Resolution 509 - Bonds - SID 139A r000lution specifying th,,e form, the ,�uao�:�nt, Lhe rrinner of papwat and interest of hands tu be issued at:°Iinst 3pecial Inap- rovo:n("Ilt, Dik;',rjcL ";o. !; C)* Be it Resolved by we city Gwvwil of the of Whereas the City Council of Lhe City of ', .'irpell ls hcre',o- fore cresteri Special impOovement District T" 2jg, for the jAmpose of mqkir, cortrin improvements rintin Qw 19ALS of wAd disinut: 1ow, ti"ne"re, Be it Rnsolved, tynt t1je grimat On, snid work be nmde by bondn issued a-gin-t orid m°pncj�il i�,ipi-()v,;-,r�(�nt Vnioll u Men wyin-t ull of the property WiLhAn s~,jej district qnd w1nich banlo Q-qll be numbered sorii�lly arv3 -,,i,lall b(", for $100.00 e"ch, sqVe mid except the 1'1,''t 1iond wlbicT7 e "or nny frmtiannl parLion of 6100.00 'Iu,, arcicr t�-e s-i�� warx, Me uAd ImAn VvIl Le iornied by At: City Clerk navinst spud rpecial impvovement dls4rict un" Voll 1"; siCned by thn Miyor Find City Clerktur? Mall havu ply rvd the-nmi the seal of Uu, My of Kaliepell. The timid bonds "M boar intormt rvL tl-e r-lte of six per cent (6%) per ayulum from tlae d,-,t,e u" regis'txy by Lhe City r.,'.'ronourer and shall havc uttucqied thereto intoneoL be,iring coupons pyable on the fir:'t !,.snd,.,�y in jqnuary of ench year retired. T.ie coupons lns y b l!j ,?nFrqved Ve similie siUnnw" of the -Ayor Red Qio- Mrk. Kyn,nb Q7 mid harim may extend over q por:od A mo to exceed twi ye"" but qny of sold horAs e ro.rod on Ll,)e 1,,or"Jay ,in jjriu�3,ry of' any yo-r w.henever t1here are AM Lo Me cxedit of said special improvwwnt district fm, the redmytimi themof x-oad the .said bond =vt be retire in `:.heir aerial, o-fler, The rorm of bonds ,�.hall be follows. - District 1,o. IM i L u 6 0 t - 1 e s a f Gtateof Munt"na. Dollars . Bond Intevast at the rate of 6% per annuln, payable f nylLaully on 'Ulc first AcnQ4 A Onnun nry, ,,Tec?e-,il lrapr ov amen t ML-ict Bond issued 'by Se Nty of Kqlis- pell,MgnLuna. The Vewur" of Lh City of Mispell,Uoritnn, will pqy to or bcar er, the of One 1.undred S o'- ti, cr n, ,C(i 7 Rerolution• as pussord on the "r•ay o lqQ orwaing Spenial improvem_,Y-.t, -){:"trio the connbrucLion of impruvcments omd vwrk performed as nothorined bj said re- solutiur. to be Ane in spid Moist, qnd all lawn repa- utiuns '4,nd ordirvince�, vo.1,7AinE thereto, in piAynjcjjt of c in �jccor,!,,ance th--ewith. TI-iii bond he-)rintevest ut the rnkoof 65 per unnum Oom Me of ragistry of thin Lond -y- tnpresned herein until the dnLe cal3edfor redemption 1,,,y Th 0 interest an this bond is pnyable -nnwIly on Hre First Yon0y in Janfaa?,ry or erch ve�,rr 1.,�2les- :)qid previous th-Teto v"vl as expressed by the irate -east coupnne attached whicl! be-,-ir the fle signature of the TIoyor and City Clerk. This bcA is payable :'tram the collection of specialtux or ause-�;nient is a lien against the re-1 wt"Q wjUjr mid im- p rw"mmo MoIrict or lescAbgar d in S-)Ad referredto, Mis bond is rc,locmm'Lle at Me cMtjon C (,ity it qny tn-- terce,t pav`,n,,7 (1, A th"t th-re 1�'el"U-1liq to til- ormlit cr o"Id opeciRl imnro-vean.crlt 'isurict fund for the relenytion th"oof nmd in the munner provided for the rNm4tim of slid boms. It i!-, !.(--,-ObY certMOUM recited tl-t all tiiinfrs required to be, done precedent to the icsuunce of this band have been pruperly jone, Impfiened f�,,nd bnen pprfori�jed in t:he. ra-,,nner prescriL)ed by the 15rws Of t'?Jel ',j',,t�teof Yonona, riir] t,'Iho ronolutions sn�i of tle City of MIjPpell,Qnt,n", iclating to Un irviance Aereof, f C J. t Y of 93, 1, i 7 it Mg V Or Re Mere at the office Of 'Lhe Cil,:� T're"'UTev Of pI Monit�m� d�)Y of Clerk is Whwqzed to lriqve -ij,i 1,i,r prInteI mith the uecew-ry immnst Wring cowpons -tts;rhedtu -ch bohd. 7',lid cotupone to ropresent the reTiVed miiount of into -fat iii cooformity with thin Bove specified bond. an-, t:iis 2nd ditty of JiAne, A z L-� tfl STATE OF MONTANA, County of FiRthead, ( SS. City Of T ,, c. j. MrAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Vont9ns, do hereby certif�: that I caused the f or ,ojag 1jesolution to be printed rand posted for a Period of five drys qp, required in Ordingnce No. 174 and that BSIid Resolution rejaa'tined posted for g pp-rio,j of rive days; and thqt there have been no ch%)rIFres or aalterations made tfterein since the P')',snge Ind -jp[3r0vq1 ,hf,,Lrc, ,,Of by the (,,Jty Council no-0 in the recordin,,7 tl`iereof. yecwded herein 9,T0 this rrmde this 12th dory of Septeraber, 1913. city Clerk