Resolution 523 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1&too 11 .1'; S 0 I. tT T 1 0 T' 110, 523 A 71'.OLUTIOIT 'Lq",!Yl'\IG °LN UPON T' 'a PRO-P-7-R-Ty P'T ST)7CIAL T, f GTHT I NG DI S) T III C T JTUMIBTM I OF THE CITY () 14' T"AL I SPPML, MO 14 TANA, 1101 R Ti17 OF T)RFRMN(1, TIPP� COST 017P ]',T(,THT1TT(., 'FIRST AV-.Ta'-Mr TtAST "VIV-111T SAID TDI'SITTUCT. F1,71 IT VOL-TTD 13Y TH7 CITY "OUNCIT, 01' "111P, CITY OF KALISPE' '-,L,YONT., 1717','37W�, 1Che City Council of t.,Ie (111-.y of Valispetl,-,ontana, has heretofore, passed a Peoolution by the terms of wbich the lirr,Cltinllv, Of First AVenue T'mst W!,�OS '.Wthorized and provision made tinerein for the . payment of the cost of samp. by I Pvyinf,�' aFaimlt tj,j e j� r 0 pe, r ty in p, t i ,j ') 7 i F 9 triCt, t,in cyst o-ir � aid lighting is the gum of 1638,64 DoJlars. T, T,1 I JITI I 1"ZT17SD0T,V''D, That a levy be nm��j.de against all E of' t�',(i prQperty witkiin tLe litnits of said Speciul Liehting Dio-trict Ntim`rRr 1 gas follows:- L 1 36 Da'al-bCrg, Sr J. 2 3 4 8.53 Xn i gh t & Twining 5 8.53 McCoy, ',.a r t in 9 8, 5:3 Lil s t 1 e , 3.11. NNV17x35(G,,,.,Hout?,) ic E,. 53 In i t. e Teary 1.1 8.53 It If 12 853 it if -rus te, 0 1 415 8.53 C.R.Conrad "lls tatc,,A.b. Conrad, 2 8, 53 if H ti if If f€ of 3 8.53 of ;o If to to it ff 4 8�53 if it 11 it I$ to It M 45 8.53 "Tc.,Dont-tld, W, 13. S . 5.3 Grnith, I). F. 7 8.53 'rr i State Land COO a 8.53 Zahn, C. A. 9 if if 11 - 1,enn, Robert J. It to it 12 11 of if 1 56 8.53 Kalispell T,',Ie rcan. tile Counpany 2 53 to it it 3 1 8.53 It it it 4 8.53 It it It 5 8.53 It tt if 4: 8,53 it If if 7 8.513 it it 14 5 8.53 it If if 9 8,53 to it If jn 8. 5:) fi it $I 1 1 S. 53 it 11 If 12 8 . 5 3 it H is I C-5 C i ty of KRIispell 844.91 City of Kalispell 3 it It It 4 8,53 Proctor, George 1,7. 5 8.53 it #I it c- 8.53 111111aney, IN. F. 7 8.53 First Mational Bank 6 8,53 It n it 01 P,53 If 1c, R . W) ti 0 Il B,53 12 8.53 7 37 8,53 Redeker, Frederick 8 9 ic 1,1y d e , Saran R' . 11. 854 It of it 12 8,54 Conrad, Mice A, 113 6.54 Kalispell ",'ereantile Company 14 8.54 44 It of 15 8.54 if If of 16 8,54 11 It it 17 8-54 Sarunig, Fred F. is 8.54 it It to 7 44 8.54 First National Fank a 8_54 11 01 if 9 8.54 Twining 1I.R. 2 Knight,B.C.' 10 8,54 Gloshorn, Robert T"'% 11 9, 54 Stoop, Frank D. 12 8.54 Pauline, Robert 13 8.54 It it 14 R. 54 'Iffoshy, 0, P. J. 15 8.54 11.1.& U.P.Co. W-j� q.P.j.]';10q)y lc- 8,54 1, 1 . I , & T'A , p . C, 0 . 17 S,54 Tremblay, 'Yinifred 18 8.54 it ii 7 57 1P , 54 llnit.ed States 8 8,54 11 11 9 8. 54 if it 10 8.54 t It 11 8.54 If it 12 8,54 F# to 13 8,54 James, Oza Lee 14 8.54 �'Abel L. 15 8-A '4oritcatn, !,,'Abel 1- S-k McClellan 'Wininger N-L lb 8.54 Wininger, ",cClellan 17 8.54 Bank of Commerce and ','cClell:-in '�Vininger 1B 8.54 It If It 0 it It 7 64 8.54 FredericT, 16;. 8.54 to 9 8_54 Yeter S. 10 8 54 Janie s, Oza Lee 11 8,54 James, 71 'alinda R. 12 8.54 James, 7'sau m 13 64 6.54 Kolle, Chris, F. 14 8.54 Johnston, 'Nilliar,,i A. 15 8,54 T)enrod, Carrie R . (Tym.un Penrod) 1 C- 6.54 Taylor, George, Cascade, %,',ont. 17 8.54 Talorris, 11ary T. Lindlahr, Irving W. 18 8.54 �=roetor, ("eO. W. TOTAL 01-:7Tm-.-r4-- The aforesaid sums to bo, paid in ore installment at the 3 rate of $8.53 fo r each and (,,very 25 foot lot in said District, payments to be made on or before the 30th day of Noveriber, in the ye,--tr 1913. Passed -,.I-)d approved this nth d�a,y o f 0 Ober, I 13, May o r City Clerk, STATE' 014' ILONTAI�'A, ( C01JETY 01' FLAMEAD, ss. CITY OIF KALI SPELL. I, C. J. LIcAllister, City Clerk of trie City of Kalispell, '."ontana, do hereby certify that on the 7th day of C)ctober,1913, I caused the foregoing, resolution to be posted for a period of five days as required in Ord.in�--,noe ,lo. 174 and that ssjid reso- lution re.riained posted for, a period of five duys and that there have been no changree or alterations Tqzade tilerein since the passage and approval thereof by the City CmAncil nor in the recording t-'nereof'. Recorded herein and tYjjs certificate rfiade this 7tti day of November, 1913, City cl,rl,