07-15-85 Annexation CommitteeJuly 15, 1985 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 7:00 P.M. 0 Chairman Manning and Councilmen Springer and Palmer in attendance. DPW Hammer also present. SCHWARTZ (KALISPELL) ADDITION #174 - Committee recommended approval of the preliminary plat. FARVIEW EAST TOWNHOUSES - FRIO recommended refering to the zoning official, Ken Jackson, who says that with the City Attorney's council he cannot make the decision about zoning. DPW Hammer has no problem with grandfathering this case. The Committee, with C. Springer not voting, indicated that because this parcel is surrounded by multi -family it would be a non -conforming situation to press single family. The Committee recommends approval of the preliminary plat. CHRISTIAN CENTER ADDITION NO. 180 - The Committee sees no problems, recommends first reading. NON -CONFORMING USE - Discussion of decision and timing. C. Manning indicated that the Committee will further review the conditional use for multi -family, and if the recommendation is to .follow the ordinance strictly then there is a need to give fair warning to developers that the City will follow a strict interpretation of the zoning. Those in the process will be immune. Effective date for instituting recommendation will be August 1. City Attorney will need to review and recommend. • There are presently 4 developers who would be affected, and these need a letter stating the Committee's position. ajg CJ CARVER ADDITION NO. 177 - Committee recommends Resolution of Intent.