Resolution 520B - Places for Registration of ElectorsR
I .13 R S 0 L U 12 1 0 N NO. 52C B.
That the following places be deei&,nated as the placek� for
retistration of the electors for t'rke election to be held on
September 26t,:i, 1913S, for the purpose of debt limit
of the City of Kalispell arid voting bords in the Pura of' One Hun-
dred Seventy -fiver Thousand Dollars for the purpose of
a Water sycterf� nog,; in use, and operation in the City of Kalisq)ell,
ontan,,-i, by and through which -a,,ater may be supplied to said City
and its inhabitants, and acquiring a water supply toge they vi i th
suc.'a property both rpko.l and rersonal as is now owned by the
Northern Idaho & Montana, Power Coiq)any t1ie present owners of said
syst-,7, and ri, p.-.,rt of said water cystezn ao will be nece,,;sary for
the operation of said system, wjhich said system, viater �-.,,unply and
property said City shall own and control and devote the re=,,cnues
derived tberefroin to the payment of the debt incurred therefor
and for the purpose of making certain neceevary repairs and - 'n., r ov i d -
inf,- for new equipment at the, nu�npinF station and a new reservoir
for sai'd system; and that the follo,.,,in places be dcni-natcd
zs the ri.i.cor for re.gigtration of the elec.tors, for said e, lec tJ On
to -wit:
Re,gistration Office in the First, Ward, in the room west of
the united States Land Office in the tVhite Fluil-ding on First Street
bets,,reen 1'ain Street and First Avenue Fast.
Registration office in the Second 'Yard, City liall, Police
Court Room.
Reg-is,tration Office in the Third. I�Vard, Court iiouse,
And that the dates of be from, eight o'clock A, 11,1.
to ten o'clock P. M, on txie nineteenth and tv,,enty-seconct days of
se,;tembnr' 1913
Passed by tne City Council this 2nd day of September, 1913,
Approved by the T,ayor this 2nd day of :Sep, Me,,� �r, 1913,
-2, fe
at, 7 77