Resolution 534 - Transfers FundsMM R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO. 534 A RPSOLUTION TRANSF7TI71M THE SUIT OF FIGHT DOLLARS ($8.00) FROM TFR CONTING7NT FUND TO SPECIAL ITEPROV"UFMT DISTRICT PUND NO. 106. 'PR, IT MUS)OLVTI) BY TT'F CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISP7,LL, MONTATIA. . That there be and hereby is transferred from the Contingent Fund of the City of Kalispell, -11,ontana, to Special Imprcvement District Fund No. 106 the sum of .Eight Dollars ($8.00), for the purpose of paying cer- tain claims presented and allowed against said fund in accordance with the ter-ake of Resolution No. 499 which was passed and approved on the 6th day of January, 1913. Passed and approved this 1st day of ';Oxc� ber, 1911. MAY011. ATTEST: CITY CLERK.