08-07-85 Development Comm Minutes0 AUGUST 7, 1985 FINANCE/CITY DEVELOPMENT 2:00 PM. Mayor McDowell, Councilmen Ruiz, Saverud, Palmer, Manning, Springer and Nystul, Clerk/Treasurer Halver, C.D.D. Gallagher, Bob Ehlers and Dale Pugh of Dain Bosworth, Hank Good, Paul Wachholz, Bob Gebhardt, Mike Fraser and Roger Hopkins. Finance Chairman Ruiz called the meeting to order and stated the primary purpose of the meeting was to find funding for the Fifth Ave West projects. Bob Ehlers discussed financing alternatives and recommended a fifteen to , twenty year issue with a relatively early call, like 7 years. Councilman Saverud pointed out the district is a 100 block core of the city and not just the downtown business district. There are a lot of infrastructure projects that could be done through tax increment. Councilman Palmer moved the recommendation to the council is to provide • $2,000,000 for various projects through Tax Increment Financing. Councilman Saverud seconded. Councilman Ruiz asked Don Halver to work with City Attorney Neier and Bob Ehlers to work out the language of the resolution.