08-20-85 Council as Whole0 AUGUST 20, 1985 COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 4:00 PM Those present included Mayor McDowell, Councilmen Palmer, Grainger, Ruiz, Springer, Manning, DPW Hammer, Clerk Halver, Ed Gallagher, Dennis Carver, Jerry Begg, Ardie Granrud, and Butch Woolard. Mayor McDowell called the meeting to order and turned it over to Chairman Palmer of the Street and Alley committee. Chairman Palmer reviewed the DPW's analysis of the Center Street Widening project bids which recommended'the Bid of LHC Inc. be accepted. There was considerable discussion concerning the questions presented to the City Attorney by Councilman Nystul. Councilman Springer moved the bid be awarded to LHC Inc., and Councilman Ruiz seconded. Motion carried. DPW Hammer said there is a question on what the street width should be in • South Meadows subdivision. The committee agreed Mr. Begg and Mr. Hammer should work out a solution and bring a recommendation back to the council. Meeting adjourned 4:15 7;-,� Don Halver 49