Resolution 530 - Assessment - SID 145J 6 R R S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO, 530, A RESOLUTION LPfVYI.TTG AN ASS7,SS1011T ON CERTAIN PROPERTY IN SPECIAL I31PROVP=,(_NT DISTRICT 710. 145 FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING SECOND MAST NORTH FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO WYOMING STR711ET AID TO COTOLETE SAID IMPROVIVUL[ENTS WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THV, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, YONTANA: WH7RF.AS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Vontana, has heretofore passed a resolution by the terms of which Special Improvement District No. 145 was created for the purpose of grading Second Avenue East North from Washing- tion Street to Wyoming Street and provisions made therein for the payment of the costs of said work by levying against the -property in said Special Improvement District No. 145; FR IT FTTRTH?R R7SOLV7D That a levy be made -against all of the assessable property in Special Improvement District 11o. 145 as follows: BLOCK 233 Lot Assmtt InBtmtt Owner 1 43.92 8.78 Berne, William C. 2 43.92 8.78 Robinson, J. A. 3, 43.92 8.78 Morrison, Mabel (Jordan, Loyd) 4 43.92 8.78 Goodwin, Fred 5 43.92 8.78 Sievert, Hilda M. 6 43.91 8.78 Fuller, Lena BLOCK 230 Lot 1 43.91 8.78 Grey, G. Frank 2 43.91 8.78 Grey, G. Frank 3 43.91 8.78 Fuller, Lena 4 43.91 8,78 Fuller, Lena 5 43.91 8.78 Fisher, R. L. 6 43.91 8.78 Green, F. J. BLOCK 229 Lot 1 43.191 8.78 Agather, Alfons 2 43.91 8.78 Agather, Alfons 3 43.91 8.78 Kalispell Bldg. & Loan Assn. 4 43.91 8,78 Reid, Frank F. 5 43.89 8.77 Lorden, Ole C, 43.89 8.77 1.1iller, J. I. BLOCK 226 Lot 1 43.89 8.77 White, Marion L,(Swaney,James) 2 43.91 8.78 Shulkin Bros. 3 43.91 8.78 Swaney, Charles H. 4 43.91 8.78 Swaney, Charles H. 5 43.91 8.78 Whi te,11ari on L.(Rydlander,-Alma) 6 43.91 8,78 Sjotne, Petra BLOCK 221 Lot 7 43.91 8.78 Grey, G. Frank 8 43.91 8.78 Chittick, Herbert 9 43.91 8.78 Poole, George J. Jr. 10 43.91 8.78 McCarthy, Daniel 11 43.91 8.78 Torgerzon, Clark 12 43.91 8.78 Torgerson, Austin M1 BLOCK 222 Lot 7 43.91 8,78 Ellyson, A. H. 8 43.91 8.78 Ellyson, A. H. 9 43.91 8.78 Ellyson, A. H. IQ 43,91 8.78 Ellyson, W, 13, 11 43.91 8.78 Beauchamp, Charlotte 12 43.91 8.78 white, Marion L.(Emptr(b Land Co.) BLOCK 224 7 43.91 8.78 Edmonds, A. a 43.91 8.78 Edmonds, A. 9 43.91 8.78 Edmonds, A. 10 43.91 8.78 Edmonds, A, 11 43,9C 8.78 Edmonds, A. 12 43.90 8.78 Edmonds, A. TOTAL 1,844.19 The aforesaid sums shall be paid as above set forth with interest on deferred payments at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually on or before the 30th day of November, of each and every year; the first of which payments shall be made in the year 1914. Passed and approved this let day of December, 1913. MAYOR, ATTRST: CITY CLERK. STATE OF MONTANA, ( COUNTY OF FLATHEAD,) SS. CITY OF KALISPELL, 1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kaliq)ell, Fontana, do hereby certify that on the 25th day of November, 1913, 1 caused the.foregoing Resolution to be posted as re- quired in Ordinance No. 174, and that said Resolution remained posted for a period of five days and that there have been no changes or alterations made therein s,ince the passage and ap- proval thereof by the City Council nor in the recording thereof. Recorded herein and this certificate made this fifth day of December, 1913, City Clerk.