Ordinance 302 - Establishing Water Works DeptM
9 R D I IL AYC P E(—) 0_2
1. That there is hereby established a Water WorRs
Department for the purpose of operating, maintaining and ex-
tending the water works plant of said city.
2. That there is hereby established a Water Com-
mission of the City of Kalispell, which said Water Commission
shall consist of five members having the qualifications re-
quired by the statutes of Montana for the office of Mayor.
3. The members of said Water Commission after the
expiration of the terms of office or resignation of any mem-
ber hereby selected, shall be aT;pOinted by the Mayor and con-
firmed by the City Council and the members of said Water Com-
mission hereby established shall be as follows: Arthur
Morro W H. G. Miller, F. G. Bjorneby, F. F. Johnson and R. E.
Webster. The members of said water Commissionshall, within
ten days after the notification of their appointment, sign
the oath of office required by law and file the same in the
office of the Clerk of the City of Kalispell and shall serve
without compensation and the terms of office of said members
shall be for a period,of five years from the date of appoint-
ment, save and except that the members by this ordinance named
shall serve for periods of one, two, three, four and five years
from and after the first Monday in May, 1914, and the terms
each of the members hereby appointed shall 'be determined by
lot by the aembers of said commission at their first.meeting
after the adoption of this ordinance and a report of the de-
termination as to the said terms of office of each member shall
be made in writing by said Water Commission and filed in the
office of the City Clerk of the.City of Kalispell,
4. After t1ae expiration of the term of office of
each member so determined as above provided, the Mayor shall
appoint by and with the consent of the City Council a suc-
cessor on the first Monday in May of each and every year be-
ginning with the first .11onday in 1!ay 1915. In case of a
vacancy caused by reason of death, resignation, removal from
the City or inability to act, such vacancy shall be filled
in the same manner that any original appointment is made for
the unexpired term.
5. The said %Yater Coxznission shall have full charge,
control and management of everything pertaining to the Water
Works plant and -water works department of said city and do all
other acts that may be necessary for the prudent and efficient
management, operation, improvement and protection of said water
works, subject only to the supervisory control of the bTayor and
City Council.
6. The said Water Commission shall meet within
ten days after the final passage of this ordinance and organize
by the election of a chairman and shall thereafter elect a
chadrman within ten days after tYie first Monday in ",day of each
year beginning with the year 1915. The said Water Commission
shall keep minutes of their proceedings and the cashier of the
a "I Li
Water Works Department shall be ex officio secretary of said
Water Commission and shall have charge of the records of their
proceedings and papers.
7. The Water Commission shall empty a Superinten-
dent and Cashier of said Water Department at salaries to be
recommended by the Water Co=ission and upon said recommend-
ation to be authorized by the City Council of the City of
Kalispell. The nomination and selection of said Superinten-
dent and Cashier shall be confirmed by the said City Council
of the said city of Kalispell, and they may be discharged by
the City Council.
a. All other employees of said water works depart-
ment may be employed and discharged by the Superintendent
under the direction of said Water Commission.
9. The superintendent and cashier of said'water
works department shal,lsign the oath of office within ten
days after their appointment and shall give a good and suffi-
cient bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of their
duties in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000,00) each,
which said bond shall run to the City of Kalispell and be
approved by the City Council and filed in the office of the
City Clerk of the City of Kalispell and the premium for said
'bonds may be paid out of the revenues derived from the opera-
tion of said water works. The Superintendent of the Water
Works Department shall under the supervision of the Water Com-
mission have charge of the operation of said water works sys-
tem and employees and shall conduct same in accordance with
the rules and regulations to be hereafter adopted.by the City
Council of the City of Kalispell and in accordance with the
instructions of the Water Commission.
The Superintendent shall have supervision over all
contracts and shall see that they are faithfully executed.
He shall recommend to the Water Commission the ordering of
all water mains and their location and size, and the location
of valves and hydrants. fie shall have charge of the erec-
tion of all buildings, engines, pumps, fixtures, boilers,
filters, basins, tunnels, reservoirs and grounds under the
supervision of the Water Commission, save and except no water
mains may be extended nor new machinery or fixtures purchased
unless the sayre be authroized by the City Council.
The Superintendent shall also keep a correct
of all * mains laid all valves and hydrants located in said lines
of water works and services attached thereto, said record to
be kept in a suitably bound book and he shall also keep a
stock book with a full and complete record of all materials
and stock on hand. Tie shall have charge of and be held re-
sponsible for all tools, materials, etc., and shall keep a
record of receipts of tools and materials and also of time of
the men under him and shall also issue a time distribution
sheet for all labor performed showing when and for 'what pur-
pose the work was performed and shall report to tiie Water Com-
mission on the first regular meeting of every month, giving
detailed statements of the cost of all labor performed and the
material purchased for the preceding month and he shall file
withthe City Clerk on the first Monday in Malay of eachyear, an
inventory of all tbo -perpanal property belonging to the Water
Department. He shall see that all gates and hydrants are
restored to their proper condition after use by the Fire De-
partment and shall report to the chairman of the vlater Commis-
sion inu,,iediately all breaks, defective hydrants and taps and
repair Vne same and make a report thereof, Ile shall make all
tape for service and examine the service pipes and see that
they are -properly laid and stop cocks placed in proper position
and rprform such other duties as he may be directed, Ile shall
report the location and at least two measurements taken from
two separate permanent points for each curb box placed in the
service pipes and the distance in feet and inches of each tap
from the intersection on the main with the street line of the
nearest street or avenue. Said report to be made to the cash-
ier of the water works not later than the day following the mak-
ing of each such tap. He shall have charge of the inspection
of the premises entered- by service pipes and of examination
into the condition of all materials and other water fixtures
and shall be vigilant to detect and warn against abuses whether
from waste or other improper use of water and report at once
ail infringements of the rules and regulations. He shall keep
a true record of each meter in use and shall see that each meter
is read at least once a month and make a return to the cashier
of the numbers of gallons or cubic feet recorded to date and fie
shall perform such other duties as may be directed by the Water
10. The Cashier pf said Water Works Department shall
collect all of the revenues derived from said water %yetem in
accordance with the charges authorized by the City Council of
the City of Kalispell and shall account for same to the Water
The Cashier shall be the financial receiving officer
of the Water Works Department. Ile shall keep a complete set
of books and shall at all times show the distributive accounts
of the water department and said books shall be open at,all times
to inspection by the public or any officer of the City during
the time said office shall be open for business. Tie shall
keep a correct account of all receipts and make out bills for
water rents or materials furnished consumers and collect the
same and deposit the money so collected with the City Treasurer,
daily, and take.e.'receipt thereof and deposit a duplicate of
said receipt with the City Clerk. Ile shal.l issue all permits
for tapping mains. No tape shall be permitted off to streets
where there are no mains, except where specially authorized by
the City Council, Ile shall also furnish the superintendent
a copy of all such permits issued. lie shall keep a record
of all taps,services, etc., their size, location and shall be
required to exhibit his accounts and receipt books to the audit-
ing committee of the City Council for the purpose of adjustment,
11. The Water Commission shall install a suitable
system of keeping books and accounts in conformity with this
ordinance and any other books and accounts in addition thereto
in the office of both superintendent and cashier and shall re-
quire a report from each of said officers to be made monthly
and shall have the authority to require any additional reports
which it might deem best for the public interests at any time.
The Water Commission shall file a report with the City Clerk
on or before the first Yonday in February, Iffay, August and
!Iovernber of each year showing the receipts and expenditures of
the water department for the three preceding months, which said
report shall go before the City Council to be audited. All
expenditures for arvfin behalf of the water works department of
the City of Kalispell must be made on sworn statements as re-
quired for other city expenditures and must be recommended by
the Water Commission or a duly appointed committee from the
membership of eame, before being presented to the City Council
for payment. The said Water Commission shall also file an
annual report showing the expenditures and receipts of the water
department, on the first Monday in Vay of each year.
12, All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
Passed and approved by the City Council this, 20th day
of January, 1914.
AD'Droved by the 'i,,ayor this 20th day of January, 1914.