10-02-89 Development Comm MinutesCity Development Committee October 2, 1989 4.30 PM City Hall/Conference Room Attending: Chairman Wayne Saverud, Mayor Kennedy, Noel Furlong, Jim Atkinson, Ed Gallagher and Jack King and Dick Maurer of Valley Bank. Chairman Saverud opened the meeting and stated that City Attorney Neier has prepared a resolution that will make legal the committee's direction to the council to remove the official status of the Parking Commission and making them an advisory body. Valley Bank Option to Purchase Third & Main Parking Lot: Valley Bank has submitted a request for a sic (6) month option to purchase the parking lot for $130,000, which is somewhat in excess of 90% of the appraised value of the property. The intent is that this property will be an integral part of new development of a major building for their banking operation. Wayne stated for the record that this property has been appraised and offered for sale through public advertisement, and that time Valley was the only bidder on the property. However, the bid was not 90% of the appraisal and the feeling was that it was not in the city's best interest at that point to dispose of the property. Since then the City has not actively advertised, but has always felt that the highest and best use of that property is not parking. There was discussion by those present about the 'Option', the proposed new development, parking, zoning and building regulations. Noel stated that he feels 40 everyone is aware that the intent is to build a bank, but in case something unforeseen should come up, can anything be put there or just a banking house. Mr. King stated that if something unforeseen did come up and the bank had to pass the property on to someone else, would the City want to be in the position of taking the property back, for whatever was paid for it. Noel stated he had no problem with that and Wayne said he thought it was adequate to know that they are not entering into this for real estate speculation, but to build. Noel moved to grant the option at $130,000 for six (6) months, with option payment of $500.00 and so recommend to the City Council, and to re -submit the second part of the proposal (acquisition of properties just North of the City owned property, owned by Ron's Roost and Anderson Theater Company, Inc.) to the City Development Committee for discussion, study and review after the option is presented to council, Jim Atkinson seconded, motion carried. Ed discussed the letter with a monitoring report recently received by the City and Community Development Department from the Department of Commerce. The letter addressed the monitoring of the Southwest project by Commerce, and gave the CDD and City an outstanding report. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.