Resolution 522 - Assessment - SID 134M I R 7 S3 0 L 11 T 1 0 1 f NO. 522. A _RFSOLUT10"! T,7VY1TjG ,TT AS37SS7,71;1,11? 031 C7RAIY P-,OY!T RTY M S�'7',CIAL 17'n"OV7-1714' ')ISTRICT 140. 134, -011 '11-' PURPOST, OF GRA-IYG rAV17:10T ",TAINT STR77T 7-R011 TIM S7"R-71,111T TO rOURT11 STR71-7T ' '-" "71DFTJNG VIM CO1iSTMT,—!I031 07 SIDITVALKS, THRE, CONSTRUCTION OF CUTUBS A1,T1) ST0-,',! SP,T'4,"'qS ATlfl) SUCH GTHFTJ IN- CIDENT,!tL %VORK AS `,'r?Y Pf", 13-71=-:MiIRY To SAID T-11q)TjOV7- "ITHIN SAI-4') ]DISTRICT: B'F IT RISOLVPM 1,,Y TH11, CITY C'CTJY(IIL OF TTITP CITY OF KAT,15PML, T,,'ONTTAYA: WITI' 11,R",,AS t1ne City Council of the City of Kalispell Tjonta'na, 1,iaq he-�.�etoforp -prissed a reqol,,ation by the terms of Special Improvement District Vo, 1-34 was c-e,-),tPd for Vne nUrpoera StrPet to Fo,,zvt!,i of r,,rading Street, and r*,ving the widening Main 'Street from Thi,�d and construction of the ('onatruction of curbs arad'storm sewers und slac'n other. incidental ,vork as may be neciessary to complete s,?iJ improvements within said district, i,nd -,,)roviqion made the,,,ein the of t;rie costs of said work by levy- umUnst tree nrorertv wit an said Special Improvement D t -13 4 Lot Flock As.,, I t Inetial t Ovine r 7 f, 6 236.94 23,69 Kalispell National hank 2 236 94 23,69 tI of 3 236 94 23!. 69 Griffin,'W.-H. (J.-F.Uehlinger) 4 27a (3 . 9 4 23. 69 Conlon, James 236.94 23.69 Griffin, 71. H, 3 (-,. 94 ` 3.619 If tt If 7 236 . 94 3 . 6, 9 S m i t, i , D . T7. B 236, 94 23. 69 Fuckson, F , VV 9 236.94 23.69 Phillins, Eenj. D, 10 236.94 23 . 69 S�i e rrvan , 111 o r a K . 11 236,94 23.69 Ford, Jaires A, 12 236 .94 2 3, 69 nIt to 1115 (i 115 276,(1)4 23.6() 13 P . 0, 7 ", I k T e m 1) 1 e8 A r I . 14 2 3 (5, . 94 0 I'll . C, 9 If it Of If fe 0 436, 9: 2 If I. .. If If 16, 23 6 9 Hanna 17 236- 95 23,69 Sherman, Nora K. 18 10 3 9 213a69 Nelson, Sallie Page 19 236,95 23,69 Kalispell- Tovin.:,itc Company 2 '7 6 , 1) 5 23.69 Corari, Ja,,.q(,,s A. 21 236,95 23. 69 Fortin, Phillipe 2 236,95 2.3.69 Val i -P n s' y1i 11 iam C. 23 236,05 23.69 11 If If 24 236.94 23,69 if It of T 0 T i'i L c 8 r, , 13 5 Lkan T'he aforesaid rsiirab. eh all be -pajd j.s above rgat fortl-j tijvitjj intoreo,t on deferred payi-nents at trie rate of six per cent per annum, payable, annuu].1y; the said p<aymentz to be made on or before the 3(ItI-i dr-.,,y of of' each and every year-, the first of which paymcnits shall be, niade in the year 1913. Passed and a-nr-oved th.is 6th day f 0 tober, 1913. Ulayo r . AT T7,9T Ci t, CI e:�I S 'TA T 7 OF MIOITTZA, ( COUIAITY OT' I'LATTF-rAID,)SS. CITY 07" KALT"IPT'LL, I, C, J. 'rcAIlistpr, City Clerk of the, City Of ',-Ton tana, do herel,,.y certify that on the 7th day of October, 1913, 1 caused th� f`)re�;Oi-ng resolution to be posted for, a -()eriod of five days as reQuired in ordinjLrice Teo, 174 and that said reso- lution remained posted f op a period of five drays and that thero ha,re been no chunges or t-Iteration made therein since tie pao-sage and approval t:nPreof by the City Council nap in the recording thereof. Recorded aerein ::amid this certificate made this 7th day 1913, fir' ty cclerls. City -t �17