06-03-85 Annexation Committee1p • June 3, 1985 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE MEETING 4:00 P.M. Chairman Manning, Councilmen Palmer, Saverud, Springer and Schindler present. Mayor McDowell, Ross Plamback from Community Development, Stan Pine, Don Berringer, and Roger Hopkins from the Daily Interlake also in attendance. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, SECTIONS 5.06 - 5.08 - Discussion of memo from Ross Plamback concerning going from one non -conforming use to another and the re -building of a destroyed structure and non -conforming use. Attorney Neier would like to look into this further and recommended not having the second reading at this Council meeting. Attorney Neier, Ross Plamback, C. Manning, C. Springer, and DPW Hammer to meet to work on this issue. SCHWARTZ ANNEXATION - Public hearing will be held at this Council meeting. CITY OWNED PROPERTIES - Resolution of Intent to Annex (1) the lift station at Grandview (2) airport property south of town, and (3) golf course property across the Stillwater River to be brought to Council CHRISTIAN CENTER - Resolution of Intent to Annex. They are in need of services. There will be no tax base but it will clean up the perimeters of the City limits. •_ ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS - Section 6.13 is on hold. Section 7.31 concerning non -conforming use in redevelopment area on hold until 5.06 - 5.08 is solved. Discussion of FRIO letter with policy recommendations. C. Manning broughtup the question of whether the Comprehensive Plan should be updated only at regularly scheduled times or each time there is a change. The point was also made that there is a choice: Addressing the Comprehensive Plan (when there is an impact ot:- a whole area) or simply a zone change (affecting 150 surrounding site). C. Manning recommended that an applicant going through both the processes of zoning and comprehensive plan change do so simultaneously and that the fee structure be based accordingly. C. Springer moved, C. Palmer seconded, Committee passed. Discussion of fee structure: C. Manning recommended charging $200.00 for simultaneous zone and comprehensive plan change. The question was asked whether it was fair that the applicant pay actual costs? Committee requested information from those setting fee structure concerning actual costs. C. Manning asked Stan Pine and Don Berringer, who were present, how they felt about this and they indicated they would prefer being notified up front of the amount. A further consideration was the short-term (actual costs) vs. the long-term (tax base). Committee would like to see how other cities charge for these services. C. Manning to get with FRIO on the fee schedule. KALISPELL MOTEL - TOM LYDON ANNEXATION - City Attorney to check with • Tom Lydon to see if there is any problem with annexation. J ANNEXATION COMMITTEE June 3, 1985 Page 2 SATELLITE DISHES - C. Manning to check with City Attorney and how dishes fit into building codes. If they are considered permanent structures then must meet existing codes for set back and height. Committee would like to check with League of Cities and Towns to see what others are doing. UNSIGHTLY CLUTTER ON PRIVATE PROPERTY - Discussion included whether or not something was a hobby, safety hazards, "a man's home is his castle", and citizen's asking for an ordinance with teeth. There is a difference between commercial and private. Police Chief handles things concerning health and welfare of the City. Committee referred this to the Safety Committee. BUFFALO HEAD TOWNHOUSES - Extended discussion of setbacks and green area. City Attorney, C. Manning, Surveyor Zavodny, Stan Pine and Don Berringer to meet to establish policy for continuing the project. ajg 0