08-18-86 Development Comm MinutesAugust 18, 1986 PARKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES 4:00 P.M. Chairman Manning and Councilmen Palmer and Saverud in attendance. Mayor Kennedy, Attorney Neier, Parks Supt. Drent, Building Official Jackson, Ed Gallagher, Ralph DeCunzo of the Department of Military Affairs, Peter R. Mohan of HQ 21163d ACR Kalispell, Don Wiege of Montana West Realty, Loren Solberg of County Guaranty Title, Jim Thompson, and Roger Hopkins of the Daily Inter Lake also present. ARMORY PROPERTY TRADE - Attorney Neier explained past resolutions and the history of the property. It was acquired January 16, 1914 for $1,200 for use as storage for the Waterworks system. In 1949 the Council through Resolution d2143 authorized the sale of Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block 24 to the State for $1.00 for armory and related uses. Any change in use would cause the land to revert to the City. Don Wiebe explained that the State would like to continue working with the City. The State is asking that the reversion clause be recinded so that plans to change location can be completed. If approved it would put this land back on the tax rolls. This exchange is the only way it will be fiscally possible to relocate the armory. Ralph DeCunzo stated the intent of the State to build a $500,000 organiza- tional maintenance shop with a $1.2 million armory planned for the future. He explained that Corky Andrews will exchange nearly 20 acres north of town for the present armory property. He said they presently employ 21 people fulltime with the capability of going to 25, in addition to the 200 parttime guardsmen. This is one of two squadron headquarters in the state. He estimated that $3.5 million was turned over in Kalispell annually because of the armory being located here. He also stated that if this trade could not go through because of lack of City cooperation the alternative would be to use land available in Missoula, but they would rather not do that. If that happened the staffing here would be reduced to 7 with only 100 guardsmen and the revenues brought into the City would be greatly reduced. When asked what would become of the armory property by the airport he responded that it would be used as a shop as it is now. C. Palmer asked what procedure was needed to take care of this sort of procedure. Attorney Neier stated that a Resolution of Intent to sell or trade to the state was needed, should be published once a week for three weeks, a public hearing held, and a resolution of sale or transfer. When asked if it could be leased the answer was no, it must be deeded with a reversionary clause. C. Palmer stated that he had some observations: 1) The property belongs to the City taxpayers and Council has a responsibility to observe that. 2) Is the giving of this property of any more or less value than the 10 acres+ proposed by the airport last year? If we were willing to do that, why aren't we willing to do this? 3) In referencing payroll, it need to be put in perspective. That is the valley's payroll - and all references heard here have been that it is Kalispell's. Moving the facility out of the City will cause the nucleus to draw from the tri-cities. 4) As another alternative, if the property south • of the airport is their interest why couldn't a trade be done. The two things that are bothering me, C. Palmer stated, are that it seems that Kalispell seems to be paying the brunt for a valley project, and secondly, the City was willing to give ten acres, what is the City willing to do now? PARKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE August 18, 1986 Page 2 Pete Mohn explained that there were 12 guardsmen from Columbia Falls and 5 from Whitefish, but that almost all of the fulltime staff was from Kalispell. To clarify the duties of this organization he said that four organizational maintenance shop staff members will service vehicles from Whitefish and Libby, but those units will remain separate for all other purposes. Loren Solberg said that the taxpayers do not have a present vested interest in the property. The reversion is affirmative action by the State, not the City. C. Saverud said that this proposal parallels the City's dealings with the School District and it appeared to him that the City was spending before they have - if the property was relinquished the City would see at the least base real estate going back on the tax rolls. He stated that he personally preferred the Airport Road proposal, and secondly south of town, but beyond that helping the Guard with their present plans was fine. Ed Gallagher pointed out that the City will have control of the highest and best use of the land because it lies within the redevelopment area. Appraised value of the three lots is $105,000. The question was asked if there was, or could there be obtained, the same reversionary clause on the armory property south of town. It was explained that the Guards could use that property forever and the City would never have use of it - but no answers will be available until reorganization plans are more complete. Past history in other areas says that when new facilities are built the old ones are abandoned. After some discussion it was decided that the Council could pass a Resolution of Intent at a Special Council meeting at 4:00 P.M. on August 20, 1986, three notices of public hearing can be published on August 27, Sept. 3 and Sept. 10 with the public hearing to be held on September 15. The Guard needs a response before the end of September. The Mayor called the Special Meeting. There was discussion of what would happen if the property is not sold for several years. What about upkeep? The plan is that the property will go on sale immediately and will be fixed up before sale. CITY HALL ANNEX (OLD FIREHALL) - Building Official Jackson explained the need for Change Order #2: 8' counters, formica for window ledges as protection from condensation, outside outlet facing the parking areas, and cable for the phone system. Non -change order expenditures for texturing of columns, switching of phone system and radios will also be included in the request. The Committee agreed to recommend approval for these items. ajg