Resolution 524 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2R. 71, S 0 L IT T 1 0 IT NO. 524. A, R7111 I'll 01"11 f "I 01N 11171TYING AN UPON PRCP`z,RTY Ill C,:PrCIAL !,IGHTINM, DISTI-3,ICT TIO. 2 OTF TH71, CITY 07" KALI,`31'711, 110T' 'TAT(A, FOR TIP,, T1UqPC1')7 01' DBFRI,�Yl-'M, TTTIP CO'ST 017' LIG771ING ',,'A1U STRUCT 'dITHIN SAID DISTRICT, BE IT 111a0011'12D ]'Y T:IE CITY COUNCIL OF THIR CITY OF KALI S-PE'l,L, -MIGNT. 1�ll-IMTIEAS,, The City Council of the City of KalispeLl, Tiont:vvi, hao—lie)�etofore pusged a Resolution by the terms of which the Lighting of Main Street was authorized and provision made 'therein for the payment of the cost of same by levying against trie property in said district, the cost of said lighting is tree sum of 1560.2(1 Dollqrs, ET', IT FURTHIM TV'SOUMD: That a levy be, rziade against all. of the property within the Iii-nit of said Special Lighting District :To, 2 as follows: LOT PLOCI{ A S) S 7, S 217V, N T 0 INUN—M, R ORIGITATAL 1 35 8,12 Firot 71ational T3ank 8. ip- 8 . 1 12 4 P.12 Haugen, Stenar A. .5 8.12 Schimmel, Rudolph �,1. 6 8.12 'Nalker, Annie m 7 35 8.12 Conrad, Alicia D. 8 a. 12 McWhorter, W. L. 9 8,12 Sawyer, Judson 10 8.12 MxIntosh Hard:ware Comnany 11, 8. 12 11 H ff P)- 8.1p 11 if tl 1 46 8,12 Rudolph,lda TAT. Bllis, Rdwe,rd a thilda 2 8.12 'Rudolph, Ida M, Ellis, '9dwarrd r1lis, "athilda 3 8.12 Halliday, Iff. F. 4 R, 12 17ulaney, V. F. 5 8.12 -',Alorris, Mary T. Lindlahr, Irving 77. 6 8,12 'Fischer, Julius (H. H. Howsley A.gt.) 7 8.110 of of (if it it to 8 8,12 Bierman, 'Tenry 9 8,12 )'elson, Grace (R. E. 'Vebster AFt) 1, 8.12 Helier, A11Fust 11 8.12 Stanford, James T, 12 8,1i it It it 1 55 8.12 Conrad Natd.om.i,l Bank 2 8,12 to 8, 12 of tt of 4 8,12 0 1 Conne 11, John 11, 8,12 If If If 8,12 Listle, Jolan R. 7 8,121 Twining, %!V. R. K I nigh, E, C.-� 8.12 C. E. Coymvd 71�qtafx" 8, 12 It If it ft ic 8. 12 #1 14 If ti 11 a.12 it It to if 12 8.12 of If It 11 1 616 8,12 Kv.1-iopell "I'Tational Bank 2 8.1p of It if 3 8,13 wrilffin, W. 11. (J, F. Uehlinoer) 4 8,13 Conlon, James 5 8. 13 Griffin, 1,7. H. 6 8,13 1$ of to 7 a. 13 smit17' "), F, 8 8.13 Buclksen' 7, , W. 9 8.13 Phillipp, Benj, D, 10 8.13 Sherman, ",Jora X. 11 8,13 Ford, James A. 12 8.13 rr If ff 13 3 C- P.13 Y, U. C. A, 14 8.13 Y. M. C. A. 15 8,13 French, F. R, an(l W. H, 16 8.13 TA 9 tl e, J, R. 17 SJ3 IA f7 tle, J.R, Gllx371 11 r o e to r, Geo V! IR 8.13 Conrad, V1, G. and C. 'M . 19 8.13 Daly, Frank 0. 20 ti . -1-5 PT'OCIOT', Emma L, 21 8,13 Kalispell Townoite Company 22 8,13 it it 23 8,13 it Geo. Proctor 24 8,13 'Fa-krig ,h t, J, 113 45 8,13 Ford, J. A. 14 8 • 1 3 It 11 if 15 8,13 B 0 0,1 r t ,Q4 110 11 c n s t e i n I, r 1 G 8.13 to of 17 8.13 C 0 T) Alicia 18 8,13 Limtpold,William (P,C.JcStravick) 19 8,1.3 2.mrdria C, 20 8.13 Harris, John 21 8.13 Odegard, Thos, 22 813 Duncan, T. D. 23 8.13 Sivyer, 10. C' 24 8J3 It it 11 13 8,13 Masonic Temple Company -_ 14 8.15 if If if 15 8.13 winin,R. Knight, B. C, 16 8.1-3 Frohlicner, John F, 17 6,13 Karcher & Dunall 18 6.13 Vollar, Henry and Marto, Joseph 19 8.13 Cal'Liok, William 2C 8.13 Adw-qs, G. H. 1 2 1 8.13 11 if 0 22 8,13 Conrad, Alicia D, 23 9'. 13 B 44 & W 74 Conrad, A. D. Ii:idle 24) 24 8.13 (Noffsingyer, W. NE 181& W 10101 Conrad, A. D., Middle 24t) 111) 65 8.13 B. P, 0. Elks Temple A8orf, 14 813 of it k4 It it .15 8, 1� 11 if 11 If it 19 16 3.13 'Yarsde, Hanna 17 BJ3 She=i�..Ln, Nlora K. 18 8,13 Nelson, Sallie Page 19 8.13 Kalispell Townsite Company 2C 8,13 Coram, James A. 21 8,1.3 Fortin, lllhilllpe 22 8.13 Whi pps, 'Yilliam C, 21 3 8,13 if 0 #1 24 8,13 The aforesaid suris to be paid in one installment at the rate of A8.12 for each and ovary 25 foot lot in Said dis- trict, payments to lie made on or bpfore the Mth day of povembe'r, in the year 1913, Pasged and iT)proved this Gth day o e'r, 115,1Qtl1 �910.) 1 () 13 A TT,", S T Mayor. City STIT'I�.', OY' M0117TAIIA, COUI,117Y OF FLA AD ' ) Ss. CITY 0-11" KALISTIFLL, 1, 1, C. J. 1,4cAlli-,ter, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Monti.-aia, do hereby certify that on the 7t'n at-ty of October, 1913, 1 Caaused Vh�' +oregoing r0--lution to Le posted for a period. of five do.yo, ar, required in Ordinance No. 174 and that said reso- lution remained poested for E,, -period of five days and that there I)een no or alternations made tlaerein oince the e pasaqge and a�')T)roval thereof by the City Council no., jr the recor-'ling t"Ic—cot Recorded herein ,,,nd tli.is certificate made. this 7th day of