Resolution 520C - Places for Registration of ElectorsR 110 S 0 L TI T I C N ITO. 52C C. F','! IT MPPOLVIM. That the f ollov,,i ng T)Iace,,, be de sij, na 11'ed a,�,i the places for rerr , ,istation of tln�e electors for t],e election 'o be held on 2913, for the purpose of submi ttitiq a proposi- tion of -wlliethpv or not the Ci ty of Xalispell shall enter into a 1, ry, Idaho contract for 2. -eriod of five years with t]qe llort�ic, , daho and ,Iontana Por�rer Com- pany for tI>_e -purclhaoe of electric power for purtipii%g vil,iter into thle water eystem ut thle agreed rate ©f one cent per Kilowatl­hmAr �.nd that the follwvviioo lace� be deolg,nated tlhe. pLiceg for reissLration of tl'--ie clectors fo2 said elec',,ion, to -wit, Rev,,istratiun Office in the First '*`ard, in tn.e roorn west of t,he CTnited Stater, Land Office in tIic Vilhite Fuildizw on Fir�st Street between .ain Street and First Avenue -,Tast, Re,o,-istrr,ition Office ir, the ',vard, City Hall, Police Court Room, T Ilegistration Of'-fice Im the Third Ward, Court ilouce, And that the, later, of regic,,trI,.,,,tion be from eight o'clock to ten o'clock P. M. on the nineteenet'l-i and twenty-second days. of Se,pte. ber, 1913, Passed by.the City Council this 2nd duy of Sep tl�,,z,_Llf�r,l.913, Approved 1,,,y t1ne Mayor this-; 2nd da September, 1913. Mayor. ATTIST: 4f ki City Clerk,