Resolution 514 - SID 143 (?)IN ?RSOLUTIQN E0. 514. A REISOLUTT()],_ designating the ',"umber of ti Specir,il Improve- ment District, describing the boundaries thereof, stt�ting the char-acter of tile Improve'-"lonts Voich SXV to iec. madef and the 'ippruxiiml�e QstlmatQ Of the COSt WOM00f, W Whe tirie L!,je counril. vrill lho,-rr objections to it,, finn'l vioption. BE lT tMDUnM) BY TAK CITY COUNCIL OF TP71, CITY 07 KALJ,­,PML 3,10LTANA, Section 1, That it is deemed necesnqry to crepe, -ind there is hereby created, a Special improvement NoVic" the boun&vies of skoh acre licr,-,intafter set forti-i. 17ection 2. That the numb�,�r of tmid Rpeval jprov,omojt :v)istriot rare hereby declaarcd to be as fo2lovrs: Beginning at a point iWere a line ej'rr.)j}jjj L, ,hroiq,1h the center of UrbirEton "treat would inters -et. a line drqvrn through the center of alley Wtween 7irst Avenue 7'9rvt ,ind recond Aveniie "art frid frnri thence running in a northerly direction t1,irourj, ti es center of n-,jd waley to the south line of 'wyoriing 5treet,rand tlh'­.ace in an eastarly ,iirecti,)Ti along thn south ling of 1youlDr7 -trect, to Vw point of int"r,ection the Corporate limits of tile ('it,� of Kqaisppll, ,,nd thence following said corporate limits in a sojjt,,j_e-)stf=rjy direction to q point vlerP said corporate limit. vroujd Into 13 , r p 0 c line drusui through the center of t1w alley betigreen 70cund Avenue fast qnd Third Avenue 'NFt, W �rom th7nce runninr , in f), ,Ccjutherly direction through the ontTr of onid alley to the point of intersection with the center of 1,11ashington Strcet 11'ad from thence to tile of beginning. Section 4. That the chnvocL-r of improverj:-nts to to, ill �Ipeci�l. Improvement 71i9trict i,,,,i hereby to 'io as f,)jl,ovjz: POr trio PUrPose of rr-qdint- th:,.t portion of Second Avenue .art, included in be limits of Lhe Tbove n"meci district, and ent9blishing the -eon on eRrth grade and rnunA ing the unme to conform With the Fr�)des for s-aid Avenue, Rs est--ab2ished. by "Fie (ity Enf7ineer. Section That the qpproximnte cost or conF_triictin,,,, s-lid jiqueovemniats is °ind 09t the nPpyoximste cost of mTinnnino inspect- ing, =r.nd gill othor expenses inmmred in cre,ttinf_,, ani complEtin�-, said improvement is �1�100.00. Section V Thqt Cie entire a)st ond eMumse of onid impmvommts shall be 1acid Q We .avid improvement nistrict, ­,aoh lot ()r Vjrcel of land witViin smid di, trict is b be aeoeqsc,;d foo t]arct plat of -.he whole cost Which its area bears, to the area of' t}ie entire ligtrict, exclusive of otreets, nid pmbjj,^ plq-ees, mection 7. 'Mat rmli qmse: a,-aent sh21. be paid fpr in 5 annual installmenta, and ere 1wreby extended over °i period of I- , years, -and said Reasment shall constitute - Qn,i 6,) b(, Itnown "1s 111,,)peci-.,3,j Improvement Distript Wund yica, 145" and it is nereby Provided that "Specif)l linprovement 75istrict Fund w._tvrants o3anla be, i S su e d a g a i 1-1 s t Wd fund in paymert for the work hereinbeforp peciffied. T§e danominqtions of Puck bonds to be in the m-ull of One, hundred D'Ol,'ars (1100.00) Section 3. Th,,it on the 25t1h day of Ijily jdJjl at eiC �jjt qt thf.Counc_!I. Chambers in Cdty 11n,11, in Kalispell, ,,ontuna, the City Council will 11(-rry oh,ections to tine iinol onei officiT,,l adoption of thiq re"011ition. At which tiany p'-�vaon Or P,:rFons, nr,� muners, or of oyners of r,,.ny lot or of ^iii ­jt?jjn s9id 9peciQ Improvement "district, wh- shnIl within fifteen (15) days after the first public ration of the notisc of tie pv�ssf'g'e of trim rEnolutinn W int-rition shill have lelive-ol " UP clerk of the City of the coundil, a protest in w-ritinfr -,g�inst the jpropoved work or against the extent or creation of the !if,-,trict to be ' c to qnnmnr Rt Rnim MPP"T". in nmrson or by Cea, °,Ilti s"ear onnse if G"re 07 . ny, ifnprovem,,nts herein ,nentioned shoixld noc be rqtide. coation 9, Thst tho 0210-inr notice Or od6Jtioll of this rc�,olution shtil't be pt;blinhal in the Intly Intme, for 1, period of five days 1) wit: Notice is hereby givon thit on tlie 7th d,,,y of July, 1913, th- "lacy Council of the rity nf ndapted P certain resolution o" intention to cre�ite =1 lmpruveTient -dotrict fwr tho purpooe of' mLkinp the follovjinE, improvenents, in sMI nisnqnt, nmmly the gr-,ding of `7eccjn,i t,,veniAe Mat between Washington Meet and �'.trect and the est~ab- lishmem of enm grqdes w9creari, �:nd the property to be iooelseol t,hereon is de,-mrAed qs -Mllows: The 7Nst half Of bloelcs 2,33, 230, 029, 126, nnA the�176st -hF-,lf of blocks 221,222a24, qnd ?25, within the City 01 'Ka)lispe2l, The estim9M cost of Nhi& & the sum of' $V150X0, Mrh cost in to ho gosesned no q Tpociql Improvement alonessmant agginat the Inoperty embrocal in said District. Tbat ssid revolution of intention is No. 514 �uid i,, On filo In the ofcice of 'Lhe Clerk of the Git; of !Vlispell, To &hich resolution "or descripe, boun tiod of the, of said District, refererco is nerebl rn,%d e . That t.ho City Council of the MY, of 1431s"ll -111 Im ir se"lun on Hie 25th dny of Tuly,1933, at neven U"My o'clock P. L. on said rimy, at which time and pl~ice the City Coilncil I. ill heir objections to the finni nU Pdofotion of At Mai time qny "rson or "r9ong, rlio sire ovinors or igents of =e-ro of sny lot or p9rcel of lend within s�iid proposed Improvement District, Mo Moll within riftcon �*ys (1';) 'Iftr,-Ir th,:, first pub- liention of this notice hnve delivered to the Clerjt Of the City Of Kalispell n protest -1,n writing agginst the extent or creation of the proposed Improvement Tistrict,or loath, Maui liqvn the right to qppear at snid m(eting, in person or ',,y counsel nnd ohow couse, if tiny there be,,, -Ihy, the improvement proposed to be Me, should not be r"dn or My suit improvement rldstrict chou)not be created. By order of the City Coun f q,xid Oit, of Tt',-Ilispell. ol the 0 i ty'-, 6f Kolippell. The clank of -�-111 "ity is, '—IrebY di-rectOd to "I CoiJY of th- fnregain(- rotice to P or!ation or talc:vcr�? oernon, firm,, or �-or�,) ngent of such perron, firm or ccrporntion 'anvirig property -ithin the propore(3 6istrict qt Ilia lari, '.;�novin -Ldlreos upon. "Al"', elly of fir I st _,ublicntion of sniri rlotlrcl- The rOreguing renolutiGn i,; hereby 6doptnd this t1sy of Fuln 1913. Attest. City Morlk, STAT P OF MONTANA ( County of' qthf-id: ) IS City of Ksxllspell. I, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Xqlispell, Yont"'ayin" 40 kloreby oetify! thnt T �wv�04 tho foro- going Resolution to be peinted and posted for a period of five days as required in (bell Brice No. 174 cared that slid Resolution -rPmqine,d posted for a period of five 1,ays; tAnd that there heave been no ohq-nges or ~11te'r'ations therein :since the pasv,ige and npproval thereof 'by the City Council nor, in the recording thereof. Recorded herein --ind this certificate made this 12th day of September, 1S,113. City Clerk,