Resolution 504 - SID 141300
A resolution which designates the number of special im-
provement district, dege-lbes the boand�ries thereof, states the
chq,r-_jcter of imp-ovements which are to be riade rind an approxim��te est-
imaLe of the cost thereof and the time when the Council will bear
objections to its final adoption.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of KR1-
i0poll, MontaTIR:-
That it is deemed necesotxry to cre°zte end there is ?,ereby
created a -pecial improvement district, the bwnd� ries of which
are hereinafter set fo"Lh.
That the number of ss,id special improvement, district
is hereby designated ns No. 141.
That the bOUTId,ViPO 0'.' said special iriprov,,uent district
are hereby declared to be fie followq:-
Beginning 9t a point where a line drawn 16hru the center of
Elighth Street intersects the east bound-,ry Of -N'inth Avenue West,
thence running in a northerly direction r)lonf-11 the i'vest boundaries
of Block 6 of iiigh School AlMition and Blocks 190, 135, 180, 173,
171 to a point where a line so drawn will intersect thy: city limits
of the City of' Kaliopell, thence runninf-,-, in a northerly direction
along said city limits to a point vrhere s�tid line would intersect
th5� west boiindc.i.ry of thQ alley between Block 163 and Block 4 of the
western Addition to the City of KRI i9pell, thence running to the
nort'hwest corner of Lot 5, in Block 163, tl%ence running in a
straight line a,lonr, the north bound� )ry of svxid Lot 5 of Block 163
to the point of intersection 1;-ith Riglhth Avenue Went, thence run -
nine, in a southerly direction in a straight line -qlonr the viertern
boundary line of said 7'ighth Avenue Wer-t to the center of Piif-:,hth
,street, thencr running in a westerly direction to the place of
Said special improvement district to include =ill of
Dlocl,cs 6 of the high School Allition, and Blocks 190, 183, 180,173
171,164, and lots 5 and 6 in Block- 163 and those portions of Lots
7 and 8 in Block 4 of the NVestern Ad7ition to the City of K!Alispell.
V,iich lie within the City limits.
That the chqrS.ct(Ir of imp,�ovements to be nt.).de in said
special improvement district ¢ixe hereby declared to be as `.'ollows,:
The layinfr 0� - ' a district s,i.nitary sewer in the alley be-
tween 7ighth and Ninth Avenues West within the limits of they above
described special iyyiprovemnt district fui- the purpose of "urnish-
inp further drtiinage to all property witinin district and in
accordance with the plans and specificAtions on file in the office
of they Pity T41yigineer,
Arid it is hc-eby Iet(,�rajirtod lht3l� the a-,icl sewer is
necesf,,iry as a stinitEiry reFuj, )tion for the public heiilth in said,
"Pbe approxim,)te cost of th- con_qttaction of 9,id im-
provement is �,290.3,' noll.Rrs 9nd th-t" the appYloxim'LO cost Of
engineering suet. construction f.�nd all other exp:llnses incurred in
cre€jtin{�! •xn,j oompletin�:r s-id 1InpVOve-1,n7t Is
That the cntire co,�L an,expense ofsoil ir,,qprovemvnt shall
be p�id by s,i-1 listrict °,nd tli�)t sfli,? coy-t sh,Ill be
asties,aed against the entire district rind each lot and .)qrccl of it4,nd
Within such district bordering or abutting upon the n1ley'vithin wiqch
sriid sewer is constructed shall be i.ssessed for such portion of the
whole cost which the number of linear feet oil suc'4ii lot abuttinr!, upon
such alley beers to the whole number of linear feet bordering upon silid
alley viithin the district.
That orlid msessment shall be paid for in 'Gen annual
mints anl uxtendint,, over n period of ton ye-irg. Said assess,-ments
shall con.,titute a fund to be known a�as a special improvement district
fund Ilumber 2.41.
That, imp-ov ments shall tie paJjej Ior k)y bonds isnued
agriinpt the special improv-Ment district, one: -tenth of which
bonds shall be retired Iay the collection of' -)id tissessment each ye,ir
during the snid period of ten ye=a,rs p-rovided, however, thAt 'any and
all of s�3id bonds may ue retired i.t .any time subject to the dill of
the City Treasurer; providied, however, th-,t no boril or bonds rnay be
called for p--,)yment except on the firs" i�ty o"' January of any y—r.
That on ttie 26, day of 11'ay 1913, ill the Coorcil ch-imbers
in the City Hall ill the City of Kalispell,Tkontana, ;�t eight o'clock
J).��J. the City -ouncil will. hear objections to the final adoption of
this resolution. At which, time any person or persons who are uvinerr,
or ajrents of owners, of any lot or parcel of land within said improve-
ment who shq.1.3. within fifteen 6�ys ar-fter the first p,,,blic-
at,ion of notice of the pasovige of thiF rosolution of intention, havc,
elivered to the City Clerk a protest in writing- P-opooed
work or sigainst the crelition of the elislt,tict to be -,a,sscoccd, shall
have the ripjit to app(ir sit qt,id rneetinf; in person or by counsel and
show cause, if any th,—e be, why the improvement herein Mentioned
should not be made.
That the followinF, notice of adoption of this re'301utdon
shall be published in the Daily Inter Lake, a new -paper of penerl'il
published in ,,he (,,Ity ofKalispell, for 4 1,)eriod of,
five days, to -wit:
I;otice is h(reby given that on the 5th day of T,,'uy, 19)3,
the City Council of the City of Y,�ilispel),!Icn'17na, adoptei aa. certarin
resolution of intention of creating sq special improveryient district
for tire purpose of conotructing a dist"rict- oev,,er in s^aid district,
vIIIJcf, sew�r will. be in the alley beta,renn Eighth and Ninth Ave-
nues West and extendinrT from Sixth Street to a point about 200 feet
north of the north boi)nd,ry of Second street, the cost of which v3ill
be a special asvor-ssrqent ap-tinet Blocks 6 of the Ijigh School Addition,
qnd Blocks 190, 183, 1.80, 1.73, 1J1, l64 and Late 5 qnei 6 in Block 163
and those portions of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 4 cf the Western AdJ.ition
to the City of Kalispell which lie within the City limite, the est-
im,ted cost of ,,,,hich, is the cum of $!iQ92.3f') Poll are, which cost shall
be asseepod as a special as,1.10,sc-,went rir,",inrt 'tile above described pro-
perty. That the said resolution of intention is number 504 and i>� on
file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of K,)Iispell, to which
rozolution for -, description of the bound,)ries of said district,
reference: is Ieoeby mn6e.
TIh_at the City Council of tl,, City of Kalispell, will be
in sesti!ion on the 26t)i d-).y of 'IARy, 1013, at eiplkit o'clock P.M. at the
Council. chamber in the City 11all. At which time and place tile maid
4"], will consider the ot)ject�lonq t.o tne oflicial �1(�opli
rounc, option 01 s=Id
resolution Mend at whien time -).ny parson or persons who areowners or
agents of owners of any lot or parcel of 15;nd within s;,tid proposed
improv(�mont district who within fifteen dnya after the first public-
ation of this notice h,,)vc, delivered to the Clerk of the City of K,),I-
ispell, a protest in writing ugninqL the creation, of strid proposed
improvement district or Wainst the p-oposod work, or both, shall IiFIve
the right to appe,,)t at s•^id meetinF in person or by coun-el and show
cause, if any t'have be, why the improva-,ment proposed to be made, should
riot be made or why such improvement district shoul,I not be created.
By order of the Council Of said City 011 Kalispell,
City rk f Citof KiaIispell.
The Clerk of said City of K,*l iopell is hereby rii'reeted to
mail a copy of the foregoing notice to ech p(-,rsea, f irra or corpor-
ation or the qr,ent of such p-firerson, -m or corporation having
gropLerty within the p,oposed district �it his loot known address
upon the d9y of the first publication of said notice.
The foregoing, resolution is Hereby adopted this, 5th day of
May. 1913.
Approved r.i.nd sig,'ned this 5th df;,y of May, 191,�.
Attest- NIlRylor. .
�-i ty Clerk.
County of Flnthe'ad, SS
City of Kalispell.
1, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of
Y,RligpelI, "111ont,4na, do hereby certify: that I cauQed the fore-
Y,,,olng Resolution to be printed and posted for n period of five
days rts required in Ordlngnce Yo. 174 q-nd that ,tiid Resolution
rermiined posted for o period of five days; and that there hnve
been no changes or alter'Rtions made therein since the pnssaigc
and opproval thereof by the City Council nor in the recording,
Recorded herein �).nd this Certificrate Tqtade this
12th day of September, 1915. 6"
City Clerk.