Resolution 526 - Assessment - SID 119i Me I'lnSOLUTICIT IT 0, 526, A RP'SOLUTION LRVYINC AN A29PSS'711,7 ON C7'TAI1PROPIRAY Ir SPF I AL 1'1an'QOV7;'A,T7:,,1T DISTRICT NO. 119 TOP '1717, J'UTTOC%a.',ArARA,7,IZ1YG AND 1INTH STRT711TS) 'FRC1111 Fl?,ST Alf"17MV, "ARIP TO PIRST AlT.-PNUR BE IT P7,,SOLV�,'I) ).,Y CIT71 COUN71L O'F 7r'T, CITY OF YALIS'41112U, nr 0 7N T AN'A : the City Council of the City of Ponta heretofore orassect a resolution by the term,,� of which Speoi,-.12 Imrro�,Trment Diztrict Tio. 1.19 was, createFl for the -purpose of mac- adamizing, righth ard Ninth Streets between First -Avenue Fast emd Firo-,t Avenue ','test, and rrovisian-.t ma -de therein for the payment of tY.,ie costs of said work by levying, against the prope�rty -vithin said Special Iti-provernent District Fo, 119, BE IT That a levy be zwide againot all of the asasessatle pro-Perty within said Special Improvement District h1o. 119 as follows: LOT BLOCK ASSM 2 T I NES TIU I T OWIMOR ORIG111AL 12 105 533. 56 515.35 1Voll,,ir, Williarn 13 533, 50 51.35 N,11isDell TOYn�,,ite Compuny 12 106 533 56 53.35 It 171 533. 56 53, 35 Moen, Anton 1 115 42'2 e 14 4? , 21 Flathead County 12 422.14 42,21 If $1 13 468.84 46.86 City of Kalispell 24 468�85 46,88 1Y 1%1`1 1 116 468,85 46,88 12 422.14 4?, . 21 re rs et 13 41221.3,5 42.22 Flathead County 24 466. B17 46, m If It 1 125 486.93 48 _69 'Tulbugh, Louise 24 4 8 6- .93 4e,69 Christensen, 'Jarie 1 4 8 6 c�3 48.69 Flathead County '- 214 486. 94 48.69 Loder, 'Rob(-,.rt Boy T 0 T A T, 11p 7 6) 4 5 . 9 5 The aforesjid sums shall be paid as above get forth with intereet on 11eferred paym�entq ,Lt the rate of six rasp cent per annum, payable annwL,lly, the said pa,ymenta, to be made on or before the, ',�Cth of of each and euer:q ye,%r; the firct 0J, -whic"a p�iymr,nto sha111 b.e ira the year jlzassed jnd a'r:proved this sixtil dzty 1913. ATT!�'ST: City C1.erK. STATE OF COUNTY OF 71L f�-7-�Jp CITY OF KALISPELL. 1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hWntz.,ma, do hereby certify that on the 7th day of 0 I cauepd the fore oira r,e;,alj,jtjon to be posted for a period of five days as required in Ordin,--Lnee pa. 174 and that said reso- lution remained posted for as period of, five days and that there have 1.,een no changes or alteration made ther,in `,iince the pass - and anol)roval thereof by the City Council nor in then record- irc thereof. Recorded herein and this certificate made this 8th day of 11'ovnm�ber, 1913, Ir Ci tv Clerlkc