDD staff put the request in the form of a proposal and present it to the TIF Committee for their recommendation back to the CDC and on to the City Council for final approval. Barbara Moses seconded, motion passed. Committee then addressed the second part of the 2nd Ave. W. Professional Partnership which is to have the city re -write their current loan at 5% interest for the remaining 10 years. This request need not go to TIF committee as it is strictly city business. After discussion by committee, Jim Atkinson moved to respectfully decline the request to renegotiate 2nd Ave. W. Professional Partnership's current loan. Duane Larson seconded, motion passed. Fire Department Service Catwalk Ross reviewed the request for a catwalk in the fire department stating that $10,000 had • been budgeted for this project. The cost estimate by Architects Design Group was for $8,500 for the project and $2,500 for design and engineering work. The total cost comes $1.000 over budget. There was discussion of other options, possibly contacting other architects for cost estimates, or postponing other projects within the public buildings line item until later. There is also the option of transferring funds from the redevelopment fund line item, which would take council action. The committee decided to ask Fire Chief Ted Waggener to go back to the architects and negotiate the $2,500 design cost, or at least ask how they arrived at that figure and if it covers the entire project. The committee will meet again on this when Chief Waggener has talked to the architects. Other Business Chairman Furlong updated the committee on the Valley Bank proposal stating that it is a dead issue unless they resubmit their request. The Tax Increment Finance Committee did not recommend the request after reading City Attorney Neier's opinion. Noel stated the Griffin Field project is on the back burner for now. There is still a possibility of a project according to conversations with Ed Gallagher who has spoken to Darryl Wilson of Glacier Park Company. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. 0 9