01-21-85 Annexation CommitteeJanuary 21, 1985
Chairman Manning, Committee Members Palmer and Springer, Building Official
Petersen, FRDO Verma and Roger Hopkins, Daily Interlake, met in the Conference
Room at 4:00 p.m. on this date. Mayor 14cDowell was also present.
Ken —Way Addition No. 3: There will be a public hearing and also the first
reading at the Council meeting tonight. The Committee did not wish to have the
conditions read. Chairman. Manning will bring this before the Council as a recom—
mendation from the Annexation Committee. Paul Palmer moved that the Committee
recommend approval of the proposed Ken —Way Addition No. 3 for the first reading.
Springer seconded the motion. Carried.
Oftedahl Annexation: There has already been a public hearing on this
at the last meeting so this meeting will see the first reading of Oftedahl
Addition No. 171. This is where Amfac is presently under constructi;n. Paul
Palmer moved that the Committee recommend approval of the Oftedahl Addition
No. 171 for the first reading. Sa-inger seconded the motion. Carried. Palmer
questioned what had been done about the street in the back. Chairman Manning
said it is in the proposal. There will be a twenty foot right—of—way dedicated
to the City of Kalispell. We already have twenty feet on the other side. It
is the same as is required of Montana Power when they go in.
Zoning Ordinance: This will be the second reading of the Zoning Ordinance
amendment that is removal of Table 3.01.
Zoning Commissions: The Committee discussed integration of zoning commissions;
FRDO Verma said that Columbia Falls and Whitefish have already done this. There
has been a problem with getting the fifth member appointed to the Zoning Commission.
The proposal is to have the same group that sits on the City/County Planning Board
also sit on the City Zoning Commission. When there is a land use issue, the Board
—' can operate as both the City/County Planning Board as well as the City Zoning
Commission. Fully integrated, the action can appear one time to serve both
purposes. It would expedite cases where there is a zoning issue outside the city
limits. Palmer expressed concern that county people are going to be making
city zoning decisions. Chairman Manning stated that city people are also making
county zoning decisions. Under the present system, when there is a city zoning
issue, the people on the City Zoning Commission make those decisions. This is
the five people but we have operated for nearly a year without that fifth person.
Springer moved that the Annexation Committee recommend approval of the integration
of the City/County Planning Board and the City Zoning Commission. Palmer seconded.
Repeal of Section 6.14 to PUD, Chapter 8: Adoption per Ordinance 1043.
This is a PUD that is on the books that is geared toward residential. Glen
has looked at it and Alan has no problem with repealing this section. This
was an oversight and now needs to be removed from the books. Springer so moved
and Palmer seconded. Carried.
Chairman Manning will request Surveyor Zavodny to draw up a list of areas
within the city limits which have not been annexed to the city such as the
golf course property across the Stillwater River, Bountiful Drive, airport
property south of town, and also extending the highway further north. Springer
moved that we have the list put together and placed on the Agenda. Palmer
seconded. Carried.
There being no further business before the Annexation Committee, it adjourned
at 4:20 p.m.