05-06-85 Annexation CommitteeMay 6, 1985 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M4 • Cahirman Manning, Councilmen Palmer and Springer in attendance. Mayor McDowell, DPW Hammer, Attorney Neier, Surveyor Fred Zavodny, Garman Meadows, and John Meglino also present. Chairman Manning brought the meeting to order. The Committee reviewed the ITEMS ON THE AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING: Second Reading Ordinance #1057 (Colonial Villa Annexation) First Reading Financial Services zone change ordinance: Review of Attorney's report requested by Council. C. Springer went on record as disagreeing with the report. C. Springer recommended and C. Palmer seconded a motion to recommend the zone change request. Committee concurred. First Reading Zoning Ordinance amendments, sections 5.06-5.08 & 7.31 Resolution of intent to annex wholly surrounded land Resolution of intent to annex -Thompson -Summit Ridge Addition #175035T9) Resolution of intent to annex Olson Addition #177 (#3580) Approval of Hawthorne West Improvement Drawings and Final Plat: The Committee discussed procedure involved here and decided that all that was needed was to bring it up to the Council. The remainder of the meeting was a discussion of PROCEDURES and disagreement with FRDO concerning some procedures. Attorney Neier is to check into the subdivision regulations to see if the staff can handle things like the Hawthorne West improvement drawings and final plat and send a recommendation to Council, or if the Council has to go over all the information. A motion was moved, seconded and carried to proceed with the formal adoption of zone reduction as outlined in early 1984. Discussed FRDO letter of April 25, 1985 concerning ANNEXATIONS PROCEDURES - EXTENSION OF SERVICES REPORT: C. Manning, DPW Hammer and Attorney Neier are to determine appropriate response for annexations where all the requested information is not pertinent because of the size (one or two lots). ajg 01 C. Manning adjourned the meeting.