Resolution 525 - Assessment - SID 139m T .1 ?, ` ) 0 L U T 1 0 111 NO , 525 A R7,SOLUTION T;9VYI!Tr, AN ASS7"IS771117T 01' C-P4,RTAIN PW31-7pMTY IN SPP'�CIAL 117PROV17, T. '51STRICT IT 1r7s7 1111TIP07 01COTT'STRUCTING SIM,- M XM 710SS 7,TALKS T7TTRMIT. BE IT 'RV,4S07,VT11D P)Y CITY COUNCIL OF 7ii'l UP KAT12,1`71U1, YONT.,kYA: YrIERT` I '1�- e hAS, t�ie City Council of the City of Kalim) 11, llant,anu, has heretofore Paosed a resolution by the term>s of' which S� Specia2 lmpr,,ovement Disitrict No, 139 was created for the Purpose of constructing sidovmlk,and c-rozi3 walks an Second Avenue 11'aEt ITorth frov, Wa,,shin_irton Stj°eet to 7qyoirjn6 Street and provisions made therein for the Kiayment of the costs of said work by levyin�T against tho proyierty within said Special Ir,-p:,,,overi-,ent District rho, lo, '139; TO? IT 11IRT1177t 77-1307'1111M. That ,, levy be made ag,--iinst all of tlbe prorerty with i.n said Special 1mf.rov(,ment District No. 139 as follows: LOT BLOCK ASSY 1 -1 11MIT'JIr v T OWNTPIR 1 233 92,32 11,54 Hiller, Jacob I. Lorne, 77m. C. 2 64.48 R . n8 Robinson, J, A. 3 64.69 8 . CL8 T.Torrison, Y.abel (Loyd. Jordan) 4 64.69 8 , 0 Goo<lwirl, Fred 64.59 6. C& Sievert, ililda, M. 92 33 11.54 Fuller, Lena A, DI TI ON j# 4 17 2 12 1 92. 33 11,54 Framk 6 64.69 S. CS C,h 4, t i c 1c, T r-, rb e r t 0 64.69 8, 018 Poole, George JJr, 1(1 64,69 8.CS ',cC�.irthy, Daniel 1.1 64,69 8,08 TorFe rson, Clark 12 92.33 11.54 TOI'E,,erson, Austin 7 2n2 92.33 11.54 Bllysrm, A, 11. a 64, C-9 8, OC9 to 11 to 9 64.69 8 . (;, cj t$ 41 to �,4 691 Me A I ly s on, la, 13, 11 6 4 C, 9 8.08 iseau.chas.,r., Charlotte 12 02.35 11.54 5Ihite, Mlurion L, (E:ripire Land Co AY'DITIOE 5 1 230 92.14 11.i54 Grey, G. Frank 2 64. 7 C 8.08 0 to 0 3 611. l0 8,08 Fuller, Lena 4 64 , 70 8, ef" of P 5 64, 7 0 8. 01 a Fa Sher, 11, . 1, 6 92. 34 11 , 15 4 Green, Y- J. 1 2129 92.34 11 .54 Acrathlr, Alfon-, 1, 84, 1�0 8 . CS It to 64.70 3.08 Kalispell Eldg7r Loan Assn. 4 64.69 8.C6 Reid, Frank F. 5 64.69 8.08 Norden, Ole 92. 3 11,54 T,:iller, J. 1. ADDITION 4 7 224 9P.:53 11.54 -Tdmonde, A, 8 64.69 8.08 to It 9 64.69 8.08 if fI if, 56.14 7.C1 to 1: 11 56.14 7. C11 it It 12 8379 IC,47 19 to P,,M)ITION 110, 5 1 2 112 6 49.01 6,12 2 49. 01 6. 12 3 49.01 6.12 4 .157,55 7. 19 5 57.55t 7.19 61 8 22 1 C . 65 ORIGINAL 1 4 1 ej . 0 9 2.Cl 2 8 55 1, CC) 3 8, 55 I.M ic 3 8.155 1.C6 11 19 , 5 15; 1, (1c, 1112 l 09 2 .(T1 TOTAL Swaney) White, I'larion L. ( James Shulkin Bros . Svia,nej, Charles 11. It It ti white,11,larion L. (Rydlander,A1na) Sjetne, Petra (Gunderson, Ile ter (E.A.Rose) 10 f t. C,underson, Peter) Gunders,on, Peter Steinbauer, &nna M. 3,'rohlicher, John J. 11alden, J. The aforeo;jid sijrns, be paid as ,--tbDve set forth with i��;terept on deferred payMentS at the rate of six per cent per amnum, payable annually, the said paymients to be made on or I-efore the 3(th day of 11overriber Of each and every year, the firot of which payments she-11 he made in the year 1913. Paqqed an arrroved this sixth dray of Cjctober, 1913. M City 71777=- STATE 01' T41101VPj,,E1A, ( COUT)TY OF FLATHEAD, SS. Cl'I"Y OF KALISPELL. I, C, J. McAllik,,ter, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, H,ontana, do hercYy certify that on the 7th clay of Octal-,,er,1913, I caaped the foregoin�j reeolvtion to be posted for a period of five days <ts -required in ordinance No. 174 and that said repolution renained posted for a period of five days and that there have been no changee or alteration made therein since the pa. sage Ind approval thereof by the City Council nor in 'tile recording thereof. Recorded herein and this certifict:tte made, this 8th day of !ycvernber, 1.913. ee, Ca ty U1e7-r—k