Resolution 518 - SID 149in
RESOLUTION 110. 518.
.1 " 1 ' ' D
PRQVE'L,Ji',YTS WHICH ARR TO BF :`A!) U "�1202 A!,'D
�� -E, juiD T1110 APPROXIIIATY, CWT "I �
',1jiEt2T T117 C0-U.1%CjL !'V'1141, JJZAT� O23JEC,i'1j(1%11S TO ITS 1,11;AL AD01"'ION.,
Section I. That it is deemed j,iecessary to create and there is
hereby cre�._ted a special improvement district, the boundaries
of which are hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. That the nu,,ifber of Said special improvement district
is hereby designated as No. 149.
Section 3. That the boundaries of s,c,id special improvement district
are hereby declared to be as follows;
Beginning at a point where a line drawn through the
centre of Was.hington Street would intersect a line drawn through
the centre of First Avenue East; and from thence running in
a northerly direction thrs-,ugla the centre of First Avenue East to
a point where a line so drawn would intersect a line drawn through
the centre of !','evade Street; and from thencc, running in an easterly
direction through the dentre of 1,.'evada Street to a point w1here a
line so drawn would intersect a lire drawn through, the centre of
Second Avenue East; and from thence running in a southerly direc-
tion through the contre of Second Avenue East to -1-1 point where
a line so drawn would intersect a line drawn through the centre
of Washington Street; and from thence to the, place of beginning;
the property to be contained 177ithin said improvement district is
E'locks 233, 230, and 229 of the Original To%Trisite of the City of
Kalispell, Montana.
Section 4. That the calaracter of the improvements to be ,Ia,de in
said special improvement district is hereby declared to be as
The laying, of a ten inch (1011) sanitary Sewer in the
alley between First and Second Avenues East within said im-
provement district and extending from Washington Street to
-,evada Street.
Section 5. ",hat the approximate
)proximate cost of constructing Said improve-
ments io the sum of Eleven Hundred Fifty-four :and 2/100 Dollars
($1154.02) and the approximate cost of engineering, inspection
and all other expenses incurred in creating and completing s'�id
improvc,�Ient is the zurq of One Hundred Dollars
Section 6. That the entire cost and expense of said if.,iprovements
shall be paid by said special improvement district, each lot
or parc(---,l of land within said district to be assessed for that
part of the lahole coot whic'u it,- area nears to the area of the
entire district, exclusive of streets, alleys or public placeq_
Section 7. That said asseoorient shall be paid in throe annual
installments -and are hereby extended over a period of three
years; said assesamentz shall constitute a fund to be IMOWn
s "Special Improvement District Fund No. 149".
Section S. That, on the twenty-second day of Au,,Ust, 1913, at
eight o'clock P.M., in the Council Chw�i:�ers in the City
Hall, in Kalispell, 1.1,ontana, the City COUncil hear oo-
jections to the final and'. official adoption of this resolution,
at which time any person, Or persons, who are oi�mers, or agrtints
of owners, of any lot or parcel of land within said improve-
ment district, who, within fifteen days after the first pub-
lication of the notice of the passage of this r�-sulution and
intention, shall have delivered to the Clerk of the Cii y Council
Ga. protest in writing against the proposed work, Or against the
extent or oreotion of the district to be asse,-.,,sed, or both,
shall have the right to appear at said rrieetinge in person, or
by counsel, and show cause, if any there be, why the improve-
ment herein mentioned should not be made.
Section 9. That the following 2,OTJCF of the adoption of this
resolution shall be published in the Daily Inter Lake, a
newspaper published in the City of Kalispell, for a period
of five days, to-wit:-
110TICR 1S h17W,13Y GIVIII, THAT, on the, fourth day of
August, 1913, the City Council of the City of Kalispell,
Y5ontana., adopted a resolution to create a special improverient
district for I lie purpose of making the following improvements
ill said district, namely, -
The construction of a ten inch (1011) sanitary sewer
in the alley between first Avenue Fast and Second - Avenue East
from WashinSton Street to Nevada Street and effecting Flocks
23:5,230 and 229 of the Original Townsite of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, the estimated cost of which improvements
is t1le:,sum of Twelve Hundred Yifty-foui, and 2/100 Dollars
($1,254.02) which cost, is to be assessed as a special assess-
ment against the property embraced in the said district;-,
that said resolution of intention is Eo. 518 and is on file
in the office of the City Clerk, to which resolution for a
c'escription of the boundaries of said district reference is
hereby made; that the City Council of the City of Kalispell
Montana, will be in sesoion on the twenty-second day of
August, 1.92.3, at eight o'clock P.Y., at the Council Chambers
in the City Hall, in Kalispell, Montana, at 'which tire; and
placc, the said Coundil will hear objections to the final and
official adoption of said resolution, at which time, any
person, or perr�ons, ,,�r'ho are owners, or agents of omers, of
aV lot or parcel of land within said proposed improvement
district, who shall, within fifteen days after the first
publication of this notice, have delivered to the Clerk of the
City Council a protest in writing against the proposed works
or ag.,,iinst the extension or creation of said improvement
district, or icoth, shall have the right to appear tit said
meeting in person,or by counsel, and show cause, if any there
be, why the Improvement proposed to be made should not be made,,
or why such improvement c.Astrict should not be created.
By order of the Ci, ouncil of the City of Kalispell.
Ci 7ty rk o the City of Kalig)cll.
The Cleric of siid City of Kalispell is hereby directdd
to mail a cofjy of the foregoing notice to every person, firm
or corporation, or the agent of such person, firm or corporation
having property vithin the proposed district at his last known
address upon the day of the first publicaidon of said notice.
The foregoinF resolution is hereby adopted this fourth
day of August, 1913.
City Cleric.