Ordinance 304 - Installation of Water MetersM ORD I NANO NO. 304. AN ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR T-FM IMSTATUATIONt OF WATM YTVi128 VIT T3111 WATIM INO?IKS SYSM 07, T11T11 CITY 01' XALISPTEML, ANI) PROVIDING FOR 71TIME YIET7TOJ) AND MANN1M., OF PAYING FOR THEP IN- STALLATION OF, SAID %711,TTIMS. WHEMMS, the City of Kalispell has purchased the water works system of the city of Kalispell, Viontana, and whereas the rates for the use of water now in existence are discriminatory ae between the users of said water, and, WHBREAS: It is impossible to determine at this time an equittible charge for water service, and `7T17P,R7,AS: it is the intention of the City of Kalispell to place in general use water meters on the service pipes of consumers, whereby all consumers sliall pay for water used an the basis of the amount used by each, and WHEREAS: it is necessary that meters be installed on the service pipes of larger consumers and on the service pipes supplying water for business -and commercial purposes as distinguished from'residence use for the purpose of estimating and determining the amount of water used by the month by such parties to the end that a fair and equitable rate be determined: THER7FORIE: BR IT ORDAIN7D BY THE CITY COUIT71L OF T11.7 CITY OF KALI SPRELL: Section 1. That on or before t1ne 31st day of Yarch, 1914, all persons, companies and corporations using water from the water works department of the city of Kalispell, save and except where said water is being used wholly for domestic pur- poses at private residences, shall install water meters on said service pipes in such manner and place as may be prescribed by the Superintendent of the water works department and in addi- tion thereto the Superintendent of said water works departinent shall have the authority to establish meter service pipes at residence when he shall deem it to the best interest of said water works department and the city of Kalispell. In case the said Superintendent shall deem it advis- able that water meters be established on any service -pipe of any residence, he shall give the owner of the property ten days notice and it shall be the duty of said owner to see that said service is installed within said ten days in the manner and at the place prescribed by said Superintendent. Section 2. No meters shall 'be placed in service nor recognized as stand-,trd meters %PAthin the City of Kalispell, un- less upproved by the Water Department, and the Superintendent of the water workcs department shall prescribe the size of meter to be placed an each service pipe and no person, company or corporation shall place any other meter on any service pipe save and except standard meters as herein prescribed and of a size as prescribed in each case by the 9uperintendent of said water works department. Section 3. _uo water meter shall be installed save and except by a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Montana and no person other than the Superintendent of the water works department or someone acting under his auth- ority and direction shall, open, repair, or interfere with any meter in service in the city of Kalispell. At any time after this ordinance shall go into full force and effect, the Superintendent of the water works depart- ment shall have the right in his discretion to require any water consumer to install a water meter on the service pipe of such consumer and the said Superintendent shall give said water consumer or his agent a notice in writing to the effect that said consumer is required to install said meter and said notice shall also specify the size of said meter and the place on the premises where the same shall be installed. If at the expiration of ten days from the date of' mailing or delivery of said notice, the said consumer has failed to in- stall said meter, then and in that event, the Superintendent of the water works department may install said meter and shall present to the said consumer or his agent, a bill for the cost of said meter and installation thereof and the ap- purte,neances thereto, at the end of the month and in case the said bill fli, not paid, the enforcement of payment thereof may be had and performed in the same manner that the payment of bills for water rentals is enforced. Section 4. No water rentals shall becollected on the basis of meter readings until after the 30th day of June, 1914, but prior to that time and after the installation of any and all of said meters, the said meters shall be read by the water worlts department and said readings shall be placed in a nermanent record for the purpose of determining the basis for charging for water service on a meter basis. From and after the 30th day of June, 1914, the said charge shall be fixed by a city ordinance to be hereafter passed by the City council of the city of Kalispell. Section 5. All meters installed within the city of Kalispell shall be provided with cut-off on each side of said meter so that in case any meter may be removed for the pur- pose of testing, that a by-pass may be placed in the service pipe for the purpose of supplying the consumer with water during the testing of said meter. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed this 2nd day of February, 1914. Approved this 2nd day of Februay, 1914, MAYOR. ATTEST. CITY CMIRK.