06-14-89 Development Comm MinutesCITY DEVELOPMENT/PUBLIC BUIL I EE MEETING June 14, 1989 8:30AM Hanging Gardens ® Ca augh's Attending: Wayne Saverud, Jim Atkinson, Clare Hafferman, Noel Furlong, Ed Gallagher, Susan Moyer, Architect Ken Williams, and Ross Plambeck. 1.89 -90 diset Review Ed presented the preliminary budget for committee review prior to submitting it to the Mayor. Three of the requests were referred back to the Mayor for general revenue consideration because the activities are neither tax increment nor UDAG eligible. Those three items are: a $2,000 request from the Flathead Economic Development Corporation; a $3,500 request from the Kalispell Chamber for new Christmas decorations; and a $4,550 request from the Hockaday for building maintenance. The Public Buildings' request includes a variety of new projects and totals $101,412. With the recent transfer of $101,700 into this line item and with other carry-over, the proposed FY89-90 TIF budget for public buildings totals $209,018. Ken Williams reviewed the previously approved remodel of the interior of the police dept. project for an estimated cost of $26,800. Those funds are in the current budget and the City Council has authorized the project to go out to bid. Ken also presented the the interior remodel of the Water Dept. building at an estimated cost of $46,647. Those funds were transferred into the Public Bldgs. line item at the Council's May 15 meeting, but the project needs further review. Several questions were asked about the interior layout and specific locations of supervisors' offices. In conjunction with the interior remodel is the connector between the Water Dept. and the City Hall Annex. The location and type of connector proposed helps facilitate the functional layout of the offices in order to optimize the square footage. Current estimates for the connector include material, labor, permits, contractor profit and insurance for a total of $81,162. Committee members raised several concerns over traffic flow between buildings and office layout. It was recommended there be a joint meeting with the TIF committee, the architect, this committee and City Clerk Halver to discuss the plans. Public Works has submitted a requested budget from tax increment for a total of $616,623 which includes a carry-over of $81,290. The committee recommended funding at the same level as last year's budget of $280,856. The committee decided to meet with the Public Works Director to review what specific projects he proposes to do with the funds. The Parks Dept. has submitted a budget request for $15,300 for Depot Park Beautification and $18,000 for salaries and plant materials in the Redevelopment Area. Requests were also submitted for the Parking Commission to do the O'Neil parking lot ($35,625), Eagle's lot maintenance ($11,280), and Bowling Alley lot improvements ($10,140), for a total request of $57,045. The committee recommended approval of the Parks Dept. and Parking Commission requests to be included in the preliminary budget. Ed summarized the the preliminary budget and with the committee's knowledge, he will submit it to the Mayor. The committee concurred. 2."Turn-of-the-Century" Light District Ed reviewed the proposed district boundaries to be from Center Street to Fifth Street with First Avenues on the east and west. The committee will take a further look as to whether to put the lights on both sides of the First Avenues as street reconstruction occurs. Wayne also suggested the possibility of taking the lights down to the county courthouse and keeping in mind any potential development on the BN eleven acres east of Main Street. 3. Proposed Expansion of Redevelopment District Ed stated he has had several conversations with the School District on their needs for additional off-street parking around the High School. The school district has been very supportive of the redevelopment efforts in The Tax Increment district and has even presented the city with a plaque of appreciation for past efforts. Ed reviewed the procedure for amending the boundaries and the requirements for public notification and Resolution of Necessity. The committee agreed with the need for resolving the parking problems and recommended that Ed continue to work with the school district on the proposal. COMMITTEETAX INCREMENT JUNE 12, 1989 3:30 PM FIRST FEDERAL BOARD ROOM ATTENDING: Chairman Chuck Mercord, Wayne Saverud, Dale Haarr, Paul Wachholz, Jim Meyers, Bob Gerhardt, Hank Good, Steve Olson, Ed Gallagher, Susan Moyer and Jack King. Chairman Mercord opened the meeting and Ed presented the committee with the TIF requests. Ed explained 89-90 projected TIF budget sheet and CDD balance sheet for the month ending May 31, 1989. The following three requests were discussed and committee recommended they come out of the City's general fund: Flathead Economic Development Corporation assessment dues for the City of Kalispell in the amount of $2000. Chamber of Commerce request for $3,500 to upgrade Kalispell's Christmas decorations. Hockaday Center for the Arts request for $4,550 for utilities and maintenance. The Committee then discussed the following requests: Public Buildings Projects - The request totaling $101,697 was actually approved for FY 88-89 and monies have been transferred from the redevelopment fund into both the police department and water department and it has taken until now to get together all the cost estimates, etc. Ed explained the police department work is for safety factors, they will be taking some retaining cells and making offices, and there is work to be done on the interior and exterior. He stated the water department also has work they need to do on interior and exterior and they want to make a walkway from the water department to the public works department. There is also work to be done on the city hall sidewalks. Wayne then explained the idea to modify the inside of the old water department building, as it is only a 25' building and the hall running down the center has minimized what can be done on either side. The architect has come up with the idea that if the buildings are tied together by an enclosed 'porch', there would be that much more usable space inside. The request for FY 89-90 of $101,412 is for the sidewalks around city hall and Hockaday as well as the connector between buildings, awning cover for police department steps and cat -walk for fire department. Committee agreed that they need more information, details, and justification on the connector between buildings on this project and would like to have the architect bring the plans to a joint meeting of this committee and the City Development Committee. They will review plans at that time and make recommendation. Street Department/Public Works - The request is for $616,623. The committee discussed this request and recommended this budget remain at $280,856, (which was FY 88-89 budget) subject to the Public Works Director submitting a plan with a breakdown of work to be done in FY 89-90 as well as a report on work done in fiscal year 88-89 for their review. Parks and Recreation - Request was for $33,300 for park maintenance and beautification of Depot Park. This budget ran over by $2,248 this last fiscal year. Committee unanimously recommended this request. Parking Commission - The request was for $57,045 for the improvements, landscaping, lighting and renovating of three parking lots (O'Neil, Eagles and Bowling Alley lots). Ed explained to committee why the parking commission has recommended to council to go out for bid on the O'Neil lot construction, with PWD doing the specifications. Committee agreed unanimously to recommend this request. Ed explained to the committee there will be some carry over monies from the redevelopment fund and first alley west and public works that will show on the balance sheets at the end of June, and Monty Long will have the exact amount of increment in July. Ed also went over other projects including; Commercial loans at $100,000, Housing rehab at $100,000, which is just continuing what has been ongoing for the last ten years. He explained the Redevelopment Fund having to be approved by this committee for eligible activities. The committee approved these projects unanimously. Expanding Tax Increment Boundary to include High School Area - The committee agreed unanimously to recommend the council include the High School area in the redevelopment district. They further agreed the procedures for this should be started before the end of this calendar year. Paul Wachholz stated that with the death of Harry Schmautz, there needs to be another appointment to the ARC. He recommended, on behalf of the late Harry Schmautz, someone from Brinkman & Lenon. He feels Ken Miller is a creative person and asked the committee for permission for Ken to be the ARC's selection. Chuck asked for an alternate in case Mr. Miller declines and Ken Williams was the second recommendation. Committee agreed unanimously to recommend these two architects to Mayor. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM K