Ordinance 298 - Signs Projecting Over SidewalksMM 0 R D I N A N C B NO. 295. AN ORDINANCE AY21,INDINrG STCTION 384 OF ARTICLE 3 O-P CHAPTPR 16 OF THF, R7WISI'D OMINATIMTS OF THI -I'I'Y 07 KALISP7,LL, ION` AII'A, TIELAT- !NG TC SIMTS PROJECT11,IG 0117R 5I-MR VIALKS. Pr, !T ORDA11MIM PY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF T717 CITY 07 XAMSP?,T,L, THAT OPCTION 384 OF ARTICL7 3OF (711APT-RR 16 OF '[1117 'R7VISTID ORIDIIL�JIC7S 07 717 CITY 07 TtALISPML, MONTANA, R-,LATIITG TO SIG1,13 PROTRCTING OVYM SIDE ',VATXS,, BF, AYIWDEM TO RMAD AS -FOI,LMVS-, Section 384: ff No peroon, company or corporation shall erect or maintain any sign or :sig n board or any bay window, balcony or portion of any building extending or projecting; over or across any street or side -walk or any r,art thereof to exceed three inches, provided nothing in this section shall prevent any pere,,,on, conpany or cor- poration frun, erecting, and maintaining under the supervizion of the City Engineer, an electric sign. The sane not to be less than eight feet above the side -walk, T'he tern electric sign shall be intcrpreteid a-e, meaninc, a sign constructed wholly of metal and glass or other non combustible sub- stance and no wood will IDe permitted in the construction of these signs. All of said electric signs shall be illuminated from twilight to ten o'clock P. X_ of every day. Any person, company or corporation violating tKie provisions of this Section shall, upon conviction, be fined in a, F-in not less than 6ne Dollar ($1.0C) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($60..00) and o�-ill be subject to like fine for every day the Offence shall bie continued after notice of same, $1 Pagsed and approved this 17th day of Octobo,11, 13, Mayor Attests City Clerk.