Resolution 536 - Assessment - SID 146HE R R S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO. 536. A P7,PSOLTITION T-rVYING AN ASS7MT,7NT ON CERTAIN TIPOPr�,RTY IN SP7CIAL IMR0V7TfMNT DISTRICT NO. 146 OF T37 CITY OF KALISPPLL, MONTANA, FOR 717 PIM-P0971 OF D-1, RAYING TTH-T COST OF CONSTRUCTING A IC" SANITARY S,74V7R IN TIM ALLMY T37T7TP,1,T THIRD AND FOURTE, AVr- NU7S FAST FROM TH7 GR7AT NORTITTRIT RAITXAV RIGHT 01" WAY TO S7,COND STR",T AND 97RVING BLOCKS 39 and 42 in said district. P? IT '?73SCLV?,D BY THP, PITY COUNCIL OF THR, CITY, OF KALISPELL, I MONTANA: WHRRli,'ASS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Kontana, has heretofore passed a resolution by the terms of which the construction of a lateral sewer in Blocks 39 and 42 was authorized and -provision made therein for the payment of the cost of said sewer by levying, against the property within said district, the cost of said improvement being the sum of BPI IT FTJR'M'7R RESOLVED that a levy be made against all of the property within said Special Improvement District jTo. 14E as follows: BLOCK 39 Lot ASSMIt Instm't Owner 1 43.83 14.61 Kalispell Tsite Co.(Ers.R.R,Webber) 2 43.83 14.61 Webber, Ella R. 3 4-'5. 83 14.61 Webber, '.TllR R. 4 43.83 14.61 Webber. P411n, P. 5 4.5,83 14.61 Kelley, Jane F. 6 43.83 14,61 Broadivater, Martha 17 43.83 14.61 Dickey, Lou 11. 8 43.83 14.61 Haines, 0. J. 9 4:5.84 14.61 Dickey,T.711. (A. D. Vacdonald) 10 4.5.84 14.61 Kalispell .13ldg.& Loan (Taike Driscol! 11 21.91 7.30 Kalispell Eldg.&, Loan (Mike Driscoll 11 21.93 7.31 Buckingham, Vdith L. 12 43.84 14.61 Buckingham, Ward hLOCK 42 1 43.84 14.61 Logan, R. A. 2 43.85 14.61 Darmer, A -Loomis, S. D. 43.85 14.61 Knott, Edwin B. 4 4.3.85 14.61 Grant, ',Iary 5 43.85 14.61 MacDonnld, Jessie S. and A, D. 6 43.85 14,61 Miacdonald, Jessie S. and A. 71). 7 43,85 14.63. Plume, 7). J. a 43.85 14,61 Kalispell 13ldg,& Loan (W. '111. French) 9 43.85 14.61 McT�eown, Yary A. 101 431385 14.61 Lindley, 11 43.85 14.61 Harrirpton, Nellie (J.V.Harrington) 12 43.85 14.61 M.erigold, F. Total, 1,052.19 The aforesaid siLms to be paid in three equal annual J,nstqllments at the rite of for each and every fifty foot lot with interest­on--TjF—eFFP-d payments at the rate of six per cent per annum, said payment-, to be made on or before the 30th day of November of each and every year, the first of which payments shall be made in the year 1914. Passed and approved this 1 h day of January, 1914, ATT'7,, S T ��ity Clerk. STATE OP MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATH-T I AD, SS. CITY OF KALISPELi, . 1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify Vint on the 16th day of January, 1914, 1 caused the foregoin resolution to be posted for a period of five days as required in ordinance No. 174 and that eaid Resolution remained posted for, a per- iod of five days and that there have been no chanVes or alter- ations made therein since the passage and approval thereof by the City Council nor in the recording thereof. recorded he -rein and this certificate made this 29th day of January, 1914, -11 ) z 0, City Clerk.