Ordinance 301 - Establishing Water Works DeptM
0 R 1) 1 Tl, A 11 0 71 1110, 1301.
-Pd1r 9RDINNINCR, PROVID-7,Ml Afl-!) A %7AT"13 "Xamw DE-
PARTIMMT,OF Till, CITY OF TKAMOMETJ, AIM 1`1301111)13,R, 1'071 "U', Y11T701)
AiT, 11MV1"DT7,-r POR C1,173TA114' FOR TIT11
OF ;�'T',,) f�'TA13G"17 -0-R ill�'A,1,171� 110 -71,,A,7P C0.',1,5U`;7PRc� 07 S,,J-,, C177'
TIT' IT O"MAP'71) lli')' '1'777 CITY ni-' T'"i' 01�' J'lALl.S111?TA,:
Section 1. T',i,,.,t there is Kareby erMli&yd :i wnOr w"M
department of the City of Kalispell for tip purpose of providing
for the o,-eration and rwintonance if lyetc'% i c h h a 3
herd nfoTr boon by sit City o-f
Se; clion R, That the 'Myor s`i;ill- , ppoint by and ,vith file
comwnt of We Cownil a nrover ,n� r,,iitable pe,.son tit .t
�, hq filed by the Council whose duties,, it shall 'be, to have charC-,,e
cf the operation ana of s"aid, v;att:,r system.
Section 3. Mat the 'Agar Mall apr)01111 1hy t'l-,
cooment of Us Council and ut a -,"'J.-try to 1)e detern-ined t�-,, t'-0-
Council, a suitable person Mose duoyc ;A Mu"! " to caloct
a,nd accourit :ror ail revenueo, dc:rived, from serial ,vate,-r eyqte,,,.,
Section 4. All other ozplayees necercarj to Un operation
,-ijrl :q:,,J-itenance of' sai.l wat"r syste'rnr "n'�"Al l-c, employed Ity t1'1(-,'
Uayor bQ wl-.,o�,-,,,,., vw,�,,'ec� c-l'-ull 1,�, the City counc3' ,
Section 5. All moneys derived from sa-i�A, vr�ter ,o
wator plant shall be paid by the Caghier or per;ao,,i -Ln r rrt e af,
the recelpts of said moneys into tie 004ce of the My Treasurer
at 6,ie e�id of "ind eve T,'usinea:e la," ttj-Le S-aid Cit7!
Trpasurnj, oral Fi','R "') said, ni-, (�)t, and
all of u3id mounts and Vie e�id City Trey tsurer s,hall transmit
a duplimte receipt to the Office of Vie Qffic City
on file a daplica,te, receipt in his own e , Cl,,,irl� and sho,-11. keep
Section 6, The City Treasurer Hall depwit ;md 3wop saij
f'VldS, so,rcceived in a fund to to ]=own umd den!DwAed as We
Watnr Torkn ,and surysaid fum, en ara tirc2y �-,ep, ,te
and apar�t from all oth"'r funds of t1le City of "',aliopnll, "'on"aya'a,
and no rnoreyo 'f-' Paid out of. the suae on
lmrrm.ts My 'int regularly iRsued thP, City t,ne,City
of 1911toppi1. in acco I r"ance. ?jvith the irstr'.Actj.on.s of City
Section 7. BeforP sntoriq, their dut:
eny pdayed to have cl-1,rge of V"', and ri-,.aj!atc.,-j.c,ncn oJ' srj,aJ
Water System nn! the rollaction W—M rc7cnaao A' said system,
uhall give surety bonds in the swa ol 1,Q,CC0,C01 each,
on tha MKSul of LheLr Juties and £Incourlting to the
City of X.ulispell for n11. or ,,nonys (wr"ted to ovir
Urpiag, 1710 Prnmiwn Of �Vich 1MId N--tli ce ir%�� 1,r'Ie City
of Xalispall out of the rcvonu(,,,,-, of �,uiJl pL--ait and ivEiter
Section S. The following vvuM-, and, c-'aarges, for the use of
aa.11 i.e placed into effect nno oball ronstituto Hn only
�vutrr W
ra t c s for the aoe of
Bakery (7,11,inimu.,m) 42. 5C
11,acber Slanp ls, Chair i. 50
Ar 2nd it I 'Cc
it ra 3rd " or ovnV per chair, 1M
Pat"n, Tul.�, Private, ouch
to as Eo,-,-ding 110t Ase. eaach
Bilmard !Ja11, each table
But no Ouron less than,
2. 5 ()
Boarding Timme under Wn rooms
7'ac'h roo'm over ton
7,ut no churn" n le?,s, than
2 , 5 0
PAY, lark Per 2, Hason's mermure
Each additional cow
Forge, eacl'i
Ruch additional forge
Horse in privnte stable
Each addl tional Wroe
Hose in p0vaLe stable
1 00,
hotel, ten roo,,•,s or uinder
Sach room over ten
lee Creunq Saloon, eac'ri t,.Lle 4-6 persons
But no &"rge lmns than
L-aundry, (Cr '.Fetsr)
ldvery Stablo, OtAll
as Wn
Oyster 7oUF"'e e"'Ia1-1 table 4-6 p e re a I I S
But no Amrge less than
ailery (Minimunfl
a c t, e r L r,,7 rer squ.,.re yt."arc
RestavranLs each 1,atle up to C, peroonq
is minimum
Shop, ani Itores
Faloon Wu&,r Closet, eaciri
Saloon Cleo eat, 'inimuin chn-rce
Saloon Urinals, encir.
30.1n, ":r-, f�.!eter ',.-"ea-urement)
0 Sti,�m Fetitin--, �Yiniymiml
P) t r? --mm 7 n4
"ine 11� P� to 1a0
Thter cioseK
ff 1 for 1110tpl' nvery 13 maxi:'1.5c
wash Basin fixed in reetauran,,.-, or c
Sprinkling Lawa hose ,iith nozzle no',
greptev than 3/16 inch for We aeaswi for Ints
25 :-"eet from; or under 5.00
Over 25 !Met and not (,�ceedin,-,, V, feet IO&C
In all cases where the City is not 'villiri�±" to fUrflish
lVata".- for t:'.'e p�lrposc,, by tft.is, section and the
rates herein provided, it may dispose of it's Water by
meter a,t following rwUm, to.wit:
1hern the daily consumption of any concumel is 1COC, gral-
lons or le�so,, tlrie is to lrC, .,-..ads at the rate of f i f ty
cents per ICOO g11'10no;
Mien the, dia,ily connump'Lion 1-y a.ny one -onsxnner is niore
timn 1CCC g0lons on the excess over 100C gallons tie ck"ge
is W be mde at the rate of Weny-five event;, jt25) per ICCC
gallons. In all cases not ?,rain enurarated -atc; will 'cc,
-t t1ic, ra',A fixed in proportion to the annount used,
Section 9, Thnt this be aned is ]'iereby duly
decinred to be are rissed as an ordinance for the
an Ant the Qity of 75-lionell is i-n -,rroo9os of' takin,.'; Over
the prement existing wat-r 10ant and systmi in the City of
1011spell, TTontnna, and it is for t1ne irvaedi-ate
inn into effect of mtPr ~da of condljcl,,JnL.�-, o,:J,d systeTn
and plant and this t-
r.ereforc bein�- 1)!-,.-,d into
legal effect jmmvdiaLel.,v uTjori is pansage by the City Cowwil
"y I '! -'e 7ayor'
.'nj aj)pr'�)Val 1�'
Secti,n 10. All ar,,',J-n�.Ances or ol,' ordin.-nces in cunflic
lie re vd t"Darc; he re -b ;v re pe it le cl .
Passed this 24t]-i day of 191,3.
ArprOved and P,,iznpd th(� 'rjyor this 24t'fL clay of 7ove,,aber,