Ordinance 299 - Licenses0 R D I N A N C 7(, NO, 299
An ordinance providing for the payment of licences by
cert�.,�irl 'businesses, Vocations and Qccupotir)ns for the purpose
of defraying the costs and expense,, of inopectinL, regulatingy,
and controiline, the surne and repealing sections 65, 6E, 67, 68,
6, 7C, 71, 72, 73, 74, 7.5, 76, 79, 8C, 81, 62, 63, 84, 85, 66,
87, 88, 81), 9C, 91 ajid 92 of Article I of Chapter 7 of the Re-
vised ordinances of the City of Kalispell as approved July 24,
1911, and re -pealing ordinance No. 266 entitled an ordinance to
amend ordinances relating to the licenses and ordinance 286 of
the City t 1, y of Xa.li*pell entitled and ordinance providing for the
licensing of moVing picture shows and ordim'.-ince 287 an ordinance
anending ChaPte., 7, Section 78 of Article I, of the Revised
Ordlin-ances of the "City of Kalispell, !,r,ontana, passed and approved
July 24, 1911, relating to the licenging of retail liquor dealers.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Kalispell,
section 1. That for the 'purpose of defraying the costs
and expenses of inspecting, regulating and controllinL,, certain
bu8ineoses, vocations and occiApations within the City of fKali-
�j0 e
spell and enorcingr the proviuions of various ordin ,n ecs f the
City of Kalispell relating; to the ins-Qection kind control of stfell
businesse°-, vocations -.knd occupations, each owner of the busi-
nesses, Vocations and occupations hereinafter designated and
enumprate.d, nlnc�,,Al pay a license as follows:
Every person, association or corporation who sells spirit-
uous, malt, vinous, distilled or fermxnted liquors in quantities
of not less one qua,rt must pay a license of .�5.00 per quart-
r; and every person, acoociation or corporation who sells
spirituous, malt or f(>rmentod liquors in lees quantities than one
quart mint 'pay a l.icernu,e of 61 a .5C, , er (-Iuarter.
''very -brewer or maunfacturer of malt licjuo-rs must pay o,
license of J,�10.CC ner quarter.
'E'very proprietor of a lbilli€,tr3, pool or bagatelle table
not kept C-XrClUbiVely for faraily use, must pay a license for each
table of, per quarter �-',nd each proprietor of a bowling, alley
must pay a license of 6P.00 per Quarter for each ,allay.
The rnana_wer, lessee or a6reiit of eu4kk theater shall pay �3.CD
per day for, each day upon a performance is riven or in lieu
thereof a monthly license of $15,CQ and for each oin[.,Ie e,,hibition
of opera or concert singer, not exhibited in r-my theater where a
monthly license is paid $3,CO and for a minstrel, legerdemain or
other show not herein provided for, 5.CC for each perforriance
when not in R theater where a monthly licei,6e is taken out, pro-
vided however that no license must 'Le collected for any amateur
exhibition or concert for school, charitable or religious purpose.
The nm.nager, or lessee of each moling 'picture show must pay
a, license of 4'25.Cl,' per year, payable annt)ally in advance.
6 .
The follo,,%rirr; licenses shall 1,c paid for e,-jch day for tPle
performance or ex'hibitiorj of every circus and irienagerie, Jog and
pony show or other te4show havi% a seatin6 capacity of 1COO
and over.
In all cases where the udmisviun is twerity-five cents for
�eneral a.dmission ,,-tnJ not to exceed twenty-five cents for reserved
scats, the license silall he the sari of per dzy;
in all cases.where Lhe general adinission is fifty cents and
trio char ' e for reserved sea,Lts is not to exceed fifty ce.,it. , the
License shall be the sum of' '� p125,0C per day provided, however that
in no c,',-3se snall the nLuilber of reF�.,ervcd seats be, in excess of one
li,alf of Vae tots,,l number of seats and it, is furtner providcd- that
in care the ch, rge for admIsvion c� for seats shall ex-
ceed the swains above -�entioned that in that cease no license shall
be issued. if the owners, nm,-inager or agent of any such show,
circus or menagerie shall first procure a license in accordance
wkth the above terms and shall then charge, aduiis-)iun or reserved
Seat prices at a rate hi��,her than above specified, the 'I'ayor shall
revoke the license previously issued ,and, the enid owner, r.,lanager
or agent shall be guilty of a, misdemeanor for such violation of
the provisions of this section,
It sho,11 be the duty of the City Health Officer to im9pect
or cause to be, insrected every location or site where any exhil,i-
tior is to be given by any circus, menagerie, dop, and pony show
or other show referred to in the last above section and it shall
be unlawful for n.ny shot, -a, circus Or rrZpnagekie to rive any exhibi-
tion at any location or site without obtaining, the approval of
the City Health Officer and every circus or menagerie occupyin(,7
or using, any locat-inn or site for exhibi'Clion purpooeu shmIl keep
the same in as sanitary condition satisfl,tctary to the City Health
Officer -und fov that yurl�aoze take such. precautiom5 or, inake zuc!h,
arrangemnntss as the City Health Officer �0,y requircThe City
F cza 11, h Officer bkiall require every circus r,c menagerie after
its tenr,,,.,nd ivaq�ons nave been renioved, to clean up or renioic from
the location or site used and Occupied by the.mi, all straw mnamure,
rubbi-'a, and debri,,,.
7,v (1 1, r o 1, , ry pawn cer shullpay a lioemoe of per quarter
and shall. keep a record of his transactions and hold the same
subject to inspection by the Chief' of Police,
Every keeper o' an intelligence office or employment Luroa,u
shall pay < IiCeT190 Of. 45,°`C per quarter aa,rti shall. keep a record
of all fees charg?ed, by hiiA, vihiclq record must be inspected by the
Chief of Police once a month.
Every ka,eper of a shooting -'allery for gain shall pay a
license of 45.C(' per quarter,
every kee-per of as livery or feed stable shall Tay a license
of �2.CC per quarter.
7very manager or lessee of aa , roller sktir�r
F. license of' $5.00 per month, I . _ rink shall. ray
The owner of a dray, omnibus, carriage, cart, hack, bus or
express wagon shall. pay a license of tiSl, C per one hoa,sc per
quarter and for such additional horse at the rate of �P'l.Cc, per
laah owner or lessee of an autoinuble iAoed 'for hire S-riall paw
a license of' 412.501 per quarter for each aautomobile,
Every telep
hone company zhuil! pay a license of 25 cents per
year for ever.y: in3trument in use, payable quarterly in advance,
Every Water company or electric light company must pay a
license of 47.50 per quarter or w.'-iere such companies are consoli-
dated, such license shall be paid for by each dppa,-rtmcnt.
Every per, --on, company or corporation who at a, fixed place
of busij,jeSp sells 1,11y goods, wares or -norchandise, drugs or
medicine, jewelry or precious riaetaJ.n i�!-iether on commission or
otherwise, must ray a license therefor, The amount of the
lieenRe to 1)(-. determined by the class in which such person is
placed by the City Treasurer. Such buqinE,,sPv.s are, to be claos—
ified and requln.ted by the amount of the monthly sales and at
the following rate:
(a) $10CC(10 or iriove constitute CILSS A and must pay $75.CC
per quarter,
(b) $75,OCC and legs" than $10C,000 constitute Class B and
must pay $70,0,0 per quarter;
(c) 501,OCC and les^ than $75,000 constitute Class C and
must pay $60CC per quarter;
(d) $40,CCC and less than 14 5 0, 0 0 GI constitute Class D and
mus t pay $50.00 per quarter,
(e) (y30,000 and less than $40,000 constitute Class V and
must pay $40.00 per quarter;
(f) $20,OCO and lest, t-Vian $30,000 constitute Class F and
mug L pay �'3).00 per quarter;
( g ) $10,CCO and IeSs than $20,OCO constitute Clase G and
mutt pa =0.(IC per quarter;
(h) $5,000. and less than $10,Mi constitute Class 11 arid
Tf, US +1 pay $10.00 per quarter;
(1) 2,500 and less than $,5,000 ccristituto Class I and
must pay $7.50 Per quarte.r;
(j) 1,)1,250 and less than $25CO constitute Class, J and
must; pay $5.CC per quarter;
(k) 040C and lesF7, ti'lan $1250 constitute Class 7, and must
pray $3.00 per ci,Aarter;
(1) Les-, than 0400.�C, c0n5IlitUte Class T, and must -pay $2.00
por quarter.
Every baker must pay a license of $3,OC per quarter.
Fvery butcher or rrieat rnarket shall pay a license of !'P5.CC
per quarter.
2C .
J�,very person, couipany or corporation selling oleonargarine,
Lutterine or itnitations of cheese shs-,Ul puy a lioense of �15.00
per quarter in addition to all other
Every person who keeps a public weighing or platform scales
for hire shall pay a License of $5.CO per quarter.
:;very person Pnga,elred in the business of selling cigarettes,
cir ,a,rette papers or material used in making of cigarettes except
tobacco, sqall pay a licence of 1().CC per quarter in addition
to any other license herein provided.
23 .
Evory person or persons acting in the nepacity of a ware
house man for th-e par-r,,oue jf -toring wares, goods and nerhan-
dise except in true oa-oacity as corunon catrrier, rha-11, pay a
license of $,5,CC per quarter,
Every traveling merchant, hawker or peddler, who carries
a pack ar vends goods£,, vvav,esar -,nrcl-iandise, ei*'Ast n,ay a li-
cenoc of 412.5C pez., qtiarter; and every traveling mp-.,°chant,
hawker or peddler, -vrh,) ages a wagon and one animal nm,,lst pay
n license of v'�2C,CC ner quarter, or if he uses two or snore
animals for ',,he purpose of vending such {rood-,:, w��T'c-s or
inerchundise of any kind, he Trust pay a license of $30,C0 per
quarter; and every merchant who travels from place to place;
and is not included in the il)ov(,, vvovisicnq, <),nd vends g,,00ds,
warec, or a erenrs,ndise in t<>r.;T,,orary quarters. eh: -all pay to
license of SC.CC per quarter; but t'no ne.,IdIcr -,-Aho c,tcrips
for sale only agricultural -prodhicts raised by himeelf or any
-Irtioles wn,nufacturcal try himself in the County of !�Ilathe4ld,
2t-tte of Illontana, is not, inch xlea in ttite of' tnis
son ti on..
!{very male person en,y,agcd in t'ne laundry I)u9inEIza,
other Wn the steam laundry businesH, must nay as licence
of :�3,CC per
livery person who carries on a steam laundry rilust pay
IiCCIYIc-P Of $5.0C per aartero
livery keeper Of as restatArant, eatin� 1-iouse or oatinf�
stand must 1mg a license of $3.C'.' per C111arter
Every person canduct&it7 t,-je JlotQI or
lolgpiri� houm, having from fiv,3 to l,dfteen roorils M(""t Pay
a, license of .�2,50 per quarter rand tie proprietor o" every
hotel or loci 0
ging house havin,7, fifteen to ti,sienty-fiv, r OMs
mAllt pay 'l license Of 35jo pr qivirter and die proprietor
of every or lodging hou�.',o having more tian t-,i,Pnty.five
rooms must -pay a license of O per - quarter , ing that
� ��rovid
no license "all be required for hotels or lojgireg 'louses
wnere the nuj,,A)Pr Of rooms is lnos th.an five.
Avery person who
sells or offers lf'or sale froni alny table,
staad or PlIltfOrI WHO> Or any OtTyr teu4)orary structure,
u.ryy r;car7 its articles roods, warns OC of any
Kind, -`Izill pay u license of per quarI,?.r and no li-
cense shall be issued for less -period of time than one
Every person who shall run or Conduct a doll rac'x or
czi,rie rac', or ,any othel. 'Ievice in
or Chance
is an ele,,,aent in the awarding: of nrizes or 5m delivering of
merchandise to its Patrons, ahan pay a license of ObXC
per month,
10,very person, cowt�,�,ny or corpor�,Aion that constructs,
_jg(,,s or Yrain,a_jnu ,any sign or bill toavd used for the xurpose
of advertising t'heatrical or cornriercial enter-,,prisee or
ities ,Aa�-, pay a, license of ',,,�25.0() as your in advance. if
suc'n bill '1,0trd or sig ,,n-bo,%rd are d,-,n.,,,e.roaz to the pul'icOr
have thereupon any words. or T;ict'arez of an obscene or itrlmora1
nature. or ropvei,,ent deedo off a 1aiwlegonesu or violence, the
same tnay be declared pul)lic nuisti,nces by the City Council, ay ' id
the owner shall remo-�,P said WOrdS or 1)jctureo in six hours
Jtcr bein,-, notified of tjhe action of the City Council and if
the ownev so fails to remove said words ornictures when noti-
fied, he shall le to T),ay as fine of not to exceed $20.0,0
for such failure to so do aseforestid.
Auctioneers are divined into three classes and roust pay
licenses as follows; 'those whose mamountthly gales amount to
more than $250C constitute the class, and roust pay a
License of 5.CC per quarter. Those whose monthly 5,aleo
amount to more than �j',bCC.00 and leosthan �$25cc constitute the
second class and miz=at pay zwi licenso of per quirter.
Those whose monthly sales arnount to n500. or less constitute
the third class and must pay a license of $5,C0 per qwrter,
Section 2. Before any license shall he issued by the
City Treasurer to any person to transact or carry on any buai-
yjeq 11 ar -Ying
,s, avocation or occupation for 1'-ic trani.actingg r o c� r
on of which a license is re.rluired by this ordinance, tYle room,
apart,nent, tenement, or buildin,,to 1,e used or occupied for
ie x h s i 1"10 , S ,
,�Urpw:_!e of tr.,,,Lasactin�, or carryin,'�T on such bu - s
avocation or occupation, shall be inspected by the City Health
Officer of Inspector or Deputy 3anitary Inspector
for the jau.cpooe of ,tscertaining whether the same is in ,,, sen-
it,,try and proper condition for the transacting or carrying on
of such t)ucjyjegs, z.jvoc;.,,tion oi, occ-upation the rein, and no li-
ce,jse small be i,,3sued to any person, fo:r- the transactino or
carrying on of any such IUEAI-102S, 207ocati011 Or Occupation if
such insrection shall disclose the fact thzit such room, apart-
Inent, tenement. or Y)uildoing, is not in a sanitary and proper
condition for the 1rans,acting or c*trryinjp,• on of such business,
uvoc.,t1joYj or occuT,)ation t,ieroin, and the City Health Officer
or Sanitary Inspector or Deputy Sanitary Inspector shall in-
g_a .lea ot once a month every tj-iea.trc and place of busi-
ness irj the , City of Kalispe-Li for the pu-rpose.,-,i of ascertaining
and determinincr whotnor the same are being Kept in o, �rood
s,.i,nitary condition, and whetlrler such bu,,Arie,,ises are being;
carried on and conducted in accordance with the sanitary ardi-
nances of the City of Kalispell and tkie re,ulationg of the City
Healt?l 'Departr?'lent.
section 1rhat every person, firm co-.npz':krY or COrPor-
ation required by this train-ance to Obtain ,.i. license to eng,,.ge
in wary business or vocation shall pay to the city Irreasurer
the 0,,,tjns, required to be paid therefor, and it) mass' of saloon
license,, shall conform to the other provisions, of the ordinances
Of the City of Kalispell, _%rjd ti-joreupon Vne City Treasurer shall.
issue tile license duly signed by the Iayor and City Clerk, which
.1 P 1(, r,� or vocation
license sn,-�11. set forte t�, 0 PUM OSP, ')Usil -, — for
whic.'a the said license is ;ranted and n.ar:ie of tie person, firri,
o;nOV vorporation to whom issued, the .amount paid, and the
dates I upon whicri t'`ic licensed commenced arid exn t
nd , s! -iall
a stub and enter upon sar-le the information contained in
tri licanse as id SL-,all tr','-Instlit tide 'luulicite of said s t ub to
the City clejqc at trio-,, end of the mont.1,1.
Section ,I. That in every case 1,,ihere :aore than one of
the T)iirquits, lrusincnses, _-,-vocations, or occupations are carried
On in tfle swie- place, by the same person, company or corporat-
tion at the same time, for whicra a license is rewired under
this ordin,,,lnce, a license must be procured for each,
Section 5, That the "a,yor may at any time forbid the
issuance of any license or if one Iilas Tec.n issaipd, nlqay revol,<e
the saxie -:hero, in his judgl,itentl the business, occupation or
avocation sought to be licensed may be dctrimmsntal to the pub-
lic morals or health, or li.aable to orovoke as breach of peace;
provided trlat mach denia.1 or, revocation of any license; or
licenses MUDt be r('T;orted at the first meeting, of the Council
the-reaft�r for its ratificati,)n or rejection,
7ect'.Lml E. 7,lhenever ,a license is revoked or annulled,
the amo-ant of money paid therefor shn,ll V,e deealed forfeited
to the City :and cannot be refunded.
Section 7. The City Treasurer wast mulcc diligent in-
quiry sto all perFons in the City liabte to p.y a license
as urovide(l in this ardinance and must require, where the rate
of' license i:3 divided into classes, each person to state under
Oati-I Or affirmattion, t'ne pro'bable amount of businesewh4ch, he
or the firm Of aviaicil he is as member, or for Ile is 113n,
t G 0
Do attorney, or the as��,oci,,,t,tion r c r-poration of which,
he s president, secretary or _:I
IIA'117etll, did in t_ae last eA
period for license raay have been issued, thereupon
such perE-,on, agcnL, president, wecrp_tFtry or otiler officer 7,_,uOt
rrocure a license for the term desired and the cl,,=tss 4,or -,Vhjch
suc,", party is lira ale to pay.
S e C t i 'a n ES, Tile City Health office.r of' the city of
Kalispell, sIm,11 during t,ie last montl of c. a,c l :and every
quarter, r(,,T)ort in ,,,,riting to the City Treasurer of the City
of Kalispell, the narnes, of' all persons, asoocli,:€tions or cor-
porationg engaged in carryinlq- on any business, av00CttiQn or
occuT),,,'ition within t?le City Of Kalispell for which a license
is required arlde-r, the provisions of this ordin"J'ric-le.
Section J. 74'VCry person wno cormiences or carrier on uny
business, avocation or occupation for the trjnouction. or carry-
in-, on c- conductinS of which it licenFe, is required by any ordi-
nance of this city, wit'nout first takinx- out or provurine; the
license T�",scribcd by oich is guilty of a misdemeunoj:- and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any warn not exceeding
One Hundred ('IMC.00) Dollars,
73ection I.C. Section 55, 66, 67, 65, 659, 7C, 71, 72, 73,
?4, 75, 76, 79, 8rl, 51, 82, 83, 84, 95, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, <)I
and 92 of Article 1 of Chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinuncem of
tile City of '.Kalispell as approved July 24, 1911 an 0 rdi 1 ArIcas
d r a ,
266, 286 and 28? of the City of 111aa,lispell and. ail oU-ter ordi-
narces Or parts Of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
Section 11. This on,-Iinance shall. take eifect and lae
in force fro.ai land,,`tft(?,r thirty d=iyls from the time of its Y)a�,,s_
age and ;.)xnroval by the
Passed this 3rd day of November, 1913, and approved this
3rd day of Novemfser, 1913.
City Cle rk,