10-12-88 Council as WholeCOUNCIL WORKSHOP 4:30 PM OCTOBER 12, 1988 . The meeting was attended by Mayor Kennedy, Councilmermbers Nystul and Saverud, Craig Hess, Water/Sewer Superintendent Hyde, Clerk/Treasurer Halver and, later, Councilman Atkinson and DPW Harmer. 1. Continue discussion on Evergreen Sewer Andy Hyde suggested the councilmembers review the Evergreen Sewer Facility Plan. He then explained the system xecommended for Evergreen is a small diameter collection system with the City of Kalispell treating the sewage. Hyde said Kalispell prefers a conventional gravity collection system. He said Evergreen has three options; a treatment plant on Whitefish Stage at Rose Crossing, a plant across the river in the Fairmont Egan area or hooking into the Kalispell system. The costs are all about the same and don't present an obvious choice. If the proposed system is used and Kalispell. treats the sewage, additional work will be required at our plant and a surcharge should be assessed. A. Hook-up Fees The project engineer stated Evergreen should pay their fair share for their use of the Kalispell system and concluded that amount was similar to what we presently charge. The hook-up fees are not grant eligible though. Andy said the hook-up fees would cost the area less than building their own plant. He reeomonended Evergreen be charged the same hook-up fees City customers are • required to pay. • The council discussed the consent to annex requirement and decided it should be enforced. B. Plant operation and maintenance Councilman Nystul asked if our people could, and should operate the Evergreen system. Hyde said our rules require they build the system and turn it over to us. (if they are hooked into Kalispell) It would require more staff but the additional revenue would cover that. Craig Hess, of the Flathead Basin Commission, thanked the council for its consideration and said the agreement between Kalispell and Evergreen should be the last step in the approval process. Councilman Nystul asked if there was an advantage to "off-peak discharge" and Andy said there could be. Councilman Saverud asked if we need to be concerned about industrial wastes that may be received from Evergreen. Hyde said the Federal Government is working on monitoring procedures which will be required to discover any toxic sewage. The workshop participants did not make any reccamTendations. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 pm. - 1 -