Resolution 521 - Result of Canvas of Votes - ContractM- IMS,01,13TIO!, 110, 521 A RRSOLUTIDII TtI-fi 01F T° CAIWA IQ, 01 VC)Ti-lcl CAST UPWT THN 140FOATIM OF %M3VAN M? ",,',OT 7111�, C�'fTY 01' EAL'IsRIQT, SHMI MTRI HITO A COIMIACT FM A MUM OW AVE YEARP! WITH TM, MITIM! MUM ;'I'M C01,1Pj'C;Y MIMEIN SILO MY of OBLIGATES IT1S!P]-,F TO PURCKAS: 2 -�ROU T11E IdORTIINTIN IDMID AID PUTM CMWW:,Y ALL ?,IAKCTRIC P0'X,,,i' pol THE P31',''PIEO 0' 11,'TO T11 AT PUCE 0111 010�1' CF'i!lr il°112 K 112 0WA "I'll HOUR IN IM"C"")MUILIC1.211 T21,117, TIi2 'njN CITY 01<' 1'rA1ISP711-1, MM WD MUM, IDAIECI AN'T) COIIJ3tidy ON AUGUIST 20th, J.91,5. Whereus MW City Council bein(,- in this 2th lay of Wptmler, being" the first L"'Dnday f:after the special ole"ion held on the 26tr, ity of `cple�,,iber, nftsr a ablic canv"Ss Of the votes cast -t F�uclh clecti.on: Be it resolved by the City council of the City of 1..jjspell: Section 3. That it is heraby , Iecll - rea 1,,y tho City Coanoil treat Lhe T'ucul� of tY�e cjj"rusn of Vote c Upon 'he* proposition Of Whet1ler 01' 'lot tile Cityx of Kalispell 8101 1 Wtor into o contrnct for 9 P YM of five years with the Jdj-kj':o Y,i.Ijd Puv,-�>r Cornpany wherein said City of Kalispell obliq7tes itpplf to purchque from said .tor kern Mho )nd ',.:ont�inn Por,--n- Compqnnil electric power necessary.for the of i It ,61w r o '1 e a t E,r systeir,,1 In E.alispell, vonLana, it the tgr-.,ed 01' le cent )cr I price 01 c 0, i ,�iiowa0. ho,.,ir, in RccOrdance wd 0, 0n; terms OF a contrfict hereto. - fore agreed upon bet, em, the City c)j,, p(jl fjrj=j sqi d Idoho and lontane Power Company un August 26th, °,t clecti,in 2�ejd on tdie 26th, dvy of Sep�er,,�bcr, in tj,�c, City of Knliepell, Votes if' f-9vOr Of Votes to contract, ... 3, Totsil VDto-9 ............. 503 and the f0regQing, Proposition to enter into sciid contract for pov,�er With the oftid Lorthern Idaho gnd L;onoma power t.'.1a Me specified, is hereby lecinrej to 1,,qvo, r,ev FM 1,71ssod bl t tE" City Council thll ?()tl: "Ifly 0]!., P-E'()vQ(i I-)-Y t1le thir, 2C)th df),:/ sepicrntor, mAyoll 71 Y- C i y C 1 or