01-14-88 Annexation CommitteeJanuary 14, 1988 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 8:00 A.M.
Chairwoman Hafferman, Councilman Furlong, Councilman Atkinson, City Attorney
Neier, DPW Hammer, Acting Building Official Kerzman, Surveyor Zavodny and W/S Supt.
Hyde present.
16 LEDUC ADDITION Discusssion of the pros and cons for the City's labor involvement
of installing a fire hydrant for the Leduc Addition took place. The Committee
will wait to make a decision on installing the fire hydrant until a formal proposal
is made to the City requesting labor assistance.
A discussion took place in regard to policy on the City's cost and labor involvement
in annexation and water and sewer extensions. Further consideration of this subject
will take place as the Southwest Kalispell and the Scoreboard annexation will be
brought to the Annexation Committee in the near future.
Adjourned: 9:10 A.M.