Resolution 516 - SID 147nm RESOLUTIONT NO. 516- A ;JjOOIQT= Usyllatine the NuMer of a Special irqirovement WHOM scriling the 601111dalrj,eo +—hereo-f,pt,,tin.� the cl.axaoter of tile im provements which are im be made and the approxiimte cost t1aereaf 'and the tin"P v--,.en t-ie Council -aill near objections to its final aaoption :I�qR I'^ 0RDAJ--,-Y,D BIY TITI' CITY COUIXIJ, OF TIIIW CI?Y 02 IONTAPA: Section!. That it is demmd mcessary to create, and there is create'd a improvenent district, the boundnries of' �,raich are Iri.ereinafter set forth. Rection 2, That the riuitiier of said 9.,1ecial iknroveinent distrit io3 here ay deoir�Snated as Section 3. That Wie boundariee, of .aid special improverient district are hereby declared to be as follows' poinA -1-'mere a line Arm= thmugh the centpr V Wo'himotoe Street, inter,,ieot the centre line of Street and from th.cnce runninr, in -� soothri,j_,.T direction the nentre A' Wn Street to a point where a, line so dravin wo*,lId internect t-,.e, centre line of Trcantra.zna, Stroe t.; . and f'ron tI-ienc o in an easte,-,Ll.,, direction throuji Um centre of Non"m Street ta a where a line so dra%xn %,,oii1d intersect �:'.ne (entro AM -le of virs,'r, sore nu Eazt; and ('rorm, t.aence in a orlherly direction thu,�% i ro-., , ,, _� tine c ent re of First Avenue East to a point Whorc, Y, lih-ie so would inters,oct the centre of a linc-, d�rx�vn t'nrow^lh. hii-,- Street; vuN frona thence to of the p r,�,) -- z It perty to lb�-- contaiaed in -,id cpecial imqprove.,-�ie district is nlooks Vive (5) tmi Six V6) of the Ori,,Lincl To,vmsit(, of the, Cit-; of Kali �;,jwll. Section 4. That the character of improvemc.,nts to bc in I) ,,, t i d sjpeciai iiiiproveynont district is 11cre y doclaxed to Ue ao follo-ms: `Nnef coel�tl-,Actiori of, a inch (1211) -s,,,tnitaxy myer in the mlle,, btT--tIImerI Llhin anJ, Yj.rst Avenile East 15thim Me bo'undaries, the 5;pecial district rhaim descriond. Sew ion 5. Umt the ayproximate coot of construcAmg Cie Said i rovmwnt is the OW)i -,)f 11AY10 llundrkLl' 3eve^Tlty <%nd 8751/1100 Dollars (1970.83) nrid tlie ipproxim,4to. cost of enyineerin, inopection and, all other expenoer, inctzrred in creating nnd improvement is t1"e �Itzm, oic Section 0. That tho entirp most and expen.,-,e-, of s""id be caic by the mc]a lot or parcel of land MUM Wd disHict to ue ,m,ressed cov l'Int part of ti-Ir -,,v:.,ol,47oor't --'viilc'n it, are;-,, to tI-x axea of inn addre OWN, emlusimc of alleys and, public places. Secton n That said assessmon', shall be, for in instniliumts and sir' herehy cxtw.nded r prriod of Imee years; said assessment shall consti- "te o fum! W be lumma as "Special RVrovement Wriri= o! ',ne t-!enty-oecoml &W of Aujus" 1913, at i1c'Lock , in tile 11; ��i--y 0 of Kaliopell, Montana, the City Council will. hear objections to the final and official adoption of this resolution, at w?iic�i time any person, or persons, who are owners, or agents of oviners, of any lot or parcel of land within said improve- ment district, who, within fifteen days rafter the first publication of theriotice of the passage of this resolution and intention, shall have delivered to the Clerk of the City of Kalispell a protest in writing again9t. the Proposed work, or against the extent or creation of the district to be assessed, or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting in person, or by counsel, ad show cause, if any there be, why the improvement herein mentioned, should not be made. Section 9. That the following n6tice of adoption of this resolution shall be published in the Daily Inter Lake, a nev,rspaper published in the City of Kalispell, for a period of five days, to -wit: ITOTIC__F� IS EFREhY GIV'T?,!L-.-, that, on the tM*Uft-fourth day of August, 1913, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, hLontana, adopted a certain ertain resdutdon of intention Ito create q a special improvement district for the purpose of making the following improvements in said district, namely: The construction of a twelve inch (1211) sanitary se-,�mr in the alley between U.-Idn Street and First Avenue Bast, running from Washington to Montana Stteets and effecting Blocks Five(5) and Sixteen (16) of the Original Townsite of the City of Kalispell. The estimated cost of said improvement is the sum of Ten Hundred Twenty-five and 83/100 Dollars (�1,025.83), which cost is to be assessed as a special assessment against the property embraced in said district; that said resolution of intention is 140. 516 and is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, to which resolution for a more particular description, reference is hereby made; that' the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, will be in session on the twenty-second day of Au,7,ust, 1913, at eight O'clock P.M., at which time and place the said Council will hear objections to the final and official adoption of this resolution, at which time any person, or persons, who are owners, ox agents of owners, of any lot or p�Mrcel of land within said proposed improvement district, who shall, within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice, have delivered to the Clerk of the City Council a protest in writing against the proposed work, or against the extent or creation of said improvement district, or both, sYmll, have the right to appear at said meeting in person, or by counsel, and ohow cause, if any there be, why the improvement proposed to -be made sho-ald not be made, or why such improvement die-