06-19-89 Development Comm MinutesCity Development/Tax Increment Committees June 19, 1989 Noon Ughterside Restaurant Attending: Wayne Saverud, Noel Furlong, Clare Hafferman, Ed Gallagher, Susan Moyer, Ross Plambeck, Ken Hammer, Paul Wachholz, Bob Gerhardt, Dale Haarr, Jim Meyers, Chuck Mercord, Jack King, Mayor Kennedy, Don Halver, Ken Williams, and Roger Hopkins. CDC Chairman Wayne Saverud opened the meeting stating that after previous meetings of both the TIF and CDC committees to review budget requests, there were still questions that were not readily available to be answered by paper documents. It was suggested that it might be very worthwhile and time efficient if there was a joint informational/workshop type meeting to review the two areas that raised the most questions; one being the request for public buildings and the second, the request for public works. Public Buildings: Architect Ken Williams explained his plans and cost estimates for the interior of the water department (a cost of $48,647) and the 'connector' between the water department and the public works department. Ken presented his original plan for the 'connector' running down the north side of the water department as well as a second option, which consisted of enclosure going from the rear of city hall to the public works building. He explained the first plan would cost $81,162 and the second one from $9,000 to $12,000 more. After a number of questions and considerable discussion by committee members, it was agreed the TIF committee would get back to the CD committee with a recommendation very soon. Public Works: Wayne stated that at the last meeting when the committees reviewed this request for $616,623, it was agreed that it was necessary to meet with PWD Hammer and get more information. Basically two things were asked for; a report of what actually has been done with increment to date, and especially last years increment, and more specifically a • precise game plan as to what this years expenditures would be used for. PWD Hammer then explained a color coded map of the increment district showing what has been done from prior to 1984 up until the present time. He pointed out the areas not finished last year that will be finished with carry-over funds this year. He stated they were looking at bidding out the 6th St. W. project (6 blocks) but don't really know what they will come in at. He said in trying to stay within last years budget they will be $18,000 short and this does not include the 6th St. W. project. He stated that he has worked out a three year completion date for the tax increment district for street reconstruction and overlays, where every street in the district will be completed. $ 262,000 1st year/ending June 1990 - Sykes area $ 257,000 2nd year/starting July 1990 - First Ave. E . & side streets (hopefully not carry over into next budget year) $181.000 3rd year/completed 91-92 Budget year - 12 1 /2 blks reconstructed - 25 blks overlaid These cost estimates are for materials only and do not include salaries, landscaping, etc. Bob Gerhardt asked of it was fair to say that if public works had $280,000 to $300,000 of increment money per year for the next three years, which amounts to approximately $900.000, that all of the streets in the redevelopment area would be up to grade. Ken stated that this would complete all street construction/overlays, (including storm drainage, curbs and sidewalks in some areas) in the increment district. City Development Committee members, after questions and much discussion of this three year plan, as well as the 6th street project, decided to wait for some type of report back from the TIF . committee, then take it from there. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM.