Resolution 503 - SID 140R,E'SOLUTI M '503.
A r esoluti on which des iF_n% tes the nuitibe- of special improve-
menL district, desdribes the boundaries the-eof, states the ch-ir-
acter of impcovem-nts which are to be mr-ide 9nd an a.pproximate est-
imate or the cost th—reof and 'the time when the Council Will hear
objections to its "final adoption.
Be it Orlsined by the City Counc'l of the City of Kalispell,
That it is deemed nocessr)wy to create and there is hereby
createl a, speciral improvement �iietrict, the boundccries of which
are hereinafter set forth.
That the number of said Sp(ecial imp�ovement district it hereby
design-ated as follows: No. 140,
That the bounl-vries 0" snil special improvement district are
hereby declared to be as follows —
Beginning at a point where thellorthern bound -wry ol' the Great
Northern Railway right of way intersects a line d—),wri thru the cen-
ter of the -alley betty -en Ifain Street qnd First Avenue 'Bast '11,Torth,
thence running in a northerly `irect.ion thru the center of said
alley to a point where a line so drawn would intersect the center
of N(;ada Street, thence running in an easterly direction thru
Nevada street to R point where a line so drq�wn woul,i intersi�ct a
line drawn tIrru the centero-f the alley between First Avenue 7ast
Notth and Second Avenue Past north and -running thence in a southerly d
direction thru the center of said last named alley to a point on
the north boundviry of the Great 1,Torthern llailwv_right of W-ay an,i
from thence to Lhe place of beginning.
The said special improvement district will include the fast
H%lf of Blocks 25, 16, 5, and the West half of Blocks 4.1'7, and
24 of the original townsite of Kf,�I ispell and the 'Rnqt hnIf of
Blocks "32, ?31, 228 and the West half of Blocks 229, 230 2�53 of
,Vidiltir)n No. to the origirvil townsite of Kalispell.
That the char -actor of s%iil imp-ovoments to be rinde in said
special improvement district are hereby declined to be as follows;
The laying of concrete sidewalks on esch si,le of First Avenue 7ast
North wiLhdri of -lid district, the construction of concrete curbs
,thevein, --the gxddingt - -snd,hg -makjof�,,,grsuo plots,�`and sowing gra
seeds and setting out trees therein, the, construction of concret,>
cross walks at the street intersect ions and tine construction of
storm sewers for the of drq within said district and
the gra 'inr of th e r 0a d way between the curbs within said district.
The approxinitite cost or the con:,truction of said improve-
ments in the sum of $7245.66 and the approxim,,te co�-t of engineering
such conv7truction )nci tall othf,=r expenses incurred in creqI,;ing and
completing s° improvements is '1158.00-
That the entire cost sn,i expense of said improvement shall
be paid by said improvement district and each lot or parcel of land
within said district ajitill be --assessed for tiv.O.- ,part of t@ie whole
cost which its area ben-esto thp area of t1he e4Lire district ex -
elusive of streets , alleys and public places.
That sRid assessment shall be p9id for in ten annual in-
stqll.merits and tire hereby exten,ied over a Period of ten years and
said assessments shall constitute a fund to be known was special
improvement iir-trict fund 17o. 140. That said improvements sh%All
be psid :"or by bonds issued said special irlPruv(Dment
district, one tenth of which bond shall be retired by the collection
of said assessment eech year during the said p riod of ten years .
The denominations and tq-aIlurity rites of such bonds to be fixed by a
resolution to be hererifter adopted.
That on the 26t)-L (IlAy of 'Miuly, 1913, in the council chambers in
the City Hall in the City of Kajispell,ijontrina, at eight o'clock
pjA. tile City Council will objections to ',-,he final ioption of
Wflq rffolution, A FWG� �jMijjr p,-,,rpoR or persons who are owners
or agents of ojjne>rjs of any lot or parcel of land within Said improve-
mplit district, who shlill within fifteen IIys after the first Public-
aton of notice of the pasc�-r� Of this resolution of intention , have
delivered to tbf- city Clerk, a protest in writing Rf,ainst the proposed
work or agrainst the creation of the district to be anseseed, shall
have the right to ippe-ir at Braid meeting in jp',on or by counsel and
sluow c-iuso, if any thre be, why the staid improvf�ment lli�rein mentioned
should not be made.
That the following notice of adoption of this resolution shall
be published in the naily inter Lakc,a newspaper of general circul.-Atim
in the City of Kalispell, for a period of five drays, to -wit:
Notice is liereby given that on the 5th day of Iday, 1913, at
the City Hall, the Cit1: Council of the City of Kalispell rviopted n
certain reslution of intention of creating specigi improveT,,ient district
'No. 140 for the purpose of conitructin(� concrete sid*ewalks, and curbs
and conc-rete cross walks in said special improvement district " or
establishing !tn,l lFxyinf.,P out park pl!aces or Boulevards and construction
of i3�),me; for the purpose of grr). sinfr the -o-),3 wray within said special
imp!�ovement ilistrict between the curbs and conf,,Lruction of said storm
sowere within said district. That said improvement shall b,a made on
First Avenue 1=eaot 11orth between the Great. North<,Tm Railway right of
way and Nevada Ctreet i:tnrl the cost of said improvement district will
be a spccii)l agtinst the following described property
to -wit: The 'laot half or Tslocks 25, 16, 5 and the west iicAlf of Blocks
4,17, rAnci ',)4 of the original townsite of Kalispell find 'lie 7a9t )Ialf of
Blocks 232, 231 and 228 and the West half of Blocks 229, 230 Find 233
of Addition Number 5 of the original townsiLe of Kalispell. The ast-
imated cost Of said iraprov(-_ment is the -um. of $/405.06 Which coSIL
shill be a9seesed -as R special anseosment afr,Ttinst tile above described
property. That the said resolution of intention is Number 503 and is
on file in the office of t1w City Clerk of the city ot'
to which resolution ref,rence is hereby rmle "or a description of the
boundaries of said district. That the city Punoil of the City of
Kalispell will be in suasion on 26th 1913, at eight o'clock P.MT.
at tile Council chRxabers in thy; City Vajj.. At which time zimi place
the s-ijd council will cossiier the objections to the official adoption
of said, re solution and at which time any p(,rson or persons who are
owners or agent, of owners of any loll or p,�,-trdel of land within Said,
Mposed improvement district, who within fifto-en days after the first
publication of this notice gh,ill hsav!, delivered to the City Clerk of
the City of Kalispell a protest in writing against tVie creation of sfiid
proposed improvement district or againqt the proposer] work, or both,
shall have the right to appe°ir at 9,�iil meeting in person or by
counsel rand show caus,, if riny there be, why the improvement proposed
be not made or why such improvement district should not be crested.
By or6er of the City Council Of' the City of
V7f� ork , f 'lt?OCItyWRY�ell
The Clerk of sgj,l City of Kalispell is hereby =lirected to mail a copy
of the 4oregbAng notice to each person, firm or corporation or agent
of such person, firm or corporation having property within sai�i dis-
trict at his last known iddress upon the dzi� first publicr),tlon of srild
The foregoing re solution is hereby w1opted this 5t3i df,y of
May, 1913.
1)aiased and approved and signed 5th 1913.
Atter,L: yay Or
City Clerk.
County of Flathead, SS.
City of Kqlispell .
1, C, J. McAllistor, City Clerk of the City of
Kzdliepell, lY,.ont%inq-, do hereby certify: that I caused the
f oreg _,oing Reool.Ution to be printed and posted for a per-
Jod of five days as required in0rdinnnoe No. 174 nand that
said Resolution reml,�ined posted for n period of five &iys;
anti that there linve been no clil4nges or ailterp.tioni made
therein since the pnsst-Age and -,appr(-)vql thereof by the City
Council nor in the recordirip thereof.
Rocorded herein find this Certificate mqde this
12th dny of f7e,pternber, lql,'.
City Clerk