09-07-84 Annexation CommitteeANNEXATION COMMITTEE 4:00 P. M. COUNCIL CTL1MBER.S CITY HALL Present: Mayor McDowell; Councilmen Manning, Springer, Schindler, and Palmer; City Attorney Neier; Building Official Peterson and FRIO Director Derma. Chairman Manning stated that this meeting is a follow -upon Resolution #3525 a resolution to clarify the City of Kalispell's extraterritorial building permit procedures, by requiring the City Building Official to review extra -territorial building permit application for compliance only with the Uniform Building Code, 1982, and directing that the Building Official submit written requests to County Officials for determination of compliance with sanitary regulations, flood plain regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan; and the letter from the Flathead County Commissioners to Nakul Verma, Flathead County Zoning Administrator which states in part, "it is our decision that you provide the following information to the Kalispell Building Official when you receive a written request under Section 1 (c) of Resolution #3525: 1. A statement as to whether the site for the proposed structure is contained within a zoning district and, if so, whether the proposed use complies with the regulations governing that zoning district; 2. If the site for the proposed building is not within a zoning district, state only the designation of the proposed site in the Comprehensive Plan, and, if sufficient information is available to you, the character of the use of the proposed building. As you are aware, Flathead County does not issue building permits, nor does Flathead County wish to become involved in the City's obligations to determine, initially, whether the Comprehensive Plan must be complied with in the issuance of the City's build- ing permits and, secondly, whether a building permit for the proposed project should be issued, as in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, or denied, as not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan." Mr. Verma and Building Official Peterson asked what procedure should be followed in areas where the building does not conform with the Comprehensive Plan or is unzoned. After discussion, Councilman Schindler suggested that the Council make a formal request to the Commissioners for permission to zone the extraterritorial area. Councilman Manning asked if there is enough staff and the funds available for a project of this size. Mr. Verma replied that the FRDO staff has already prepared a map and is ready to go with public hearings if so directed. Councilman Springer moved that the Annexation Committee recommend to the City Council that Mayor McDowell write a formal request to the Flathead County Com- missioners to zone the 3 mile radius extraterritorial area. Seconded by Council- man Palmer. Motion carried. City Attorney Neier stated that he could have said letter drafted in about two weeks. Mr. Verma explained that the map has been prepared with the same zoning classif- ications as designated in the city zoning ordinance. Councilman Manning presented the Hawthorn West Resubdivision for review by the Committee. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P. M.