Resolution 520A - SID 150449
11 T, S 0 T, TJ T 1 0 11 5 20 A.
T 7`,,`,1G`ATIYG 717" TqJ',M7R O�Y
)1S,TR1C'.7 DTISCTUF�I`G ,--0TJ1,F)A1R1
21TA"F, T`,STI-
0,-, 171-17 I-P€�C�v qYT�33 1FjI!-T ATV", TO P,7� `W.Y� A') THT AYP RGX-
0 T 1 P, C 0,E5, 7 -17 ' i7 COUN-Il, ',TA
CIT COIPM-IT, 01,� TPI CITY 0.7' KAL:r,-'J17�mL,
Section 1. That it is deemed neceFsary to create and
there is hereby crelated, a special im-pro-vernent, di,--,tri(,'t, the
boundaries of ,,, are hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. That the number of sujJ Special iriprovn,ment
strict is hGreby deei p-nated asNi -o . 15C Section 5, That t'-.te bounda,rie.s of said Special Improve-
,rx,,nt District are hereby declared to be as follows„
Eeginnin, at the point of intersection of a line drawn nru
the center of the alloy bet-A-een First Avenue Bast a,nd Second Avenue
"ast nith t!-ie north side of the (Ireat Northern Rtitilway Company
rig,1it-of-way$ thence proceeding in a northerly direction alonC the
center line of said alley to ,.t point where line so drawn will
intersect the cente-r of `,Vashingtor, Street; thence running in an
easterly direction along said. center line of Washington Street to
-a point where a line so drawn wilt interse.ct, a line drown thru the
center of the alley between Second Avenue and Third Avenue last
and from thence running in as southerly direction thrii tile. center
of said alley to the north line of the right-of-way of the (great
Nurthern R�adlvmy Company and from thence to the place of heginning
S S That the character of i,mprovP,.,,,erjt�,, to 1�,e ,n, dfa
eI c—ion 4. -1 a
in ^-.-,id, Special Improvement District are hereby deol,,,,red to J)o as
The gr,-ading of Second Avenue -Past within the limits of S,id
district to a oub-grade for a. rnacadamiized street and rerooval of
clay :and substitution of Ilaclk dirt upon the. -nark strips.
Section 5. -?Mt the aarProxi.mate cost of construction of
s&,id improvezrents is 14inc, Hundred Dollard and the
imate cost, of en-ineerinl,,, inspection mid all other expenses in-
curred in the c-r,,eating and completing, said imp:)-.•ove.,:ierit is one
Hundred Dollars (41mm").
Section 5, That the entire cost and expense of said im-
provementf3 shali �e paid for by said Improvement District and each
lot or. T)arcel of land witnin said District is to be, assessed for
that part of' the whole cost which its area 1:,ears to the area of the
entire district, cxclu,,,ive of street-s,, cJlOys and public places.
Section 7, That said asses,,�,,ment shal.1 Le Y,)aid for in five
annual inbtallimcrits and are hereby extended over a T)eriod of five
years. Said W39F'82,MentS shall constitute ra fund to be knoam aE,
Special 1Ynprov(1,,.,,ent District Fund ,To, 15C .
Section 8. That on the 17th day of SePte711,(r, 1913, at
eiix,lrit o'clock P. i in the Council Chafntero in the, City Hall in
K ali spel-I , Mlontam-t, tJ, e City Council will, hear OL)jections, to the
off'joiet-L and final adoption of this resolution. At which timne
and place any raerson or peroons who are ownerr or arents of own-
ers of n,ny 'Lot or Parcel of land within said Improvement District,
vilqo .,ithin fifteen days after th(, firzit publication of the notice
of the T,)mmage of this resolution and intention, sl,,all have de-
livered to the Clerk of the City Council, a -Prote,,t in 1-,,riting
,,T-ainst tile C,,XtQnt or crp�,.tion of the district to assessed
or Tooth, sPl,all have the right to aPPealr at said meeting, in T,.,er,;Qn
or ly counsel, and shoe• caijse, if nny there be, why the inprove-
mont herein mentioned should not be rrjde,
section 9. That the lollo7,dng notice of adoption of
txlis resolution to pu3.lished in the Daily Inter Lake, a
newsjxaper put-liohed in the City of Kalispell, for a period of
five days, to-ti,.rit:
NOTICE IS GIV�F,11: That on the 2nd day of SepterJ)er,
1913, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 1,11ontana, adopt-
ed a certain resolution of irtention to create a Special Im-
provement District for the purpose of making the following im-
provements in said district, nauiely. the grading of Second
Avenue Past between the Great Northern Railway Company right-
of-way and center of Vi'ashington Street to approximately the
s,.abgrade of a macadamized street and the rerioval of clay and
substitution of bL',ick dirt upon the park strips, the estimated
C oe, 4,
of which is the sum of one Thous�,nd Dollars ($1000.0c),
which cost is to he assessed as a special asseesment against
the property emtraced in said district and described as, follows,
fast half' of Blocks 4, 17 and 24 and lle,t half of Tlocks
3, lF and 23.
That t the resolution of intention is No. 920 A and is on
file in the office of t1he City Clerk, to which resolution for
further description, reforence is hereby made,
That the City Council of the City of Kalispell will be in
session on the 17th day of Septerr,ber, 1913, at eight o'clock
1'. Y. in the Council. Chambers in the City Hall in Kalispell,
'Ontana, at time and place the said Council will hear
objectiono to the final adoption of said resolution, At which
time any person or -persons vino are o,,--,,ners or 1,getjte of owners
of any lot or parcel of LLnd within said proposed improvement
district, who shall within fifteen (15) days after the first
publication of tkiis, notice have delivered to the Clerk of the
City Council a protest in viriting against the proposed work or
against the extent or creation of said proposed improrPment
district or hoLh, shall have the right to appear at said meeting
in person or by counsel and show cause, if any there bp, why
the improvement proposed to 1;e riade should not 11-e made, or why
such improvement district should not be created.
13y order of the City Council of said City of Kalispell.
C. J. TECAllister, City Clerk of
the City of Kalispell.
The Clerk of the City of Kalispell is hereby directed to
mail. a copy of the foregoing notice to every person, firm or
corporation or the agent of such -person, firm or corporation
having -property -Y.,ithin the pro -posed. district at his last known
addrf,ee upon the day of the first publication of said notice.
The fo".goin�-, resolution is hereby adopted this 2,nd day
of September, 1,913.
ATT!�S T :
City Clerk,