Resolution 505 - SID 142M
A resolution which derign�tes the number of special
inpoovement district, dencribes, the boundftries tlhe-eof, Silltes the
character of, improvements which )re to be m�(Je and an approximate
e,stirnate of th,e cost thereof and the time when the Council will
hear objections to its final adoption.
Beit Ordained by the City Council of she City of KaAlispell,
That it is deemed neceni-a,y to create and there is hereby
cre=-,).ted a special improvement district, t�j .e boun(ilrriesof which fare
hp-einafter set forth.
That the number of said special improvcment district is
hereby designated as ro. 142.
That the bound,3VieF, of s1lid -,peciaj improvement district
is hereby declared to be as follovrs.-
Beginning qt a point where as line drawn thry the center
of Rlighth Street intersects as line drawn alone, the went boundary
of Righth Avenue West, thence running northerly along the East
side of Highth AVenue West to as point 14 feet north of the South
boundary of the right of w%)y Of the Great Northern Reilvay, thence
running in an easterly direction parallel the wouch boundary
line of they Great Northern right, of wiy Ito a paint where a Jine
so drawn will intersect a qtraipht line drawn tas extending the west be
bound,ar`y) of Seventh Avenue West, thence r)long the West boundary
of Seventh Avenue West to a Point in the center of Eighth Street
and from thence to the place of beginning.
Said speci-Al imp-ovement district to include Block
of the T,1,jqjx School Aidition to the K--_�lispell tonnoite rind Block
189, 184, , 1.79, 174, 170, 1.6K, IL,2, 1'1`7 of the townsite of the
City of K--) I i s P e I a .
That the character of' improvements to be mrde in V,,Id
epecit,l improven �,re, las follows:-
ent district are hereby decl to be
t in the alley
".y"tary Fewer The 19Ying Of a district q
between Seventh and Niglxth Avenues West rithin the limits of the
above described special improvoment district, for the purpore of
furnishing further sei,,er r1,r€ainaF ,e to a�-ll the property dthin said.
d. is I-ri C4
I ,ind said sewer is to be built in accordance with the
plans fznd specifications on file in the office of the City Enginew
It is hereby eletermined that the said sewer is neceo,ary
as as sanitary regulation for the public he,ulth in B,aLid district
The approximqte cost of the cons trucLion OP st)114 improve-
ment is 03200.59 and th-)t the apprOxirm)te cost of enp-inepring such
construction !,nd all other expenses incurred in cre.tintr and cwlfl-
pleting said improv(,inent is $139.40.
That the, entire cost v)nd expense of Puch improvement shall
be paid by ,he wiid impov(:.,ment distriolt and ench lot or parcel of
land within such district is to be assessed for that part of the
whole cost vdiieb its are,) bvirr to the entire district exclusive
of streets, alleys and public places.
That said assersment shall be pnid for in ter �.-trinual in-
stallments and extending over 1,i pr�rio� of ten yenre. Said asseos-
ments, rhR1.1 constitute °z fund 'to be known as a special improve -
merit district fund Number 142.
That said improvements shall be pqid for by bonds issued
against the said special improvement district, one -tenth of which
bonds shall be retired by the collection of said assessment each
year during the u, period of ton y(,,rr, provided, however, thrtt
any and all of said. bondr, be retired at arly time subject to the
c-,-)Il of the City Treasiirer; provided, howe,ver, tfi-it no bond or bonds
may be c,7!11.ed for p-,)ym(-,,nt except on the first- day of January- of
any yeq.r. a.
That on the 26th I!iy of may, 2913, in the council chambers
in the City Hall in the City of K-),l i spell, Mon tanu, at eight o'clock
P.V,, the City Council will hear objections to t?�efinal adoption of
this reeoliition. At which time tiny person or persons who are owners
or agent r of owners of any lot or parcel of 1+,,nd within said ' improve.
went district, who vlqull within fifteen days after the first piAli-
cstion of notice of the paer,,),ge of this resolution of intention,
have delivered to the city clerk a protest in writing afninst the
proposed work or against the creation of the di-31."rict to be aesee,seq
shall have the right to qpperlr ait said mucting in person or by
counsel and show cnuoc, if any there be, why the improv ment herein
mentioned should not be rwi,e.
That the following notice of' %vioption of this resdution
shall be published in the wily Inter Lake,f), newspaper of general
circulation published in the City of Kali9pa, , for a period of
five days, to -wit:
Notice is hereby piv�n that on the 5th. dayof T,,ray,
The City Council of the City of KRI i spell, IYon t;ana, uOopted 0, cert-
ain resolution of intention of cre)tinV as special improvement dis-
trict for the purpose of consmctinF as district dower in said. dis-
trict, which, said sewer will be in the aOley between Seventh and
Eighth Avenues West qnd extending , from 711,ighth Street to a point
about 14 feet north of the South bounei,ary line of the Grea�,, INOrthern,
Railway right of way; the cost of which will be a special assens-
merit ag,,ainst Flocks 7 of the TTigh School Adlitlon to the Kalispell
t(Avnoite and 11locke 189, 184., 3,79, 174, 170, 165, 162, 157 of the
towncite of the City of Kalispell; the ostimqted cost of which is
the sum of $3339.99, which cost shall be assessed FAB as special
assessment agr-,inst the abce described property.
That the said resolution of intention is,,,,,nunber 505 and
is an file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Imulirpill,
to which resolution for a description ofshe boundaries of said
district, reference is hereby made.
That the City Counicil of the City of Kalispell, will be
in session on the 26th day of may, 1913, at eigiit oclock pjj. at
the Council Chamber in the City I -jail. At which -time and place the
said Council will consider the objections to the official adoption
olstiid. resolution and rat i3Oiich time =iny person or prsons who are
owner:; ,,or riFcnts of Owners of any lot or p9rcel of land within
said proposed improvement district who within fifteen days afte r
the first publicstion of this notice linve delivered to the Clerk
Of tYie City Of K:-)l !Spell, U Protest in writing a{�--iinst the, creation
of said proposed, iriprov(,nent district or af7�,inst the proposed work
or both, chall h,iv , the rig--ht to nppear at said meetinLr In person
or by counsel and show cznuse, if any there be, why the improve-
ment proposed to be made, should not be mad6 or why such improvp-
ment district should not be creia-ted.
By order of the Council of the s-)id City of Kalispell.
& k K9z
Cite,lerk of city of YaIiepel ,
The clerk of' snid (,ity of Kalispell is Tse-teby jirected to
mail 9. copy of the forer.aing notice to ach person, firm or corpor-
a,tion or the apomt of such person, firm or corporation ho.ving the
property within the pcopored district, qt his Iq9t known address,
upon the day of the first publico,tion of said, notice.
The foreroinp rpsolution is horeby adopted this 5th dtly of
Y, 1
Approved and Sigr).Cli this 5th 'NY
county of FlRthend, S.
City of Kalispell .
I, c. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of
KRIinpell, Vontq,3vi, to hereby certify that I caused the fore-
oin to be printed anri posted for a period of five,
days as; required in Ordinrince IIo. 174 °ind that said Resolution
remained postod for q period of five d-rys; qnel thRt -there hsve
been no vhanges or °ilte-itions ri-ide therein since the,'Ir',e
and approval. thereof by the City Council nor in the, recordin(�,
Recorded herein -,ind thKertific-�Le made this 12tb
d��y of Septe�'iber, 1915. 1 00" r
City Clerk.