Resolution 527 - Assessment - SID 135R E 8 0 L U T 1 0 N NO. 527 A RRISOLUTION LFVYING AT-1 AFT-,T1SS!,"TMVT 01s1 CT RTAIV FTIOP7,RTY IT,d S!'BCIAL DISTRICT T10. 135 Pon T11-7 PURPOSE 0- GRA-DIIM AIID -PAVINC, MAIT-T STR72PT FROU RAILRO,%D STIVIMPT TO THI71D 4"ITR7M7, T17 OF IS, � m - WALKS, THP COW8TPTJCTIO1VT 01' Cums AT,-,D ) mi ST,YMR9 A171) 'MME 0 J1Hr1R IY(71T1)F1fTAT, V,10?K AS !�IAY R7 T,13C1!',S,",A11Y TO C01MIXTR, SAID IM"ROV'170,17TS IVITITIN SAID 1,-'T-TUCT, I)IT IT R7SOLVRM RY TR' CITY COUNCIL 01,' '(PV, Clo�`Y OF KALISPELL, YOXTs#T A: INHTMR.,�S, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, has heretofore pw,,sed a resolution "by tie tevnof which Special impvovernent Diotrict Pfo. 135 was created for the purpabe of urt.iding and navinr, .11-ain Street from Pail -road Street to Third Street, Vie 1midening n 0 ,tr2d construction f side,malles, the conztvuctior, of var"be -and storm sewers and qo.jc�h other incidental work as may 1)e necessary to cor.,Iplete said. improvements within said district and provision made therein for the payment of the costs of said vork by levying aCainst the property witliin quid Special Improvement District, 'YI' IT FURTI-1'11! That a levy be made a, 1--linst ull of tne a-sscsoable -property within said Special In.provement -)istrlot 1,,Io. 1;55 as Sfollovs: LOT BLOCK AS S, M 1!,,i S T 1,.,! t T 7. 35 206,59 20.65 U61. .59 2C.65 2C6.59 2C.65 4 c6 9 2C.65 Wt 2C6.59 20-65 G 2 CG . 5 9 2 0 . 151 5 7 206 . 59 2C.65 8 2O51. 5 � 121C . fill) 9 2CG. 59 2C.65 Q 206.59 2C.65 11 2C6,59 2C.65 12, 2C15.59 20.65 13 36 2C6.59 20.65 14 12cf) . 59 P C, , 6 5 15 206.59 20.65 '16 2C5.59 :, -,'C' . 6 5 17 2C6 . 59 20 . C, 5 18 206.159 20.65 19 2C6.59 2, 0 . 6 5 2CE1. 59 1 2 6 5 21 2C6.59 20.65 22 2M59 20.65 23 206.59 2C,65 214 206,59 2C.65 13 45 2C6.59 2C,65 14 206,59 2C,65 15 206.59 2C,65 16 2M59 20,65 17 2C6.59 2C.65 18 206.59 2C. 6) 5 ig 2r6-59 2C,65 20 206.59 20.65 21 206.59 2C,65 206.59 20,65 3 2 C 6 . 5 9 2C, 65 24 206.59 19c . C15 M�a,XIH Firv,t National Bank 1# ii It it It Haugen, Stenar A. Schimmel, Rudolph W. 'Yal.Xer, 1,ro. Annie Conrad, Alicia D. SaWyel-, JUdSOTI M,clntosh Hard are Company to if to to 41 to Y. 14. C. A. Y. M. C. A. French, P, 7�. anti W. H. M-stle, John R. (JAstle, John P. 6":K374 Proctor, George vir. ) Conrad, W. G. and C. 2. Proctor, Rama L. Kalispell Townsite Co. to it 41 Kal,Tsite.Co.(Gea.W,Pructor) Bakright, J- A. Ford, J. A. 0 of ff Bogart & H011C31Steiner to of Conrad, IIicin (Lurpold, V,illiam (P.C.McStruvick) main, Bm.na C. narris, Wno, odegard, Thos. Duncan, T, D. Sivyer, ','V. C. of 41 14 m 1 46 206.59 2C.65 2 2 0 6 . 5 9 20.65 3 2C6.59 20,65 4 PM59 2C.65 5 2C6.59 PC.65 6 2 06, . 59 20.65 7 2C6­59 2C,65 6 206.59 20 , 65 9 2CG56 P (11 , ell 15 2C 6 , 57 12C .6s5 it 206.57 20.65 12 206.57 20,6,15 1 5b 2063.60 20.66 2 206.6c 20.6C, 3 2 0 6 , C, C 2C,66 4 206.6C 2C . 6, 6 15 P-06 , 6C 2C . CIE, 6 12:106 . CIO 2C. 6, 6 7 206.60 1 'c . 66 206.6C 20.(�6 206.6C 20.66 10 206 . 60 2C.66 11 20 6.6C 20.66 12 2CG . 60 20 . 6�6 13 56 206.60 20,66 14 206 . 60 20.66 1115 206.6C 2C . CC - If) 2C63.60 20 . C 6 1.7 2C6 CIO 2C 66 1B 2 C 6 C, (" 120 CY-, 19 2C6,6C 20.r6 2C 206 6r Ile.(:" 21 2 C 6 1 g-, 0 200 59 20,65 23 2C6.59 20,65 24 2C6,513 20.65 TOTAL 414, 874.63 Rudolf, Ida M.. & riili s,:Fdward G and RIIA9, 'Lathilda) (Rudolf, Ida y. & Ellis, "F;divard G and Ellis, '.Iathilda) H I alliday, W. F. 1-orris,171ary T. Lindlahr,lrving IV Fischer, Julius H.H.Kolv,-,IPY,,�gt If it 8i I1 it 11 hiermm, Henry Nelsori,Grace T4,(R,B,%Ve1-,,ster Mgt) Heller, August Stanford, James T. ff $1 If Conrad Bank 11 if if 19 OtConrell, John H. If to It Listle, John R. T"wininp., VI.P.J Ifni yht,F,.C,,' C. F. Conrad Estate It it to 41 If If if It it If Vaeonic e.-,qrjle Company I# If It Tw i n i n lil,. n Kn i gh t, P. C Frohlio'her, John J. Karcher & Durall !,,, o lien -ty and 1Cri rto, Joseph W Calbick, Willian Adams, G. 1j. 11 if Of Conr,­,d, A.li6'!La. D. H 44 & Vj 74 Conrad, -A.. D. 1,jiddle 24) (Noff'sin-ger,W. 11. T] 181 & VV 1CCt Conrlad., A. D. Jjiddle 241) The aforesaid sums shall be paid kts above set forth with interest on deferred paymcrits, at the rate of six i,)er cent per annumt, payable annually; -the ,:iaid payt'cientc-, to To made on or before the 50-th day of lllovember of each rtnd every year; the first of imaich payments shall be made in the year 1913. Paesed and a-pproved thi,,a qiXth day of October, 191Z,,, ATTEST: IT7T" -r- STATTI,' OF TTLONTIOTTA, COU1,17Y OF C17Y OF KALI',�PBLL: 1, C. J. "';cAllistor, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, ',Nrlontana, do hereby certify that on the 7th dti,y of October, 1913, 1 caused the forcp,,,,oinf-,, resolution to be �7,o;�ted for a period of five, days ao required in Ordinance No. 174 and t'nat e-lid re2o- !Uti011 rt'M'Ritled T)()Pte­" f0T, a period of five days and that therf, hivc. lie en no chan,­,es or nade t'`vein since t"��' T'LSS- age and lhe-re.of by tbe City Council nor it t1�Ie record.- ing tl-prg of. recorded hereir, and t?lis certilica',, made this Sth dray of City Clerk.