Resolution 517 - SID 148m
RE,',',0LUTI0N 1,70, 517.
COST ."d�TU',OF AMD 7'193 TLEM ',MEIT `MP COM104111 Y711,L ITMP OJ-0 CTIQNr,':'
SE,ction 1. That it is dee:_,ed necessary to create and there is
hereby created a special improvement district, the boundaries
of which are hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. That the nuniber of said special improvement district
is hereby designated as No. 148.
Section 3. That the boundaries of s,� special iraprovem-rit
distft,ot are hereby declared to be as follows:
Eeginning at, a point where a line drawn throu� h the
centre of hohtana Street would intersect a line drawn
through !,he centre of Second Avenue East; thence, runninry, in
a northerly direction through the centre of said Second
Avenue East to a point w'acre a line so drawn would intersect
a line drawn throuc
gh the centre of Washington Street; and
thence running, in aneasterly direction through the centre of
Vlashin.,7,ton Street to a point where a line so drawn would in-
tersect a line drRwr, throu,7,h the centre of Third Avenue, East;;
and from thencc, runnin- in a southerly air ction through the
centre of Third Avenue East to a point where, a line so drawn
wo,uld intersect a line drawn through the centre of Yontana
Street; and from thence to the plaoe; of be inning; the
property to be included in said special improvement district
is Blocks Three (3) and Righteen (18) of the Original '1' own -
site of the City of Kalispell, LIont-ana.
Section 4. That the character of improvements to be made in
said special improvement district are hereby declared to be, as
The laying, of a twelve inch (12") sanitary sewer in
tIv, alley between Second Avenue Rost and Third Avenue Fast
rom Montana Street to Wn.shington Street.
Section 5. That the =,)roximate> cost of construction said
improvement is the sum of Nine Hundred Seventy-one and
75/100 Dollars ($971.75) and the approximate cost of en-
ginecringr, inspection and all other expenses incurred in
creatinand completing said improvement is the sum of rift -
five Dollars ($55.00).
Section 6. That the entire cost and expense of said improve-
ments shall be p,,Ad by s,-J& special impro-,,�emcnt diotirot and
each lot o-- parcel of land .;iithin said district is to be
assessed for that part of the whole: cost which its area
bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets
allrs and public places.
Section 7. That said assessment shall be paid for in three
anlnla,al installments and ar here(�y extended over a period of
three yearK;; said assessment shall constitute a fund to I.Ie
known as "Spoial improvement Diottict Fund No. 148".
Section 8a s'actt 3r# tllqc tilventy-ne con day of Au list, 1913, at
e ght c1clock P.11", at the Council Chf _',mbere, in the City Hall,
ill Kalispell, 11,ontana, t1le City council will aear objrctic:ns
to the final, and official adoption of this resolution, at
which time any person, or persons, who are owners, or agents
of owners, of any lot or parcel of land within said improve-
ment district, who, within fifteen days after the first
publication of the notice of the passage of this resolution
and intention, shall have delivered to the Clerk of the City
Council a protest in writing againbt the proposed vrork, or
against the extent or creation of the district to be assessed,
or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting in
person, or by counsel, and show cause, if any there be, why
the improvement herein mentioned should riot be made.
Section 9 That the following NOTICE of the adoption of this
resolution shall be published in the Daily Inter Lake, a
newspaper published in the 'City of Kalispell, for a period
of five days, to -wit:
-10TICIP, IS 11EREDY GIVE!,!, that, on the 'Mli°*-fourth
d�Vof August, 1913, the City Council of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, adopted a certain resolution of inten-
tion on to create a s.)ocial improvement district for the
Purpose of making the followlng improvements in said dis-
trict, namely, -
The construction of a twelve inch (1211) sanitary
sewer in the alley between Second and Third Avenues East
from Montana Street to Washington Street, and the property
to be effected thereby is Blocks Three (3) and Eighteen (18)
of the Original Toimsite of -the City of Kaliq)ell, 1a11ontana;,
the estimated cost of which said improvement is the sum of
Ten Hundred Twenty-six and 75/100 Dollars ($1,026.75),which
coot is to be asseased as a special assessment against the
property embraced in said district; that said resolution
of' intention is No. 517, and is bn file in the Office of the
Clerk of the City of Kalispell, to which resolution for a
more particular description reference is hereby made; that
the City Council of Kalispell, Yontana, will be in session
on the twenty-second day of August, 1913, at eight o'clock
P.11., in the Council Chaiyibers, in the City Hall, in Kalispbll,
Montana, at diich time and place the said Council will hear
objections to the final and official adoption of this reso-
lution, at which time any person, or persons, who are ovners,
or agents of owners, of any lot or parcel of land wit'_,Un said
proposed improvement district, who shall, within fifteen
days after the first publication. of this notice, nave deli-
vered to the Clerk of the City Council a protest in writing
against the extent or creation of said proposed improvement
district, or both, shall have the right to appear at said meet
in; in person, or by counsel, and show cause, if any there
'be, why the imppovement proposed to be made should not be
made, or VAY such improvement district should not be created.,