08-07-85 Annexation CommitteeAugust 7, 1985 SEWER AND WATER/ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M. Chairmen Nystul and Manning, and Councilman Springer present. Mike Fraser also in attendance. 4TH, 5TH, 6TH, AND 7TH AVENUES WEST SID - Chairman Nystul presented the dollar figures provided by Mike Fraser. Discussion of area to be served and the question of the area on the west of 7th possibly being served by a private water district. The philosophy question of "adequate service" and the City's responsibility for replacement was discussed. In the figures provided the City will put-$85,000 toward the water line replacement. C. Springer asked where this money would come from and it was explained that the Water Department does not have any outstanding debts and should be able to cover the cost. The point was made that if the notices are sent out the the Water Department is committed to the $85,000. The cost per lot was discussed in light of the district boundaries which include a subdivision which may have their own water system, as as such may not want to join in, although it would be to their advantage to do so for fire protection. Sewer: There is no existing sewer and therefore no City participation in the cost of putting in the sewer. The policy is that in order to obtain sewer they must annex. The public meeting indicated the residents willingness to annex. The question was raised as to whether the annexation must be unanimous. It only takes one person to sign a refusal to withdraw from the rural fire district to stop the annexation, so it must be all or nothing. The new Consent • to Annex Agreement and Notice of Withdrawal from the Rural Fire District form discussed. Annexation would be followed by either one or two SID's, according to resident's preference. Discussion of the legalities of SID vs. RSID. The water could be done as an RSID, although an SID is less cumbersome. C. Springer pointed out that it is important to make the residents aware of the need to withdraw from the rural fire district, by quoting the law if necessary. An explanation will be added in the narritive of the information letter and then restated in the annexation question on the questionaire. Water and sewer would be on separate sides of the street so as not to tear up the streets too much. Federal participation discussed, but the consensus of the Committee was that it would delay the project up to a year and probably would not pay off for all the trouble. In the end the project might be fundable but not funded. C. Springer went on record as saying let's proceed and get the job done NOW, without federal funds. C. Manning asked if the new Consent to Annex form should be used, and C. Springer asked to wait until Monday's Annexation meeting so he would have a chance to review it. Hook-up fees discussed. Sewer charges would not be made until such time as residents actually hooked on to the City system. No basis was found for • the waiver of fees, although C. Manning indicated that they could possibly work out a waiver of annexation fees. SEWER AND WATER/ANNEXATION COMMITTEE August 6, 1985 Page 2 EXTENSION OF SERVICES - Discussion of the three areas covered by an extension of services: 1) Across the street, no problems - allow hook-up as soon as they file for annexation; 2) Residence, septic failing - out of perimeter an impractical distance, and 3) Developer wanting service, contiguous to City. The question of whether or not a request is "practical" or not considering engineering and City services. C. Manning pointed out that there is a need for a review process for sewer and water, using the same philosophy as for annexations. All agreed that the Consent to Annex Agreement MUST be recorded. C. Nystul dictated the following information for an ordinance on the extension of services: The Council will establish the policy of extending water and sewer services by Ordinance. The ordinance will require each project to come before the Council, that areas for which it is not practical or feasible to annex at this time, or that it is not in the City's best interest, may be extended water or sewer service with a legally binding Consent to Annex Agreement and Notice of Withdrawal From the Rural Fire -District, that those areas - of reasonable size, which ought to be annexed, that service will be extended on approval of the Council and the Consent to Annex Agreement and Notice of Withdrawal From the Rural Fire District filed simultaneously with the commencement of the annexation proceedings. • Discussion of individuals who have received services in the past without annexation and the fact that the City has no leverage now to annex them. ajg •